Tournament Calendar

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by tahoewolf, Nov 14, 2003.

  1. tahoewolf

    tahoewolf New Member

    I think that a very helpful part of this site would be a detailed calendar of major tournaments similar to the format currently provided by BJ Confidential. It's the first place I look to make my advance travel plans. It's nice know when several casinos plan their tournaments in sequence. Several years ago, I was able to do Stardust/Riviera/Frontier and Edgewood in a one week trip.
  2. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    I agree. That is the single most important resource this community needs. I'm working hard on the idea, and I think everyone will be pleased with the result. My goal is to present the schedule in a searchable calendar, where you can visually see the upcoming events, filtered by geographical location, entry fees, prize pool size, etc. It's an ambitious project, but it's definitely the solution this problem deserves.

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