Tournaments available 24/7!

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by KenSmith, Apr 21, 2005.

  1. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    In case you missed JoeP's announcement, Global Player just started their Sit & Go Blackjack Tournaments today. What's that mean? It means you can play a 5-player single table blackjack tournament whenever you want. For a $15 entry fee, you'll be seated at a table which will begin a 20-hand tournament once five players are present. (As I understand it, if noone shows up, the table will be cancelled after 20 minutes.) At the moment, they're running pretty much non-stop, and hopefully that will continue.

    The current format has a $15 entry fee and pays $50 first place, $25 second place and a $20 bonus to third place. (Notice that's all $75 in cash entry fees returned PLUS a $20 bonus.) You've got a 3 out of 5 shot at making money every time you enter.

    Tell your friends! This is a big development. If any of you have ever checked out the many ongoing Texas Hold'em tournaments at Party Poker, you know it's amazing that you can sit down at any time and be playing moments later. The same thing can happen with blackjack. Spread the word.

    Head to Global Player.
  2. Sidekick

    Sidekick New Member

    Great News!

    Anyone available for this Friday night at around 9pm PST?

  3. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    After WSOB II

    I'll be there after the show.
  4. ptaylorcpa

    ptaylorcpa Member

    Group play

    Things were very busy with sit and go yesterday and last night. This morning things were dead at 7:30 am central time. No one else showed up to play while I waited to try to get a game in before work.

    One suggestion Michelle from Global Player made was to drum up group play. Try getting several people to meet at a set time and it is likely you can play together or at least fill up a table so you don't have to wait around.

    Couple of items to note, they have added a link to look at other tables playing, but right now it is only on your table. I think they are working to add that to the web page. Also right now if you wait 20 minutes and can't play, it doesn't give you any message. If you exit out, then it gives you a message that your entry fee has been refunded.

    Global is doing a great job in getting sit and go running. Hopefully they will get a lot of action and support from us. I am sure this weekend will be better as far as activity. Game Master is this weekend, so I am sure there will be plenty of people in and out, so give sit and go a try too!
  5. casino_jim

    casino_jim Member

    wish list

    The tournaments are really nice. It is very similar to a poker sit n' go, except for a few things:

    1- I wonder if Global can give us a way to know how many are at the table prior to our joining.

    2- I can't think of any reason to make you wait 20 minutes to get a refund if noone is there. (oh, maybe they want you to play on the site while you wait?)

    Anyway, I love the idea of a sit n' go tourney, and just like the Wednesday Tourney, i'm sure ways to improve this platform will come in time.
  6. ptaylorcpa

    ptaylorcpa Member

    Suggestions to GP

    I think GP welcomes all suggestions about how to improve things for sit and go. If you have a suggestion post it on their email link or suggest it in chat. They seem very adaptable and mentioned they are working on several suggestions already. One I noted that they have already incorporated since this morning is a link to visit a game without having to sit at a table first. When I tried it though I got an error message saying nothing was available at the moment, which leads me to believe there wasn't a game in progress. I know yesterday afternoon they had several tables going simultaneously. It will be nice once things start rolling to be able to actually play 24/7. I think they are working on a leaderboard or something so you can see what is currently going on and who is playing, but it would be good to suggest it again. I think the more they get of the same type of suggestion, the more likely they are to try to incorporate that change. You don't have to play while you wait, there is always someone in the chat lobby from GP who you can talk to about suggestions. Of course you can play and try to win a few more entry fees while you wait.


  7. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    1st day was fun

    The first day of the sit & goes was fun, but they need some kind of sign in for the tables so you will know how many are there and if anyone is waiting to play.

    Having to wait was the only bad part of the tournaments. Other than that they were a blast.

    I also think having an option on the amount would be a good selling point. I could see some players throwing as much as $100 entry in the pot.

    For the new players this is an excellent training tool. $15 is a very cheap way to learn from your mistakes, it beats the hell out of $300 - $1,000 land based tournament entries for learning.
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2005

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