tourney advice

Discussion in 'Tournament Blackjack Players Association' started by lkirsch1, Aug 19, 2007.

  1. lkirsch1

    lkirsch1 New Member

    Have the distinction of winning a seat in a $35k first prize tourney next week. Need all the help I can get. best advice please . I believe it will take three or four tiers ( tables of six last man standing to win. ) I would classify myself as a Good fundamental player . Can keep track of Bankrolls and cards. Thanks in advance for any tips.
  2. noman

    noman Top Member


    Given what you said in post and assuming your entry is say under 30 live appearances, the best that can be offered is KISS! Keep it Simple SAM!

    Approach it like a final exam. You know it or you don't. Play your game to your strengths, without over analyzing everything. There is a lot going on in a live tourney and one can get overwhelmed, anxious and freeze up if one lets the event and pressure get to one. Play your game, relaxed and then afterwards factor in what you consider mistakes or excellent moves and try to discuss it with one or two others afterwards.

    Oh and while it may be work. There are such things as FUN work. Make it fun.
  3. lkirsch1

    lkirsch1 New Member

  4. lkirsch1

    lkirsch1 New Member

    thanks good suggestions
  5. marichal

    marichal Member


    first off, congrats. my partner and myself, probalbly play more live tourneys in a week that most play in six months (in fact, off to two shortly). noman gave you excellent advise. bjt is an exciting hobby, or in our case, profession. but on the other hand, it is as frustrating as anything. with, there being so many factors involing in the game. my best advise is to understand that you will fail up to 80 % of the time in reaching a final table, in the long run. then, during the 20% of the time you are at a final table, you are not guaranteed first place (i have made four final tables the last five days, with the best showing being a second. this is hard on the overall bankroll and ego). this is what i struggle with the most. for myself, it is hard fact to fail at this huge rate. so, i talk with others and try and get my mind straight before each tourney. this site will be one of your best tools for education.

    so, if you are doing this once or twice, please, have fun. it is always great to have new players aboard and discuss their situations. best of luck to you!!!!
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2007
  6. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member


    Tell us more about this tournament. Location, rules you can remember, etc..

    If they are going to hold more tournaments, a post to the CALENDER will help everyone understand more and possibly boost attendance. Greater attendance translates to a greater possibility that they will have more tournaments in the future. :)
  7. lkirsch1

    lkirsch1 New Member


    Mohegan sun. Summer sizzler. Rules and details posted on their website
  8. Jackaroo

    Jackaroo New Member

    One more chance to get in

    Toolman, this is the grand finale of the summer promotion I posted about in this thread. There will be one more qualifying tournament this coming Thursday, Aug 23.

    In reviewing the event calendar I see that the tournament director has updated the format for the weekly qualifiers to 3 rounds and 216 entries (from 4 rounds and 288 entries) to be more in keeping with the actual attendance in the first 4 weekly qualifiers (see my post, #6 in the above thread).

    The final tournament on Aug 30 has the original format as described in the event calendar.

    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 5, 2013
  9. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Thanks for the info Jackaroo. I asked because I thought it would be something I could work into my schedule, but I can't. Maybe another time.

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