tracking money live games

Discussion in 'Blackjack Tournament Strategy' started by eliburk, Apr 25, 2007.

  1. eliburk

    eliburk New Member

    when i go to play live tourney is it ok to write down how much money people have and bet - and even if it is legal is it "appropriate"?
  2. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    If you are at the table playing, I know of no casino that will allow that. If yours will, then go ahead and do it. It would not be against the rules so it is "appropriate" if permitted.

    If you are not playing and merely observing then there should be no problem.
  3. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    I will share this story with you. I write a monthly column for and occasionally if my columns are not about tournament strategy I will report on blackjack conditions here in Las Vegas at specific casinos.You can look up this article in the BJInsiders archives and read about my adventure in detail it was insane what they tried to do to me. But while recording conditions at the Hard Rock Casino I was approached by a security guard who demanded that I show them my notes and tell them what I was doing. Since I knew I did not have to show them my notes or tell them what I was doing I refused.The end result was they I was asked to leave which I did but once outside I was surrounded by 6 security guards 3 on bikes that were called to disarm the man with a pad and pencil :laugh: .

    The casinos really do not like anyone taken any written notes on the casino floor especially if you are observing their games and reporting them to other advantage players.

    They are a paranoid bunch to begin with but pull out paper and pen and the Casino Taliban :joker: are called into action.

  4. eliburk

    eliburk New Member


    I think I will learn to keep track in my head :)
  5. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    In the accumulation format games I've played, I and others have taken notes on the players' scores while watching the tables as a non-player with no problem. This was at non-Las Vegas casinos. So I guess where you do it makes a difference. If you start to sense heat from this then stopping would be the prudent thing to to.
  6. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    You are a...

    Guest in the casino. When you step foot or tire on a casino property you are a guest and when you are a guest you follow the rules of the owner. The best thing to do is ask the shift manager or casino exec. You never know, they might say yes you can take notes at a tourney table! :joker:
  7. masteff

    masteff New Member

    Like toolman, I take notes, even ask the pit to read me the top scores so I can get them right. But like toolman, I'm non-vegas.

    I'd just say to be discreet about it. I'd rather scribble a quick note and be able to expand it later than hope my memory can keep all the numbers from jumbling together.
  8. noman

    noman Top Member

    Barney's "Guest"

    To say one is a "guest" of a casino is akin to buying into "It's Entertainment!"

    One can be a guest in a house or a castle. Each comes with its own implied rules.

    Casino's go out of their way to post their "visiting" rules, even though most visitors, would believe they are "customers" and not "guests," unless one was invited to stay in the "King's Suite." And that would entail some implied rules.

    The casinos have posted rules for where "minors" may walk, or wander and not walk, or wander. The casinos post "no cameras or video equipment" and vehemently enforce a no cell phone rule in the sports book or at any gaming table. With such prominent rule postings, one would be lead to believe, that whatever is not strictly and obviously stated as prohibited, would be allowed.

    Along that line, it is usually stated in Black Jack Tournament Rules that writing and recording implements are prohibited at the table.

    Yet, nearly all will allow a player to sit with a strategy card at a BJ table, or a strategy card at a dice table and could not care less if one sits at video poker or a slot machine with anything other than a mechanical cheating device. And did you ever watch the paper and lead fly at a baccart table?

    JOEP's situation demonstrates unbridled paranoia. One could be a reporter, a secret shopper, or an agent for a competitor, as well as a suspected cheat.

    But as a "Customer" doing comparative shopping, the high handedness does a disservice to the term "Customer." Even stores in shopping malls give the potential theif the benefit of the doubt, until the actual theft and departure from the store.

    When in doubt, Just Do It, until advised not to upon penalty of expulsion, if indeed you really want to stay at a place that would rather harrass you than accomodate you.
  9. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    guest = patron = customer

    Nomans gives the advice to "Just Do It, until advised not to upon penalty of expulsion" Which is to say you could grab the cocktail waitress hine hine and see what happens. :laugh:

    Interesting you mention a BS strat card at the table
    Yet, nearly all will allow a player to sit with a strategy card at a BJ table, or a strategy card at a dice table and could not care less if one sits at video poker or a slot machine with anything other than a mechanical cheating device. And did you ever watch the paper and lead fly at a baccart table?>>

    I was playing table BJ and was reading my tourney rules when the dealer finally said I needed to put the rules away. I jokingly said I need a cheat sheet to play BJ. The floor person heard this and walked to her station and picked up a BS card and gave it to me. She said this is a complimentary cheat sheet. Isnt it amazing how the casino urges patrons to use BS and allows it at the table! :D
  10. eliburk

    eliburk New Member

    I really appreciate getting all the different viewpoints! You all sure have been around :laugh: :laugh:

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