Tuesday BJ Tourneys at Pearl River (MS)

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by blkjkplyr, Sep 26, 2006.

  1. blkjkplyr

    blkjkplyr New Member

    Hello, All,

    Anyone played in the Tuesday BJ tourney at Pearl River Resort in Mississippi lately? I've never played there. Thinking about going in the near future.

    Is it well run? Thought I had heard that there is a tendency to cancel it at the last minute.

    Anyone know the format (number of decks, accumulation vs. elimination, number of starting chips, etc.)?

    Any information greatly appreciated.


  2. Moses

    Moses Active Member

    Today is the final week

    Today is the last of the Tuesday weekly tournaments.

    It is three rounds of six deck elimination format -- twenty hands per round. One player advances from each table.

    $500 bankroll with $5 to $200 betting limits.
  3. Well crap!. I wish I had read this yesterday. I would have gone up there tonight if I knew it was the last one. The last one I played was about a month ago and I commented then that they had a lot less entries than they did during the summer. I guess it dwindled even further if they are doing away with it.
  4. I was up there Thursday night and the people running the dice tournament said that the blackjack tournament was still going. I can only assume they knew what they were talking about even though the BJ tournament is played across the street at the Golden Moon.
  5. squaredancer

    squaredancer New Member

    pearl river

    i played these before. they are fun and have limit on number of players per round. lot of fun . go to www.pearlriverresort.com for ther site and info:)
  6. Moses

    Moses Active Member

    Two more weeks

    The Tuesday night tournament will run two more weeks and then break until the second Tuesday of January. The WSOB qualifiers will run on Thursday eveinings starting 23 November and running for six weeks.

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