Tuesday mid day game at blackjack21.com

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by Barney Stone, Aug 15, 2006.

  1. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    $11 buy in. Hope we can get some players today as only 3, including me, have signed up so far.

  2. Reachy

    Reachy New Member


    What does that translate to at Greenwich? Mean Time that is.


  3. bear

    bear New Member

    Tuesday Mid-day Madness!

    Today BlackJack 21 introduced its Mid-day Madness special for an $11 buy-in. There were 13 players, but unfortunately a couple were impacted by a technical issue which is being taken care of.

    The purpose of this post is to get some feedback from you or better yet an idea as to whether you'd like to see more day time tournaments, or tournaments in general.

    As always, your feedback both positive or negative is valuable for us to make a better game and tournament community for you.


  4. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    European/UK market

    We/I need MTT at anywhere between 8pm and 12pm GMT.


  5. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member


    The more multi-tables the better. Personally I like the Monday and Thursday arrangement. As one who lives in Florida I'm on EST so anytime from 6-11 pm EST works for me.

    I bet if you had an early Saturday and/or Sunday morning you'd get some interest. Lately it seems like all the TBJ players are away - probably beta testing some UBT software!

    You want lots of action? Do like Global - have buy-ins for the first round. How about wild cards too? Finally try THIS on for size.

    The last 2 weeks in August 10 buy in for multi-table. Winners qualify for a BJ21 tourney where the winner gets a seat in Aruba for UBT. Then have a UBT tourney with 100 buy-in for those who didn't qualify. If you guys put THAT one I KNOW you'd have some action. Just ask our British BJ player - right Reachy?
  6. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member


    I would simply test the markets during your high traffic hours. If you could keep the day time games at $11 I bet you would see player participation near 40 within weeks. That would set up a nice prize pool with little risk via the $11 buy in. Also, I would for sure test a weekend day or evening.

    I would like to see an upper payout event. Maybe a $50 to $100 buy in. Shane told me he was having a hard time setting up re buys, but it's important in the long run IMO. Rebuys are a good way to boost prize pool. Prize pool size is a big draw and a second chance is many times needed and I mean MANY TIMES.

    Just a couple thoughts. As Im sure you know I was one of those that couldnt log in today. Thats why I added the avatar you see now. I hope you give my $11 back! I finally logged in at 1120 pst right after my table was done. Too bad Pergo and company didnt go bust! Many times those offline players are hard to beat, but not today obviously! LOL

    Last edited: Aug 15, 2006
  7. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member


    And I thought you were just having a contest with Reachy to see who could churn the most avatars in a month! :joker:

    Hey Barney, how much would you pay for a shot at a UBT seat in Aruba? I'd be willing to pony up 100 for buy in wouldn't you?
  8. Reachy

    Reachy New Member


    Have you thought of doing a happy hour like Global do, with a $5 table and no vig? Or maybe offering a $5 table always? The happy hour is when global get most of their traffic.



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