Tulsa over all - grade B +

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by TXtourplayer, Oct 30, 2007.

  1. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Once again Tulsa was a blast, had I hit any of my key DD's it could have been alot more fun...LOL.

    I only heard a few negitives:

    (1) Cutting of the over all player of the week award from $5,000 to $500 in action chips and a jacket.

    (2) The $55 fee per satellite event they hosted. Actually they weren't satellites, but sit & goes since they awarded cash back.

    (3) The Bounty tournament is still taking to long.

    Now to be fair, the player of the week award of $5,000 was never promised for this past week, however it was expected by most of the players. And at least Steve annouced the prizes for player of the week before any of the events took place.

    The satellite (sit & go) events were high for the casino cut of $55 per table

    They offered the following 3 prices: all with 6 players and at 24 hands per event.

    1) $33 X 6 players = $198
    the payouts were:
    1st = $110
    2nd = $ 33
    House = $55

    2) $43 X 6 players = $258
    the payouts were:
    1st = $160
    2nd = $ 43
    House = $55

    3) $75 X 6 players = $450
    the payouts were:
    1st = $320
    2nd = $ 75
    House = $55

    And in the Bounty event the limits need to continue to be raised each round and not have a cap on them, also the higher value chips need to coming into play alot sooner as well.

    The nicest thing about the Tulsa events are is the staff goes out of their way to please most all the players and they really enjoys seeing most all the players.

    Rumors were flying around that new management was thinking of canceling the blackjack tournaments if this past week of events didn't pull in good enough numbers. I hope the numbers are there, I really enjoy the Tulsa events.
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2007
  2. The Landlord

    The Landlord New Member

    In actuality, I have paperwork that shows that the player of the week would receive $5000.00 cash. I was shocked when I found out that this was not the case. I guess that is why they throw in the disclaimer that the management reserves the right!!!!!!

    I don't really have a problem with the Bounty taken so long. Well, sometimes I am in a hurry to get to the bar, so I guess they could up the minimum bet which would make most people happier.

    Though I do not manage a casino, management needs to understand a few things from the point of the "customer". Oh, by the way, your "customers" are the people that come to your casino, bring their money and play your games. Any of your games! Be it blackjack, 3 card, slot machines and oh yea, even poker players whom you seem to cater to more than anyone else. If I am not mistaken, and maybe I am, but how much do the poker players pay in ante for every hand that they are dealt? Oh that's right, it is called a rake, not an ante. So how much does each poker player pay in ante to be dealt cards????????? Anyone???????

    I lost a total of about 14K dollars during the week of the tournament and I couldn't even get a comp towards the end of the week. How the hell does that happen? This is money that I would not have even played because I would not have been at the casino if it wasn't for the tournament.

    Why doesn't management, who seems to want to change everything that a customer likes, change the stuff that the customer does not like so that they may want to come back and spend their money.

    Even better yet, let's have a player that wins over a half a million dollars in a week and a half and start treating him like crap. Seems like a good idea doesn't it? That great new management seems to think so. This was the case of a good friend of mine so what did he do? He took their half a million and went across town to another casino to "give" it to them. Seems to me that Cherokee should have really been kissing butt to get their money back. But again, I don't work in a casino so I must be a f-ing idiot.

    Hey management, if you want me to spend my money at your casino on a regular basis, keep having tournaments. If you choose to discontinue the tournament, I will just plan to give it to Vegas while I am out there playing in tournaments.

    I wonder why Vegas casinos have so many tournaments? Surely not because it brings in people who like to play blackjack!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Let me say one more time that I do not work for the casino so therefore I am an idiot. Obviously!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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