Tulsa Tournaments to be sanctioned by the Tournament Blackjack Players Association

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by TXtourplayer, Apr 18, 2007.

  1. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Well the Tulsa Cherokee Tournaments have just agreed to following the main TBJPA guidelines to becoming sanctioned events by the TBJPA.

    1. Open to all players - Eric has been doing this!

    2. Maximum betting limits - I got Eric to put in a max. bet limit over a year ago.

    3. Advancing two players minimum from each table - again that was changed from only one advancing over a year ago.

    And #4. which just changed and will be used for all the coming events in May.

    4. Guaranteed re-buys for all the players, (not re-entries like in Feb.), but true half price re-buys.

    The TBJPA is proud to sanction the Tulsa Cherokee casino and thanks Eric Woods (Cherokee TD) for working the make their blackjack tournaments more successful and better run for all the players.

    Last edited: Apr 19, 2007
  2. noman

    noman Top Member


    I'm dense,(among other things), but my main man, TX, isn't this reverse SOMETHING! For lack of a cognizant term.

    I applaud the TBJPA and the opportunities there, but how does an association that hasn't yet played it's first event sanction one that has preceeded it. It just seems it should have been the other way around.

    But, if you mean those that play at Cherokee get TBJPA points, okay, I think.

    Just a question and no maliciousness intended.

    By the way, I suggest anyone looking for an all you can eat pancake breakfast for free, go for a cup of coffee with TX and another innocent member.
  3. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    TBJPA sanction

    Hi Noman,

    The sanction was awarded the Tulsa tournaments since Eric Woods has made the adjustments in their up coming tournaments for the players.

    The TBJPA isn't a tournament, it is an association that is trying to get host casinos to offer the best possible format and rules for their tournaments along with them being open to all players.

    The "Tournament Blackjack Tour" (TBT) is the tournaments that the TBJPA started up. I am trying to get the TBT up and running around the country.

    As in the case with Tulsa, a casino doesn't have to host a TBT event to be sanctioned as a TBJPA event, open follow the guidelines set by them for the benifit of the players.
  4. rookie789

    rookie789 Active Member

    Tulsa TBJPA ???

    A couple of questions: If a tournament(s) is only sanctioned by the TBJPA, is there a $40 association fee and $50 per event held out for the TBJPA finals?
  5. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member


    The only time there is a $40 due is if the TBJPA has scheduled the events. And funds will only be held out in the "Tournament Blackjack Tour" (TBT) events, where the funds will be used to fund the TBT championship event in May 2008 (location TBA).

    The propose behind the TBT events is to offer a mid-range entry fee tournaments to players around the country with a chance to play in a larger prize pool event at the end of the year for less then $1,000 entry fee.
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2007
  6. noman

    noman Top Member


    Whozaa Rookie! For asking for clarification. I understasnd your question. And I understand Big TX, answers and agenda. I'm all for TX's efforts. Bring one event to Mudville. But, as even FOLK,(sorry my term of endearment) said
    "Aristotle himself, could not.....yadda, yadda," What are the benefits to players that Tulsa,(as great as it will be) is sanctioned by the TBJBA,instead of the other way around?

    Do Laughlin registered players,(those who paid the fee), get POINTS/CREDITS?

    Do winners at Tulsa get TBJPA points, or future reduced fees?

    Maybe it's all in symantics. And, if it is, so be it. But, (oh vishnu!) what's in it for me, that TBJPA accredited Tulsa? Show me the money or the 4.99 buffett.
  7. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    TBJPA is for the players

    There are no fee's or hidden cost, it is just like a seal of approval from the good househeeping, except for tournament players.

    All I am trying to accomplish with the TBJPA is to get more and more casinos to follow the following format.

    If a tournament is sanctioned by the TBJPA it means:

    1. It is open to "ALL" players.

    2. That it is a conventional elimination format with no more then 6 players per table, and a minimum of two players advancing for each table through out the event.

    3. There will be a maximum betting limit with no hidden plays or bet's.

    4. All players will be guaranteed at least one re-buy in every tournament.

    From every tournament player I have ever asked, these seem to be the most important for them and I am trying to get the TBJPA format as the standard for blackjack tournaments.

    I do have a few others rules, but these are the main ones to get sanctioned by the TBJPA.
  8. noman

    noman Top Member


    Okay then. I finally get it. I particularly like the TBJPA rules. So, if a tournament, any tournament, plays according to those rules, it gets the TBJPA seal of approval. Sets a standard and if TBJPA's seal of approval is on the event, one must still read the printed rules, but, would know ahead of time, what, how the event will be conducted. O tay!

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