Tunica BJ Tournament Review

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by fgk42, Apr 24, 2007.

  1. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Tunica BJ Tournament Review

    After an exhausting weekend I’ve had some time to finally “catch up” on the BJ stuff. I wanted to start with a review of the tournament from my personal perspective. Why? All too often we hear about the bad and limited about the good. In addition what I may like, other people may not. So anyway, here goes:

    Horseshoe Tunica 250,000 BJT.

    The registration was on Friday from 5-9 pm. They had a sign and three people checking in the players. All you had to do was present your Harrah’s card and the whole process took less than 3 minutes. They very readily handed me the “detailed” rules – 6 pages – discussing the rules, players, etc… All very well done and professional.

    In addition the Tournament director was there to personally greet players (at least when I got there). In addition there were two ladies very familiar with registering patients. All the Horseshoe personnel were very friendly and hospitable. A+

    The day of the tournament my first round was at 12:00 and the second round at 5:00. I showed up at 11:58 and they were all waiting on ME! Wow! Talk about running a tight ship. I learned so that for the second round I was at the table by 4:50. All the dealers were nice and did a respectable job. In fact at the first round we waited until 12:02 to start because the dealer was going to go on break and they didn’t want to “burn” a card. Pretty prudent thinking. The tote board was put up and very visible for all to see before beginning their 2nd round.

    The semi-final rounds were to begin at 7:00 and sure enough they were very close to that. The 4 wild-card drawings were supposed to start at 6:45 but were delayed. The reason is that they announced the cut off at 20,950. The tournament director asked if anyone had thought their total was greater than the 20,950 (not 29,950). Three (3) people were disputing their totals and sure enough a mistake was found and one of those people knocked out “bubble boy”. At this point the top 45 players (based on chip accumulation from rounds 1 & 2) were seated. In fact they had been awarded their 500 prize (really cute Horseshoe bags (my wife made me put there in there)) when this discrepancy was discovered.

    What to do? The tournament director declared that “bubble boy” had to go as his score didn’t qualify him for the top 45. However, since they had announced him as a top 45 person they decided to let his keep the 500 semi-final prize money. I thought it was a great decision and my hats off to the tournament director – it was a fair and equitable solution.

    After the wild card drawings I, like many others, headed for the doors. In my case it was to take the Mrs. to Beale Street. The staff that worked the tournament was friendly, the director was fair and reasonable, and the organization was first rate. Overall this was a very well run and enjoyable tournament. I’d give it an A or 92 out of 100.
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2007
  2. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member


    It was nice to finally put some faces to some of the members here at BJT.com

    Nice to meet you all, good to see some friendly faces. I only wish I could have brought the camera for a group picture! Maybe in Tulsa?

    From the many BJT.com members - how was YOUR experience(s) same, better, worse?
  3. Counselorlee

    Counselorlee Member


    Glad to have met the verbal FGK42 and the Ms, as well. Our experience with the Horseshoe Tourney was fine.....except I didn't get a pretty black velvet bag w/ a black chip in it :sad: Yes, it was nice to see so many bjt.com players, but missed many of you who are usually in Tunica. I missed out on watching the final table and understand Toolman was on it according to Tomlw. How did he fair? Good luck to all of you going to Tulsa and to Laughlin. We wish we could be there with you but some of us still have to work so we can continue to "play with you big boys (and girls)". le
  4. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Agree with most everything you said except I believe the cut off was 20,900 or 20,950. If it was 29,950 I would not have advanced.

    I ended up taking 4th place. There are more details on the thread devoted to this event. I think fgk42 just likes to start new threads. :D
    It was a pleasure talking to you and your husband. Looking foreword to our next meeting.

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