tunica fitz tourny

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by sweet william, Mar 1, 2011.

  1. sweet william

    sweet william Member

    anybody have results from fitz ? wanted to go but was not able to make it hope they had good turnout,and that some of "our gang" cashed.
  2. Counselorlee

    Counselorlee Member

    Sweet William...

    Unfortunately, we had to cancel the Fitz tourney due to health problems :(. I heard it was full or a near sell-out and that Farmer made the final table. We were just sick (literally) that we couldn't be there!!

    Please, someone bring us up to date!! Thanks, le/feiii
  3. alwayslatewith8

    alwayslatewith8 New Member

    From what I understand, Tammy (don't know her user name or if she's even on this site), took first for $20K and JimP took 3rd for $8K. Congrats to both of them!:)
    sweet william and Counselorlee like this.

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