Tunica Grand Casino

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by tgun, Jun 9, 2007.

  1. tgun

    tgun Member

    Does anyone know any details about June 14 - 16 tournament, such as number of decks, DA2, DAS, DH17, number of hands? Any details would be appreciated.


  2. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Some of the details you're asking for are not even listed in their rules which, as you know, that's the way of most tournaments. From their prior tournaments, here is what I remember:

    Starting Bankroll: $5,000
    Minimum Bet: $100
    Maximum Bet: $2,500
    Number of hands: 25
    Countdown: After the 22nd hand
    Shoe: 6 decks
    Surrender allowed: No
    Splitting Aces: I believe you can resplit to have a total of 4 hands
    DAS: Yes, except Aces
    H17: I'm pretty sure they do hit a soft 17
    Rebuys are available if they do a table advance format.
    If they do a table advance format (most likely) then the semi-finals are 1 advance per table, earlier rounds are 2 advance per table. If they do an accumulation format (somewhat unlikely), you're on your own.
    Their literature (in the past) said "six-deck shoe rules will be used on all tables".

    Again, this is information from past tournaments at the Grand. They usually run their tournaments with the same rules but of course there is no guarantee.

    I'll be there for this event. Hope to see you and your wife there as well as all the other players I've come to know. With a $100,000 first place prize it's definitely on my "must attend" list. :D
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2007
  3. tgun

    tgun Member

    Tunica Grand

    Thanks for the info hope to see you and your wife there.

  4. Well, I'm leaving for Tunica within the hour. Hope to see some of y'all tonight at registration. Drive safely.
  5. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Tunica Grand up-date

    I've corrected this event on the schedule, the entry fee was orignally posted as $400, however that was a mistake. The correct entry fee is $500 and the re-buys of $250 will only be limited to the first 70 players.

    So word to the wise, get as early of a starting round as possible Saturday if you want any chance of getting a re-buy (hopefully you won't need one).

    Best of luck to everyone at the Grand this weekend!
  6. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member


    I have heard a few stories from the Grand in Tunica, WOW, not many good!

    From what I was told (by several players) is this was perhaps one of the worst run events ever, (not good)

    The $400 entry that was first posted on the site, wasn't just a mistake posted here, oh no, it was printed all over down in Tunica, in the Jackpot news paper and on all the flyers, however the Grand charged $500 entry to most of the players anyway, (another not good).

    They also had several other situation come up, but I'll let Ken tell you about those, he was there.

    I do want to congratulate Stan Roper from Tulsa, OK for making it to the final table. Stan ended up getting 5th place, I believe for $4,000 and is now on his way to Bossier City, LA to play in the Horseshoes Millionaire maker qualifier tomorrow, good luck there also Stan. And I just heard congratulations are due for just getting married as well.
  7. You heard right about bad stories. One thing I did notice though was that all of their signage (and they had a lot of them) throughout the property listed an entry fee of $500.
  8. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    More information on what transpired at the Grand Tunica will be forthcoming here, in BJ Insider, the BlackjackInfo blog, and perhaps the next All-In magazine.
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2007
  9. PhillyPhlash

    PhillyPhlash New Member

    Can someone at least post whom the Tunica Grand banned and what justification, real or fabricated, has been offered by casino management?
  10. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    1. Me.
    2. "We don't like your style of play."

    Sorry I haven't already gotten around to posting about this. I have two more articles to write today, and then I'll get to work on my follow-up here.
  11. I just thought I would add that they also pulled a young fellow from down on the MS Gulf Coast table off our table just before our first round began and would not allow him to play. Sorry I don't have his name.
  12. Phil Dunaway

    Phil Dunaway Member

    Tunica Follies

    The Tunica Tournament was the worst organized & run tournament that I have ever participated in.Ranging from 2 hour registration lines to pulling Ken Smith from the tournament after he had already registered.You know you never say never,however,It will be a very long time before I ever consider playing there again.Also,my casino host advised me he is leaving as have many long time employees since the new ownership has taken over.
  13. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member

    Evil Empire

    What could possibly motivate them to ban players who are no threat to their bottom line and aren't obnoxious? Some millionaire high roller in the tournament pitched a bitch, maybe?

    Harrah's has grown too big for their britches. Their arrogance and cavalier attitude toward customers will be their undoing.
  14. ptaylorcpa

    ptaylorcpa Member

    Rumor that the winner was not a wildcard or semifinalist?

    I heard a rumor from someone who I think is a reliable source that the winner of the tournament was not from the semi final field or the wild card winner, but was a player that the Grand was forced to let play at the final table due to complaints with the gaming commission. That sounds a little far fetched to me, but the person who told me is a local there who writes for the local publications and would be someone who I would think would have his facts correct. He said it was all due to the fact that they really screwed up the rebuy situation. The problem in his opinion was that this tournament was run by the marketing people and not by their normal tournament director. Normally their tournaments are well organized, this one was a real fiasco.
  15. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    I'm still awaiting a couple of details before posting what I know, including the part mentioned by ptaylor.
  16. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    I heard the same story...

    Rumor has it that the Grand had done the same thing before (kicking out a player who had already started a tournament). The difference was the play had won their way to the finals before getting kicked out. Know keep in mind this is the rumor I heard.

    Now supposedly, once a player starts in a tournament they cannot be kicked out, by Mississippi state gaming laws. However the story goes that this player was kicked out and therefore was untitled to play in another one of there events and was to be put into the finals to have a chance that was taken from them in a prior tournament.

    Now if indeed this was the case, that would mean that every player that played in this past tournament was cheated out of a possible wild card to the finals, because the Grand just place this player in to correct an earlier screw up.

    Wow, what a story! Now if it is true, that means the Grand screwed up again to make up for an earlier screw up. Nice management, after hearing stories about this past event it sounds like the once successful Grand tournaments are headed in the wrong direction.

    This is really a shame it was one of the last big events left still open to all players.
  17. Moses

    Moses Active Member

    Overcharge on my credit card

    I just got my credit card statement today. I paid the entry fee by credit card and they treated it as a cash withdrawl. I was charged $16.91 service charge for paying by credit card.
  18. pokernut

    pokernut New Member

    Who won?
  19. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Stacy Gall, from Arkansas.
  20. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    What I was told...

    After calling the Grand FOUR times and once being on hold for over 23 1/2 minutes, I finally talked to someone in the excecutive offices.

    Her name was Peggy Zaongo and she was a sweetheart.
    She got hold of the VP of finance and the credit card problems WILL be taking care off for you Dannye and anyone else that may have had the same problem.

    Peggy asked that I give you her direct phone number: 662-357-3308 and her e-mail: pzaongo@grandcasinos.com and please contact her so you can get the fee refunded.

    How these helps y'all recoup back a little money anyway.

    I also had a long discussion about all the problems everyone had at this past event. I am expecting a call sometime this week from the head of there Special events to futher discuss correcting the problems.

    If they call great, we will know they are trying to correct the issues at hand, if no call then I guess we'll know how much the customers really mean to the Grand.

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