Tunica Speed Limits

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by pokernut, Feb 3, 2005.

  1. pokernut

    pokernut New Member

    When you are near the casinos (enter Mississippi) on Hwy 61, drive the speed limit and not even 5 mph over as it strictly enforced, include Hwy 304 and all side roads running to and from each casino. If you choose not heed this warning just remember your ticket helps keep my property taxes zero.
  2. Thanks for the Warning.

    When we come down from Missouri, we've always slowed down near Mark Tree in Arkansas but once we reach the Interstate we open it wide open again til we reach Tunica. On 61, we have always sped down it, usually in a group of cars and people do fly down the road. Will definately be watching now, thank you! Is this something they have recently started cracking down on or have we been extremely lucky in the past?

    Take Care
    Capt. BlackJack
  3. Thanks once again.

    Pokernut, Have my reservations for the 19th and 20th in Tunica. Saw your warning when I was reading over some old post once again and I have got to get this embedded in my mind to watch my speed. Any certain traps you may know of or just in general? Has the PD force grown from all the increased revenue? Good Luck.

    Take care...
    Capt. BlackJack
    (a non-speeder in Mississippi) lol

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