Tunica Tournaments

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by deltaduke, Jun 7, 2013.

  1. deltaduke

    deltaduke Active Member

    What are the Tunica casino managers thinking. We wait for good tournaments, and then the 4 casinos that regularly have tournaments schedule them at the same time. Impossible to play more than one. Guess they want their regular customers to win the money, and don't care about us junkies.:flame:
  2. Rwl8418

    Rwl8418 Member

    Hello Delta,

    My name is Richard Lyon and I am in charge of the table games events at Gold Strike Tunica. I understand your anger in this matter and unfortunately I can not explain why this happens. I can only speak on our behalf but we do not base our events on the schedule of other casinos. This is something that has been brought to my attention in the past, but when we book an event there is plenty of planning that goes into it. We book 95% of our events at least 4 months out. We have also tried to avoid this by picking weekends other casinos are not having an event but we do have other casinos in the market that seem (complete guess) to try to compete with us by scheduling events at the same time.

    In case this does happen again to you in the future. Please introduce yourself to me, and we will do our best to try to work around your other schedule.
  3. Counselorlee

    Counselorlee Member

    Where is Adolph?

    Speaking of Tunica tournaments. Yes, I remember...it always seemed like Gold Strike/Fitz/Sam's Town scheduled their tournaments at the same time. I really liked Fitgeralds format....not playing for promo chips. Does anyone know what happened to Adolph? He was a special guy. Hope all is well with him. Let me know if anyone has a clue. We can't seem to make it to Tunica when a tournament is scheduled...always a conflict. :( Thanks, le/feiii
  4. george

    george Top Member

    fitz promo ????

    last tournamemt they just give some to 2nd to 7nd just so they would have a little something ----- the way it is now you can play fitz & gold strike or sams& gold strike but not fitz & sams the play times wont let you I like it when sams & gold strike are on same weekend;)
  5. deltaduke

    deltaduke Active Member

    Why have you scheduled your November tournament the exact same time as Sam's Town. Their tournament has been on the schedule here for a long time. Normally your tournaments are Sat and Sun, but this time you have changed them to Fri and Sat at the exact same time as Sam's town to make it impossible to play both. It appears to me that you are doing the exact same thing you are accusing other casinos of doing in your last sentence above.
    george likes this.
  6. deltaduke

    deltaduke Active Member

    Notice how Gold Strike scheduled their November tournament at the same time as Sam's Town. Now impossible to play both
  7. george

    george Top Member

    i'm in for both I think gold strike is going to be high score only so no final table if not like that I will play sams town
  8. george

    george Top Member

    you should have yours on sat ..sun ..
  9. Rwl8418

    Rwl8418 Member

    I just saw this so sorry about the delay. I don't know what you are talking about regarding Sam's tournaments, I do not have access to their calendar obviously. Our event has been scheduled since February (theme was picked in April). I also do not remember the last time we have had a tournament on a Sunday (except Ironman). It was some time last year. This event is a head to head event regardless so you play one time, shouldn't take any longer then 15 minutes to complete).

    edit: The reason we don't have tournaments on Sunday is because people do not show up. We became aware of this and made the change last August at the recommendation of quite a few of our players.
    KenSmith and george like this.
  10. george

    george Top Member

    thanks.....so i'm playing both
  11. deltaduke

    deltaduke Active Member

    This event does not even show on your mail out calendar for the month of November, when all your other tournaments do show on their respective calendars. You may not have access to Sam's calender, but you are a member of this forum which has all tournaments including Sam's Towns listed on this site.
    In 2012 you had Sat-Sun tournaments 3 times in Jan, Mar, and Nov. So far in 2013 you have had Sat-Sun tournaments in Feb, Mar, and Jul. The Iron Man you mentioned was the only Fri-Sat tournament in 2013. I can also go back to 2009, 10, and 11 and show that the majority of your tournaments have been Sat-Sun. You did use to have Mon-Tue tournaments that were less attended, and apparently you have stopped them.
    I didn't realize this was head to head. Is it head to head with the dealer like your $50 tournament, or against another competitor? If against the dealer, you can have them any time in my opinion, because I for one will not waste a $100 on a pure luck quest.
    The_Professional likes this.
  12. Forgive me, I'm old and slow. Could someone explain the format for the "Cut the Deck" Gold Strike Oct. 20th BJT so a fifth grader could understand it? Head to head with the dealer doesn't feed the bulldog for me! I've played many accumulation format BJTs, but they were against the other players with elimination format.
  13. george

    george Top Member

    on your head to head with dealer ---------you try to have more money than all the other players at the end of your round ---------it pays 6 places -----good luck
  14. Rwl8418

    Rwl8418 Member

    Your information on this site was wrong about Iron man, It was one of the main reasons I decided to join the site. I do not even know how people get information and post it on this site, but in a lot of cases, the information posted is wrong. I joined this site to get feedback that would help me cater to the tournament players for future tournaments, instead I have ended up in constant debates over events they do not like.

    I do not know what you received but it is on our calendar. I am a member here, but in all honesty unless a topic grabs my attention with a unique format, I do not even click on them. I see you went and researched to prove me wrong on my statement about not remembering the last Sunday tournament, the point still stands that they do not make money and are generally unsuccessful so we will not be doing them often.

    Last year we had 8 tournaments that were Fri-Sat. This year, we have scheduled 7 but had 5 less total tournaments. Simple math will tell you what direction we are headed.

    I can tell you guys (tournament players) are not pleased by this structure but to be honest, these events are not designed to cater to you guys. I have tried to have high end events and will continue to plan for them in the future that are more your style, but this style brings in enough money to continue to keep doing them. Tournament players simply don't compete in enough tournaments for us to completely base our blackjack tournaments around. I am working on generating more tournaments that you guys will want to compete in, but the low number of turnouts in the past and present makes these events less likely to happen. I can not justify all tournaments to be tournament player friendly, just because I have 7-10 guys on a website who prefer a certain style and I hope you understand this.
  15. deltaduke

    deltaduke Active Member

    Guess what day this months tournament at the Gold Strike is. Yes it is Sunday the 20th. It is also another heads up against the dealer tournament so it will probably not be profitable.
  16. george

    george Top Member

    I liked the sunday play time ....you could play the other ..fitz ....samstown { fri sat } on the same weekend this website ..... statistics has 3,493 members as of today ..... so Richard lyon be careful ...thanks
  17. PitchMan

    PitchMan Top Member

    We all have our opinion about all this, and the following is mine: This string seems to be turning into a bit of a soap opera. Tournament players have some less drama filled (cash tournament) alternatives in Tunica this year. Adolph just put on a very nice event this past weekend at Resorts, and they are to have at least three more this year. The one this weekend paid well for a first "big" tournament since Adolph went to Resorts. Just across the street at Sam's Town there are at least 4 on the schedule for this year. That's seven CASH events, all in south Robinsonville. And, this doesn't consider Fitz which will probably hold two or three. I mention them last because two tournaments ago, they scheduled a tournament about two weeks before the eventual event date, when Sam's (same) date had been published for at least a couple of months. Who wants to bet that Gold Strike won't schedule several of their cash/promo payout events on the dates of these seven at Resorts and Sam's Town, or Fitz? I could be dead wrong but it seems more than coincidental that Gold Strike seems to most always hit the date of Sam's, and now I'm betting Resorts, cash tournaments. My theory would continue to think that this is done to lower turnout to the cash events by offering comp'd and low entry fees to their cash/promo payout events on the same dates so that the competitive cash events will possibly go away. (And don't forget those $1K chips that you have to play when calculating the value of the promo part of the winnings). If I am right and turnout is kept low it is possible that the cash tournaments could actually end. Again,... If I am right about this, the attempt to eliminate the competition works directly against the interest of tournament players. As it should be, casinos are free to run their establishments as they see fit and players are free to select the casinos that put on the events that they prefer. Personally, I'm going to (possibly) play Gold Strike only when there are no CASH tournaments being held by the South Robinsonville boats and their CASH events. Seven cash tournaments at the two southernmost casinos, plus possibly more at Fitz is not bad. With support, I think those events will continue. Without it, they will probably go away. Time will tell how players choose.

    By the way - It sure was enjoyable this weekend at Resorts. Adolph put on a very nice event as you'd expect. I always look forward to visiting and competing with so many friends. :)
    george likes this.

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