
Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by leilahay, Oct 19, 2010.

  1. leilahay

    leilahay Member

    Any report from those who were at Tunica this weekend? I figure that is why so few from St Louis were at Meskwaki. Any idea when next one in Tunica will be?
  2. PitchMan

    PitchMan Top Member

    Only one I know from St. Louis at Sam's BJT this weekend. BJT at Gold Strike this weekend (Oct 22-24).
  3. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    There was at least one person from St. Louis that played the April, 2010 Meskwaki BJT who was upset at the way Meskwaki handled a controversial bingo winner. That controversy occurred at the same weekend as the April BJT. That person told me he/she will not be back because he/she refuses to patronize a casino that mistreats its customers in that manner. Maybe there are others that feel the same way - not just from the St. Louis area.
  4. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member

    I had previously heard about this incident and find it quite surprising. I don't know who was involved, the validity of the complaint, or anymore about it.
    I can only tell you that my 4 or 5 times there have been more than enjoyable experiences at GREAT tournament "value" prices and I plan to keep returning as long as everything stays that way.
    As far as the St. Louis people go, it's true that they weren't there, but I know one of them had a conflicting fishing tournament that was a higher priority and another couple that must not have came because of video poker conditions (see Meskwaki thread).
    I really don't know the total number that usually came up from St. Louis but I'm sure there are some others that probably had various reasons for not being there.
    A perfect tournament is difficult to attain but most people I talk to rate this event closer to it than any other------any place.
    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think you were the one that coined the "seat value" term (which is a good one). Are there better SV's than Meskwaki? I'm not aware of any.
    Other things to consider are that this is NOT an invitational event. Anyone with $200 can enter AND side play is NOT required. You won't see those two things (offered together) at any other venue that I'm aware of.

    Billy C
  5. deltaduke

    deltaduke Active Member

    Tunica tournament

    The next scheduled tournament is at the Fitz November 12th-14th. However I fear it will be a small one since the IP in Biloxi and the Gold Nugget in Vegas are each having a $100,000 tournament on the same dates. I talked to many of the regulars at the just ended Sam's Town tournament, and they all indicated they were going to one of them instead of the Fitz. This is a shame as this is a very good tournament with much opportunity to play. With most seasoned players gone this could be a good opportunity to compete against inexperienced tournament players. Hope I'm wrong, but with a $20,000 guaranteed 1st place, this could be a winner take all tournament. Also I fear the Fitz may get discouraged by low turnout and quit giving an excellent tournament.
  6. creeping panther

    creeping panther Banned User


    I guess you can't have it all:( I think you are speaking of Kewadin and the demand for side action, however the one at Sault allowed many players to enter who had never even been to their casino before, really a wide open event.

    Another thing to consider,, the BJT at Sault may have the best VP offered of just about any casino in the world, probably the best 6d BJ game in the USA, and a decent to fine DD game and some rather loose slots, and a very good buffett. So I guess it is all how you look at it,,,give and take,,,I'll take the games offered at Sault along with the side action demand any time. After all who in their right mind would not want to play those games offered at Sault??

    Ignace is another story.

  7. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member

    I couldn't agree more. I ALWAYS give side action, even when it isn't required.
    However, I will not play games that are very much minus EV!
    You've not seen me say anything bad about the Soo (or Ignace for that matter). "Seat values" are very good at both venues and I rate them right behind Meskwaki when considering everything! (Ladies are even comparable)

    Billy C

    Billy C
  8. leilahay

    leilahay Member

    We are hoping to visit both the Soo and Ignace in the next year. Let us know when they will be. I guess that I was thinking that Fitz in Tunica was this weekend. The mind is a terrible thing to lose. Anyway, hopefully we will do the Tunica scene sometime this winter also.
  9. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member

    The Soo and Ignace are 2 of 5 Kewadin casinos (you may have known that)
    Anyway, there have typically been 3 BJ tournaments a year at Ignace (March, August and October). The Soo location had their first one in June.
    The tournament director at Ignace says there will be 2 at each location in 2011. I"m guessing the same months but have no idea which ones are where or the exact dates but you'll surely get that info here when it's known.
    It would be nice to see the "Seattle Posse" in the northwoods.

    Billy C

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