Types of BJ tournaments

Discussion in 'Blackjack Tournament Strategy' started by fgk42, Feb 16, 2007.


Which TBJ format do you like best?

Poll closed Mar 18, 2007.
  1. Traditional

  2. Elimination

  3. Accumulation

    0 vote(s)
  4. Other

    0 vote(s)
  5. Doesn't matter I like them all

  1. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    A recent experience with a Carnival cruise and the developments in Oklahoma got me wondering. How many different kinds of BJT are there? I’m played in the traditional (i.e. Global) format (TBJT), Elimination Blackjack (EBJ), and Accumulation BJ (ABJ) only.

    The BJ Bounty really sounds interesting and I look forward to playing in that also. The Power Chip (PC) was a great addition and I look forward to being able to do that again in the future.

    That got me to wondering what most TBJ players prefer. In addition is there anything else that could be done to get the “best” format available?

  2. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Don't forget...

    The hybrid and head to head formats either. They have several different formats and rules all over the country. Until I started the Tournament Blackjack Players Association (TBJPA) no one has ever tried to get blackjack tournaments organized (like TX Hold'em) where there was a national (if not worldwide) standard for a format and rules.

    I truely believe, because there is not set format and rules is why blackjack has never caught on the way poker has. I think with a set format and rules, where players could know going in what was going on would only help in the growth of tournament blackjack.

    If you go back over the years and read posts about up coming events (everywhere) you will see players asking what is the format and rules and in most cases never getting anyone from the casinos to get back with them.

    If we were to get organized and get a startdard format (even the rules could vary a little from casino to casino), where players knew what to expect I think it would only be helpfull in our growth.

    As it stands now, so many players think the way they play is the correct way, and everybody else is running their tournaments wrong. Players who start out playing accumulative don't understand elimination, some think the hybrid format is how tournaments should be played. Within the past two years we have got the UBT format and just last week Tulsa offered us a new "Bounty" format.

    Now, I think there is room for all the formats, (poker does it with no problems, Hold'em, Stud, Omaha, Hi/Lo, Razz, Pineapple, etc...) How ever the biggest difference is everywhere they are played the format and rules are the same. That is the one thing where the UBT format is ahead of the rest, their format dosen't change from location to location.

    Once again I am hoping to bring a standard format and rules to traditional elimination blackjack where the players will know what to expect if your playing on the east coast, west coast, mid-west, south, or up north, I think we need to get organized so we can grow.

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