UB/Bet21 Promo Warning

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by RKuczek, Oct 8, 2007.

  1. RKuczek

    RKuczek Member

    A warning to anyone who plays in one of UB/Bet21's new $5 promo tourneys -

    the Lucky Hand tourney says you will get $75 if you have three of a kind suited -

    well - I did have three of a kind suited - the hand I was dealt was 3s3s3sAd - so I let them know and expected to get my bonus money - no such luck - I got no money and no reply or acknowledgement - finally contacted them again - and - got a reply that 'my hand did not qualify' because I had hit my suited three of a kind - and 'four card hands' don't get the bonus -

    utter fraud - there is nothing in the promo statement saying that there can't be other cards in the hand - or that you have to stand after getting your suited three of a kind - obviously with three sevens - you aren't going to hit again - but with three threes?

    be warned

    I have let UB know that if I do not receive my bonus money I will be filing a complaint with the Kahnawake Gaming Commission -

    fortunately it wasn't the three suited aces - I feel sorry for anyone who drew three suited aces - and then didn't stand on the soft 13 - as if they aren't paying the $75 they sure won't pay the $1,000
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2007
  2. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    I was afraid they'd have weasel clauses. Sent an email to their customer service folks about 2 weeks ago, specifically asking if split hands qualified. Hell, if I had a matching pair of ducks (or anything else), I'd blow off the hand completely and start splitting and hitting as many times as physically possible! Got a reply saying that it had been referred to another department, then never heard another peep out of them. Figured they were hiding something, now it looks like my figuring was correct. :flame:
  3. TedinNaples

    TedinNaples New Member

    My experience was different

    My experience was different, although, I also wanted to know the true rules. If I split suited aces and the next card was another suited ace, would I win the bonus?

    Anyway, early on in this promo, I was dealt a pair of deuces of clubs. I couldn't split them since this was an all-in bet, so I hit and landed another deuce of clubs. I captured the screen shot of the three deuces sitting there. Then I went on to hit my 6. I then sent an email to tournamentpromo@ultimatebet.com at 12:31am with the following:
    I got three deuces of clubs as my first 3 cards on the following hand:
    TBJLucky 1130pm-1-2 (46492635-6)
    Please credit my account with the $75 bonus for this type of hand in this tournament.

    At 3:57am I received the following:
    Thank you for contacting us.
    We want to congratulates you and let you know that your account has been credited with $75 as an award for the Lucky hand promo.
    And my account was credited the $75.

    Have they changed their policy now that players are actually getting these 3-of-a-kinds? When they first introduced this concept I thought they were fools. They're netting about $15 for each of these $5 tournaments when 30 players sign up (50 cent vig for each player). All it takes is one lucky hand to not only wipe out the $15, but it then costs them $75 or much more.
  4. toonces

    toonces Member

    I haven't touched these events yet, but I might suggest contacting Anthony Curtis, especially if you signed up through LVA. He may still have a working relationship with bet21, and he would be very annoyed with their decision.
  5. RKuczek

    RKuczek Member

    Ted in Naples

    Thanks for the info on your bonus hit - mine was exactly the same - I received three spade threes - then I hit again and drew the ace - perhaps that was not clear from my post to them - I will try once more to contact them and get properly paid -
  6. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    On Toonces' suggestion, I did email Anthony about this. With his permission, here's what he said.

    Unfortunately, we have no power over Bet21 any longer. The site was sold to I-don't-even-know-who and they have never responded to us since. He went on to say that if you signed up through LVA, contact him and he'll try again.

  7. RKuczek

    RKuczek Member


    Thanks Leftnut and Toonces for the advice - I did not sign up through LVA - I have contacted them again - pointing out that they have honored the promo in the past when the first three cards met the criteria (as per Ted In Naples experience) - and they have never posted any changes in their language of the promo or the info on the tourney lobbies - if they haven't notified the players the terms have changed? then they can't change them - right? OH GOD, I AM SO NAIVE:eek:

    well - I am prepared to quickly filke a complaint with the Kahnawake Gaming Commission, where UltimateBet is licensed - I know they did investigate one of their sites a few years ago - for not paying signup bonuses - so -

    just hate to get ripped off -

    but I make a little money on UB, so I hate to stop playing - :(

    so how far do I let them cheat me for the chance to make a little profit every once in a while:confused:
  8. RKuczek

    RKuczek Member

    whining works

    well - my issue with UB is resolved -

    they wouldn't pay off the bonus I earned - but did send me a very nice, polite, email - and enrolled me, freebie, into this coming Sunday's 5K guaranteed tourney - as they say - a $108 value - and I checked and am registered for this tourney

    they said this was to make up for my 'inconvenience' - since this tourney likely won't fill up - that means no cost to them probably - and I get the value of playing for some decent money - last one I played I missed the final table by the last hand at the semi table - one player off from the money - so - maybe this time -

    they also said they would be revising their software so that it would be clear that you must stand on the three card bonus hands to win the bonuses - and can not hit - split - etc

    I think it was maybe a regular player whining plus the fact that I could establish that other players had been paid in the same situation plus the fact that the terms of their bonus offer did not state that a player was prohibited a player from hitting the hands -

    so - I have to thank UB for coming through with a reasonable settlement - and giving me something of decent value -

    hopefully they will make the criteria for the bonus hands very complete and clear -

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