UB site messing up

Discussion in 'Ultimate Blackjack Tour' started by TXtourplayer, Sep 17, 2006.

  1. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    I tried playing a freeroll today at UB. It started off fine, I made a $3,500 bet and won. I then came back with another $3,500 bet but I got a pop up saying that I needed to get to my seat.

    I was there, whats up with that? I looked and sit-in was un-checked so I clicked it again. The next hand I bet and again I get a pop -up, "Warning you need to take your seat".

    Again I click sit-in and make my bet, once again pop-up giving me a warning to take my seat.

    This went on and on until I was eliminated. How can I not be there when I am making bets (and at the time the table leader)?

    Like I posted a few days ago, until "ALL" the flaws are out of the system I won't play LIve Money events.

    Now I am hoping that I am awarded a bye into the Monday night event like the players yesterday were when they had problems online. That would be the fair thing to do anyway.

    I am all for all three new BJ sites (Play UBT, Bet21, and UB) I just want to wait until all the bugs out before I start playing live.

    I'll post back the results of what their CS does about my situation. I heard they took care of the other players within 6 hours. Hopefully I will get the same results,
  2. RKuczek

    RKuczek Member

    UB worked ok for me

    I played the UB freeroll at 7:30 AM EST today - and the site seemed to work ok - at least I didn't have any problems - maybe fewer players at that time
  3. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    I've played on UB and Bet21 and haven't had a single computer problem yet. Might it be due to hardward problems on your end?

    I saw that someone was using Windows 98 as their OS! Come on now that is over 8 years old! My laptop is 13 months old and I'm ready to upgrade. I just bought a new one for the Mrs. because she was getting bumped and her's was an "older" 2001 system.

    I contacted CS at Bet21.com regarding the changing of the 8 and 10 pm EBJ from 10.00 to 1.00 and got an e-mail within 1 hour. I for one haven't had any problems. Maybe I'm just lucky! :joker:
  4. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    My Take

    I have played numerous tournaments on Bet 21 and UB and I have not experienced any problems what so ever.

    I'm using Window XP

  5. DachHolliday

    DachHolliday New Member

    The problems are their end for sure. They stated that they had to cancel some of the freerolls recently for technical problems. I have a brand new laptop and have numerous problems recently.
  6. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    UB reply

    Well I was contacted from UB customer service but I am not sure what for...LOL

    Here is a copy of what they e-mailed me.

    Dear TXtourplayer ,

    Thank you for contacting us.

    Your account has been validated, please login and let us know if you
    encounter this problem again.

    Best regards,

    Customer Service Department

    Wow, I guess I'm glad my problem (account) has been validated. I really don't need it to be validated, I was there and know it messed up or I wouldn't have contacted them...LOL

    What would be nice is if I was offered the same compensation that others who had problems got. Yesterday the players with problems received a bye into Monday nights tournament. I am just wondering why I only get my account validated? I hope that means I get to play on Monday...LOL

    I'm using windows XP also.
  7. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Food For Thought

    Maybe they have read your numerous UBT post and that was why you only got your account validated :joker:

  8. London Colin

    London Colin Top Member

    Problems, problems

    So far, I've only experienced one incident. A S&Go table just locked up before round one could even get going. The chat still functioned and I was able to verify that it was the same for everyone at the table. A few people were grumbling that it was by no means the first time that they had experienced this. I emailed and got a refund the next day.

    That sort of problem is probably easy and obvious for them to check into and verify that there was some kind of total failure at their end. But, I'm also seeing quite a number of players get eliminated due to four rounds of apparent absence. It looks like there may be a few bugs in the software that only show up on particular PCs. Something like that would be much harder to get to the bottom of; and I fear they may also be much less willing to believe people, since they probably have no log of any problem at their end.

    By the way, I'm happily running Windows NT4, which predates Win98 by some years. The quoted system requirements for the software are pretty low, both for hardware and OS (to maximise the potential customer-base no doubt). Windows 95 on a Pentium 200MMX with 32MB of RAM is apparently sufficient.
  9. pergo56

    pergo56 Member

    problems UBT & BET21

    I have had my share of problems on the UBT & BET21 sites also. The latest was a sit and-go tournament that I WON in the last round, but was ELIMANATED and credited with 2nd place. It seems that it is your word against theirs. There is no hand record that the player can check to verify or prove there was a problem.
    I certainly hope they get all the bugs fixed soon or I will play elsewhere. One more thing, what good are the bonus dollars if you can't use them and the players club points if they don't increase. :mad:

    I'm done venting now I guess I'll go play some more games. :dude:
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2006

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