UBT = Brain Explosion - What stresses you

Discussion in 'Ultimate Blackjack Tour' started by Sidekick, Nov 11, 2006.

  1. Sidekick

    Sidekick New Member

    Secret Bet...requires skill/brainpower

    Predicting opponents bets...requires skill/brainpower

    Playing your hand the RIGHT way which isn't always the Peter Griffin Basic Strategy (have to mention the master of blackjack statistical analysis)...requires skill/brainpower

    My point is this...there are so many damn calculations with EBJ that I know many agree, our brains are going to EXPLODE one day! For myself, I'm completely DRAINED after a tourney (Note-I didn't mention SnG's).

    Sidekicks Stress #1
    My #1 concern with any EBJ is making sure that the person behind me, if there is, doesn't bust out on the hand before EACH elimination hand. This coincides with my other EBJ theory that hands #7, #15, #23 and #29 are almost more important than the elimination hands themselves.

    Joe brought up a great point recently on his radio show. In short, Joe states that it is extremely difficult to survive any elimination hands if you are BR3 or lower. Obviously if your last, your either going to MAX or go half. I'm thinking simulations will reveal you should bet MAX but we will have to wait for HD's book possibly or Kenny's book for the facts on that.

    My #1 and # Goals for any EBJ Tourney-
    #1 Keep my eye on all players but most importantly, the low stacker.
    #2 Be either BR1 or BR2 before each elimination hand

    That should do it for my monthly EBJ blogging. Oh ya, this might not be rocket science but its advice for the taking. Advice for the community.

    Oh ya, gosh dang Internet Gaming Bill! what the f can we do?:flame:


    Last edited: Nov 11, 2006
  2. RKuczek

    RKuczek Member

    I've found in on-line EBJ

    tourneys - it is smart to play against the middle before elimination hands - the trailers will almost always go all-in the hand before the elimination - and either disappear or jump up in chip count - so you are really trying to stay ahead of BR3 and 4 and maybe 5 - you can figure BR6 and 7 will vanish before the elimination - really true for first elimination hand -
  3. Reachy

    Reachy New Member


    Ken's articles in BJI are very informative about elimination hand and pre-elimination hand strategy, I recommend you all have a look at them. As you would expect button position is v. important and if you're going to be early position on the EH it's much more important to not be BRL. It's not rocket science I know but it's worth pointing the basics out every now and again.


  4. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    When The Wrong Bet Is The Right Bet

    Making the right bet is no longer the optimum play during a UBT Format.

    Of course there are exceptions to this rule

    If you bet is not secret than making the right bet still works

    But if you are in a secret bet mode or your opponent is than all things change in a hurry .

    Here is a good example you never want to make the right bet in a secret mode against a pro because the pro will be able to figure out your bet without using much brain power

    A case in point was a hand that involved Kenny Smith,Hollywood Dave and myself

    It was an elimination hand and Kenny has a tiny lead over me less than 1K and Dave who was acting last trailed the both of us by about 7K the exact numbers are not in front of me as I type this.

    Kenny acts first and uses his secret bet.I know almost for sure that Dave is going to think that both Kenny and I would never bet more than our lead over him and I almost know for sure than Kenny is thinking the exact same thing.

    So based upon that thought I make my bet to counter Dave's expected bet and then I add an extra 1.5 K to it to compensate in case I was exactly right on Kenny bet to jump ahead of Kenny with basically free chips .

    The hands could have not played out any better then Kenny and I hope for, Dave received a Blackjack and felt no need to DD on it and assumed he was "Safe" to move on ,as Dave knew for sure that Kenny and I would never have bet more than our lead over him. When the secret bets were turned over after the dealer busted . The look on Dave's face was worth a thousand dollars.

    Now keep in mind the bets that Kenny and I made were wrong bets if they were out in the open but they were well thought out bets even with Dave having his bet a secret also

    This is the reason that I believe that in a UBT format the right bet is not always the "RIGHT" bet

    If you are in Dave's position you have to now start thinking of what bets will Kenny and Joe think I'm going to make and then make a different bet that we will not put you on.

    This format is very challenging and it makes the players really think about their bets and what their opponents are betting.I know that after getting up off of the 2 Final tables that I was fortunate enough to make in St Kitts my head was pounding for all the brain cells I used during these 2 tables

    This is really good stuff and it makes you feel as the player that you have more control than in a normal tournament format.

  5. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    Is that all you are thinking about???

    How about the button postition changing after the 5,6,7th rounds...etc...

    Table makeup....as in poker players vs normal players...I got killed by that today in UBT finals freeroll....4 of 6 players had > 75,000 by the third hand and then they were smart enough to back off....I wasnt one of the 4..:-(

    It can be draining thats for sure...lol

    Earlier someone mentioned that the live tournaments are quite expensive...Of course if we want big payouts we have to have big entry fees...more midrange sats maybe???

    I know we have the free rollls but Im finding those to be akin to playing the lottery...I beat 850 today to enter a contest of 260 or so....the odds are long and the game is certainly tough....in the end I was beaten out by the button...that and wild ass betting poker players...sometimes its hard to adjust in time to save yourself....just another intersting aspect of the game....

    I dont get enough live action play to be competative... I do ok in the net game...but I agree its a braineack head musher...

    Cant wait until this is bigger than poker.....Im already growing my hair longer....I wanna be the Jesus Furgeson of Black Jack...oh wait...maybe Pane is going for that one....I saw some pretty long curls sticking out the back of that hat...do you thing he perms???;-)
  6. Joep

    Joep Active Member


    Rando you are correct there are many thinks to keep track off in this format and button position is one of many to keep track of.Once you figure that out there is still plenty more to drive your brain to overload. Then when a player is eliminated before the next elimination hand its back to more calculations to where will the button be NOW ;)

    I just wanted to make a point about when the right bet is not always the right bet. If Kenny and I make the "RIGHT" bet there one of us were going home early.

    p.s I have the curls locked up find your own nitch :)


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