UBT Expectations

Discussion in 'Ultimate Blackjack Tour' started by Sidekick, Jun 5, 2006.

  1. Sidekick

    Sidekick New Member


    With WSOB kicking off tonight, I wanted to find out (take a pulse) of your epxectations for the UBT coming up this September on TV (CBS) and the first of' many Season 2 Tourneys.

    Your thoughts and expectations.


    PS: I'm trying to get this board going
  2. maxwell

    maxwell Member


    Bring It On And Next Year Will Be Better Money And Let Us Little People HAVE CHANCE To Compete For The Big Money With Standards For Each CasinO That Host Qualifyers:d
  3. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    When and were?

    I'm hoping my back is better in time for the UBT qualifiers or that the online qualifiers are up and running before the Aruba tournament.

    When are the online satellite tournaments going to start up?

    When and where are the land base casino qualifiers going to be?

    With the Aruba event only a little over a couple of months away I am guessing that they should be starting up pretty soon.

    I hope we don't start getting negative posts about the UBT qualifiers like we did with the WSOB, (that was a mess). Remember everybody complaning about no notice of the qualifiers or that they were to far away.

    It will be nice to play from our homes, a nice online satellite qualifier and or at a casino in more popular location's like Vegas, Reno, Tunica, than the WSOB had to offer, and a lot easier to get to.

    I like the fact that the events are going to be open for qualifiers and at a reasonable fee (most of us couldn't afford the $2,500 entry).

    I am also glad the tournaments won't be selected players anymore and that all the players have to win their seats. These changes will sure quite things down a lot on this site. Now no more arguments over the same players getting picked over and over for shows and why.

    Now if a player makes the show they made it by winning their way on, no question asked!

    Now that doesn't mean that last years champion "DM" shouldn't get and auto invite, (I think he should), but eveybody else should have to win their way on the show.

    I have heard that the WSOB is going to go to this format next year as well, no more selected players, the only way on the show is by winning your seat, except for maybe last year champion.

    With these new changes no one can complane about not getting selected for a show by being friends with someone involved with the production some how.

    Can't get any fairer than that! Hope this ends these arguments over how and who gets picked for the TV shows.
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2006
  4. elyssez

    elyssez Member

    Glad to hear that UBT tourney's are open. I'm going to sign up for the Aruba event as soon as it's available. $2500 for blackjack and fun in the sun will be totally worth it!
  5. noman

    noman Top Member


    Well side, you like kicking up dust. I'll try not to eat any of it and start a dust devil of my own.

    For the most part I agree with TX. Preliminary earned entry satelites(that are consistant at all land locations; preliminary earned entry on-line locations, that are consistant; or just show up and put the $2,500 down.

    Prize money determined by number of entries: (Unless the promotors want to gaurantee.) Consistant rounds within the structure of each monthly. And then play by the published rules,(which seem to have already covered every contingency.)

    Knowledgeable and trained dealers with floor support to back up, interpert, explain and enforce the stated, hopefully printed rules.

    Should one get a pass? If one, should two? How about no passes. Have a tournament of champions later, if you will, but keep the monthlies as level as possible.

    Elyssez: I'm sure you're aware, but the $2,500 is entry fee only. No transportation, no food, no room. Bring your tent for the beach and a case of tuna fish and a box of twinkies. If I can't win a satelite, where room and board ,may be included, I know that's what I'm bringin.
  6. elyssez

    elyssez Member

    Yes, Yes. I am aware that the $2500 is entry fee only. When you add in air, hotel, and food, it's still costs about the same for a great vacation. Except this vacation will give everyone a chance to win $$. And at the very least, it's a great tax write-off!
  7. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Nice tax write off....

    If you list yourself as a "Pro" or are just off setting your casino wins I guess it would make for a nice tax write off.

    I will go to Aruba this year for the tournament if I win a seat, but the $2,500 entry and you have to figure another $2,500 for air, hotel, food, ect... is a lot for a tournament you could be out off in just 8 hands (or less). And that $5,000 isn't even counting any gambling money.

    We saw Kenny last night on WSOB and he showed us that even the best player at the table can lose if they don't catch the cards and I (like most of us) can't afford to be out $5,000 for for only a possible 8 hands with no chance to re-buy or wild card drawing or any other blackjack tournaments scheduled in Aruba during that week.

    That is what is going to be so nice about the UBT online events, it will allow players who normally couldn't afford to play in events like this Aruba tournament a chance to play. Also the land based qualifiers will be less expencive than the $2,500 tournament entry as well.

    I believe they said the online satellite events will be starting either this month or in July. They have to start pretty soon the Aruba tournament is scheduled for September I believe. I haven't heard when and where any of the land base qualifiers will be. Updates will be posted here and over at LVA.

    Now if your just wanting a vacation and the tournament is not your number one proritiy than it will make for a very nice vacation.
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2006
  8. elyssez

    elyssez Member

    Oh my gosh! You guys take postings way too serious! Whether I choose to spend $25 or $10,000 on a tourney, that's my choice. I'm fine with this, and unless you're paying my way, you should be, too. So relax, and stopped lecturing on how I should and should not spend my money.
  9. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    What lecture?

    Elyssez, I didn't see anyone lecturing you in any of the above posts? :confused:

    I made a comment that I (along with others) couldn't afford $5,000 for a tournament, I never said or suggested that you couldn't. :)

    I am very relaxed and I for one don't worry about how you (or anyone) spends their money, now from time to time I (or another member) may post about a special or discount on this site, it is because we try and help one another whenever possible, I hope you don't take our posts as trying to tell you how to spend your money.
    (I'm just messing with you...LOL). :D

    I wish you the best if you go, I hope you win the tournament (unless I'm playing...LOL). ;)
  10. noman

    noman Top Member

    Me Too


    I never post seriously. I'm not that "advantage" I have, however, been praising the UBT opening(2nd season) in Aruba for the face value and equal opportunity. I don't even know how much a flight would be, what a hotel room costs or what my bar bill would be, but I'm gonna make every effort to get there one way or another. I'll even invited you out to my tent for tuna fish and twinkies.
  11. elyssez

    elyssez Member

    Tx and Noman-

    It's all good! A round of drinks on me in Aruba. But I think I'll pass on the tuna and twinkies.

  12. Sidekick

    Sidekick New Member

    Speaking Up


    I undertand your frustration. Once you get to know everyone on this site, you will be able to understand how they respond to certain questions.

    For myself, I hope you stay on!

  13. elyssez

    elyssez Member

    No worries. You can't get rid of me that easily.
  14. noman

    noman Top Member

    Arriba Aruba!!!

    If y0u pass on my tuna fish and twinkies, it'll cost you two rounds of drinks.
  15. elyssez

    elyssez Member

    How about a round of drinks, and a seafood dinner with plates and silverware in a restaurant. Much better then roughing it.
  16. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member


    Tuna is "seafood". And I bet that restaurant doesn't have twinkies!!!
  17. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Drink sounds good, but...

    Damn Elyssez I was hoping you would front me the $2,500 entry fee for extra tax write-offs...LOL. :D

    All kidding aside if I get to make it down to Aruba I would enjoy sharing a round or two with you and Noman. :cool:
  18. noman

    noman Top Member


    On the beach with a peach(tuna fish and twinkies)
    Or in the dininng room with all the males dressed as grooms,
    and the ladies as fine as the aged wine
    I'll be there with my best Nick Nolte impression, dying on the vine.
  19. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Dont Ruin It

    Noman I dont want to burst your bubble but on the beaches in Aruba most of the women go topless or should I say (European Bathing).So we can not have you hanging out on the beach with your Twinkie hanging out of your tent .

    Its just going to ruin it for the rest of us

    Can you find someplace to hide your Twinkie ? :laugh:
  20. noman

    noman Top Member

    Aruba Beaches:

    Nuf said. No disruption from me.

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