UBT files suit against GSN

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by KenSmith, Aug 9, 2006.

  1. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    I don't think this can be a good development:

    Full press release here:
  2. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    I'm not so sure about that Ken. This lawsuit does a couple of things:

    1. Makes people curious about UBT - self promoting lawsuit
    2. May peek some people's interest in the GSN WSOB for the re-runs

    Since I didn't see the previous WSOB seasons is it true that GSN "spiced it up"? The other thing about that is that people, at least here, seem to think that this season isn't as good as the previous seasons - maybe GSN will go back to the "old format" while UBT tries the "newer version"

    Then again publicity is publicity - anything to get people to watch! Personally I'm waiting until the introduce the topless dealer! :joker:
  3. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Uh, what about UBT's future?

    What I find interesting about this suit is that the format changes that UBT contends were stolen (for lack of a better term) may have resulted in less entertainment value for most viewers. If the comments on this site are typical of viewer reaction, then the WSOB may have made a big mistake in adopting the changes. Carrying this thought one step further, if the WSOB is failing, in part, because of using some of UBT's rules, is this a crystal ball looking into the future of UBT?

    I expect the UBT supporters on this site to criticize the hell out of what I just said. But keep in mind that I am only presenting a possibility - not necessarily my thoughts or beliefs. OK, OK, I picked up this last phrase from TV - so what!:D
  4. noman

    noman Top Member

    UBT/GSN Suit:

    Some time back, there was a thread regarding intelectual property. Mr. Max laid it all out succinctly.

    One point is: GSN ran two years of similiar format. (corporate espionage, spying, roadies, grips, gaffers, industry ladder climbers, got wind of the UBT format, either in development or in two preliminary live tests.) And proceeded to try and pre-empt the UBT format(never implemented anywhere before in such a similiar fashion.)

    For GSN to lift a very key element of UBT, regardless of also introducing a corporate sponsor chip, while they had contentedly run their production the same for two years, demonstrates an intended deviousness and hopefully (from their production and unresearched legal view) "unintended consequences," pre-emptive "attack."

    The UBT legal team should be able to show concept, propriotory rights, format infringement.

    If not, then as suggested, publicity can only help both. And as long as GSN doesn't get exclusivity to "concept" there will be two big events for BJ players. Though UBT is certainly more open to everyone.

    The prize money will only increase for the players. And as far as who survives on TV, it will be up to the best production company

    Though, if poker is an example, a rotten production may still air forever into the far reaches of the expanding and contracting, circular, and never ending
  5. noman

    noman Top Member

    Lawsuit Addendum:

    Oh crap: I'm typing and I can't shut up.

    I must add. The printed, stated, official rules for UBT competition were(hopefully still are) the most comprehensive, well thought out rules of any tournament, I have ever been involved.

    There was(is) no room for interpertation, except then ruling of the tournament officials is final! Everyone read "tournament officials is final."

    A non written rule, which since may be included is ethical. No taking advantage of dealer mistakes. (By the same token, don't let a dealer mistake cost you.) It's your money, know what you're doing with it.

    The rules committee, or individual writer(when not drinking beer) certainly is versed, experienced in all tournament formats and previous conflicts, in order to have laid down a very precise, even, solid terms of competition.

    The NCAA should be so blessed.
  6. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member


    Since UBT hasn't aired I don't know what or whom to expect on the show. By reading your post are you going to be a season 1 participant? Curious minds want to know
  7. AceDonovan

    AceDonovan Member

    Same concept, different audience.

    While GSN may not being doing as well with season three by reviews here, I'm not so sure that applies to the typical viewer. I have no idea what kind of numbers they're pulling on Monday night, but I think that it probably works well for their demo, which I assume are elderly and houswives obsessed with game shows more than it is a gambling/sporting audience. Of course we watch it because we're a niche audience, but their general demo is different.

    From what I've seen, UBT seems to be produced in a way to appeal to the poker audience and the sporting audience.

    Long story short, what I'm getting at is that failure of one will not really affect the other because the audiences are different. It's like the NFL and the XFL. One works, the other didn't, but the failure of one didn't affect the other because they were produced for different audiences.

    As far as the lawsuit goes, I think UBT is doing what's right for them. Their ideas were jacked and then put to air beofre them. I'd be upset too. I just hope settling a lawsuit doesn't affect GSN continuing WSOB in the future.
  8. noman

    noman Top Member

    fgk42 Reply

    Sadly, I walked in with "DEAD MONEY" tatoo(ohahed)ed into my forehead.

    If I do show up in a clip, they will also superimpose that quote on the screen.

    But there's always next time. "She said, there'll be no next time, that was the last time for you....."

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