UBT - Leaderboards/Rankings

Discussion in 'Ultimate Blackjack Tour' started by Sidekick, Mar 15, 2006.

  1. Sidekick

    Sidekick New Member

    Will the UBT (online) have a standing "Leaderboard" for the week, month and/or the Year based on Win %?

    For example, let's say we have a ploppie who is everaging 100 Sit&Go games a week and is always in the Top Three (3). I think its great he/she can play 40+ hours of Sit&Go blackjack at low stakes but is he/she really #1-#2 or #3 for online Blackjack Tourney Play?

    Shoot, this ploppie could have one hell of a resume for WSOB IV and possibly get on the show with these credentials!!!

    Question To All: How should the UBT rank and award players who win "consistently?"


    "A man who doesn't spend time with his family can never be a real man."

    Don Corleone to Johnny Fontane
  2. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member


    Sidekick, a true winner should be the player with the highest winning percentage, however the online casinos are there to make a profit and with the current format the player who plays the most benifits from this format.:flame:

    I was the first one to point this out that it is wrong to say the first place should go to the player who gets the most games in during the week (exspecially when they lose money for the week).:eek:

    I have suggested a slight chance that would give the avgerage players a chance to win while still keeping the profits up for the casinos.

    Simpley go by winning percentage for number one, but only for those players over 24 games (about 12 hours per week). If a player doesn't have a minimum of 24 games by the end of the week they don't qualify for the weekly bonus and the next player in line win's the bonus.

    This should bring the avgerage number of games played for other players up to compensated the casinos for lost games by the marathon players.

    Just my suggestion.;)
  3. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    An Offer You Can't Refuse

    I may be wrong here but I believe that Don said that to Sonny and not Johhny Fontane
  4. esposo

    esposo New Member

    Godfather dialogue

    Don Corleone was in a conversation with Johnny Fontaine when he said that, but he was looking at Sonny, probably to let him know that he was aware of Sonny's affair with the bridesmaid at Connie's wedding.
  5. Sidekick

    Sidekick New Member


    now back to the thread...
  6. noman

    noman Top Member

    Ubt Points

    This thread has a couple of tentacles to it:

    One unanswered question yet is how, on line, one is to qualify for the live site UBT. Talk has been of daily, weekly, or monthly qualifiers. Format and qualifing yet to be determined.

    If each qualifier is a prelim to advance to a final "live site" qualifier, then that is good.

    If one is to participate in 30 daily or 4 weekly pre-qualifiers, then a rating system, with a base minimum entries and either percentage of position finishes, or percentage of return, ala TX's formula, would be good. Anything to equalize "over stuffing" the ballot box. (Gosh, some would say, that's advantage play.) Ploppie or not. Heck, if a "ploppie" is smart enough to know that the more entries the better the chance of getting in, why discount that thought?

    If UBT is going to have preliminary satelite qualifiers for a qualifying spot, or
    open money entries for a qualifying spot, or show up and put your money down spots to participate, as long as all options are equal to all, what does it matter.

    Still seems to me the Hilton Mill format for entry and qualifying was the fairest.

    There were satelites, there were monthly qualifiers. Come one, come all, throw your money down and go.

    If UBT has monthly tourneys and then runs a tourney of champions, then it becomes a matter of either taking all the top finishers of each month, or top two, or three, or five, or a ratings systems such as SWOG's PGA formula, to determine the entrants into the GRAND MASTER WORLD CHAMPION of UBT.

  7. With tournament prize money. And lots of it. To the victors go the spoils.
  8. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Both Right

    Havent seen the movie in a while but i knew it was directed at Sonny
  9. Sidekick

    Sidekick New Member

    want to bet?

    little wager
  10. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member

    It's not the players fault

    I understand Sidekick’s frustration about the Sit &Go rankings and I also remember Txtourplayer’s post about the same subject.
    But why attack players just because they enter a lot of the games.
    If a person’s pastime is playing on Global then it’s up to them how long they want to play and not their fault if they happen to be on top of the leader board. After all we all need to have people on the tables if we want to play.
    Blame the Global points ranking system and not the players.
  11. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Very good point!

    Andy is right, it isn't the players fault that they are rewarded for playing to much. It is like land base casinos, the more you play (and lose the more you get in comps and bonuses).

    But Andy the point of awarding for the top player should be for highest winning percentage not just for most points in a won in a weeks time.

    Go back and look and most of the Weekly winners were over all losers for the week (money wise), but crowned winners of the weekly Sit & Goes (with losing winning percentages).:eek:

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