UBT News

Discussion in 'Ultimate Blackjack Tour' started by Barney Stone, Sep 30, 2006.

  1. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

  2. noman

    noman Top Member

    God Knows I"m Sorry!

    But rather than just takin TX's back in a bar, I should have backed him in his bet. An unknown amatuer, on-line newbe qualifier wins in Aruba. Damn the luck.
  3. pokernut

    pokernut New Member

    Unknown amatuer, with all the "pros" in the tourney how did this guy have a chance? Maybe "luck" of the draw.
  4. noman

    noman Top Member

    I"m Steppin In It Now

    Pokernut had the link to AC's comment on the Aruba winner.

    AC is greater than microsoft. Always trust content. Hom ever, this time, I must disagree with an ICON. "The learning curve for elimination BJ is short."
    No. no.no.no.nonoooooooooooooo.

    A guy like "yellow submarine," doesn't win the first ever event by spending two seconds looking at the rules, the parameters of the game and going, "Oh yeah!" that's how you do this. It isn't tic tac toe, or checkers. Yellow and Cerritos, both used and discusssed progressions, which, I and some others I know po pooed. But. Progressions in the elimination are as important as correlating or chip counting, or knowing what "your" basic strategy is and when and how to deviate from it. Anyone who has played more than one GD game of elimination UBT BJ knows the tension and thought involved.

    Soooooooooooooooo. Variance. Variance. Shmariance. Bumblebees. Hummingbirds and near miss asteroids. Send Midwest, Great Lakes tool and die formulas to South Carolina and follow the book and get the shiite sent back cause it don't work right.

    How in the world does a first time try it, on-line, newbee beat the top 10 rated tournament players in the world. Oh brime and brimstone, oh shiite, here's a word......LUCK?

    Chalk one up for TX!
  5. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    2nd final

    Where are the results for the 2nd final table? It's all gone really quite on the forum recently re: Aruba. What's going on? Is it near the Bermuda triangle?


  6. BJFAN4

    BJFAN4 New Member

    No news means bad news?

    Probably some internet connectivity issues are preventing the release of the winners of the 2nd final table. Yeah, right!!:joker: :joker: :joker:
  7. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    Well Rick..it certainly appears that you clearly won the bet on who would win...luck or skill! Now lets see if you can ever collect your money...lol

    Lets not forget that besides this guy...there was some little 22 year old girl who also spanked Ken and Tony at the final table....

    Its why I laugh so hard when some overrated players brag and call themselves "World Champs" when they have one or two invite only events...

    I suppose this guy can now write a book now....he can call it "Holy Crap I WON!!!!! I Must Be The World Champ Now.

    Rather than sponsor Rick though Id have just liked to have gotten that email from UBT that said...hey guys who` signed up so long ago...heres the promised notification of the promised chance to play in a free roll for a seat in Aruba...

    Quick learning curve indeed....I wonder how much they payed Curtis to say that? Or maybe he couldnt figure out himself how he was sent packing...lol

    The results prove that LUCK is HUGE!!!! factor...

    Hell one free roller (Stubs??) was looking up college FB scores and ended up on the plane the next week....thats pretty lucky.

    SideKick was an alternet...I wonder if he feels that he was outplayed by someone who ramped up quickly on the game???

    The guy who won is bragging about his chip and card sense...LOL

    Gimme a freakin break! He got lucky...he got a lucky streak...it happens...A rank beginner sits down with number crunching pros and comes out on top becasue of his "chip sense and card abilities"....???

    Maybe hes Rainman?? LOL

    BJMAILMAN Member

    Why is it luck when an amateur wins and skill when a pro wins ? I'm sure Mr Tribble has some sort of skill. It may not measure up to the people he was playing against but he won and that is all that matters. As someone else said here, skill only comes into play on a few certain hands. I am glad an amateur won, but I'm also glad the people from this site made a great showing. If he can win so can I, I'm not a pro but not an amateur either. I hope this brings up the popularity of TBJ, like Moneymaker did for poker. With on line gambling in trouble and WSOP getting 90% of its entries from on line qualifiers, poker popularity might be on its downward spiral. We can only wait and see.
  9. pokernut

    pokernut New Member

    In the 2005 WSOP 47% of its entries came from on line qualifiers, have not heard about this year. It will affect poker but not kill it. The main thing that would hurt poker is if the WPT fails and it is taken off the air and it is failing, have not made a profit yet, maybe due to high salaries paid to Berman and others. but this law will kill the UBT.

    BJMAILMAN Member

    Why would the UBT be bothered? You play on line at PlayUBT for free (whole lot less people than UB/Bet21). Watching the 2006 WSOP on ESPN they mentioned the 90% on line qualifiers.

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