UBT Paris tourn

Discussion in 'Ultimate Blackjack Tour' started by leilahay, Feb 24, 2007.

  1. leilahay

    leilahay Member

    I haven't really been too negative about UBT until now but this really stinks. I qualified for the paris tourn on the third day (Jan 22). Did check last week and I was on the list. Logged on today & wasn't seated, checked & I was not on the list. Sent them a copy of my email showing I qualified but it's a little late now. Asked that they qualify me for next months but we shall see.
  2. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    That sucks...

    I am sure it was an over sight on their part and certainly they will correct it by putting you in next months tournament automaticly, (or so I would think).

    I am just surprised no one has replied back to you yet over this situation. Please keep us informed on the out come and sorry that this happened to you.
  3. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member


    never had that issue....I always thought the software did a great job setting up the tournamnets....and other than the one moves on events issue ..was problem free.

    I know you always get a email confirmation and since you have that there should be no problem setting you up foir the march event.

    I would be interested as to what they give for a reason for this happing in the first place....it seems to be automatic and therefore must be some sort of bug that remains.

    I bet you were really surprized after all that work to get a spot..

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