UBT Promotion thoughts

Discussion in 'Ultimate Blackjack Tour' started by fgk42, Apr 30, 2007.

  1. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Certain things in life happen to you and it makes you wonder. Sometimes you get better – sometimes you get bitter and sometimes you sit at your computer and muse!

    My recent appearance at the final table with Team UBT member Phil Hellmuth got me thinking and I’d like to share my thoughts here and to get some comments/feedback from my peers.

    I really enjoy playing at a table with other players whom I know and have played in the past. There are several reasons but to me camaraderie is a big reason. It’s funny because even though I’ve only met several of the board members here in person due to reading their posts there is a familiarity.

    But lets face it coming out on top is a big reason I play this game. I want to win – plain and simple. In fact there are certain players whom I have played against and those wins are “sweeter” than others. In fact I don’t think I’ve ever beaten Joe Pane on Bet21 so when THAT happens it will be a most delectable win! But I digress…

    On the playubt.com site they have a picture of Team UBT – all 14 members. The question that I have is how many of Team UBT was playing in the Saturday Night 25K event? Obviously the winner was Phil Hellmuth. I had the opportunity to play at two of Phil’s tables (2nd round and final table). The poor guy gets hounded like crazy by the peanut gallery! But it got me to think – how can that be used to promote EBJ?

    Well playubt – soon to become clububt – had monthly (or longer) freerolls for a final seat at their events. It is actually a great deal for those people who did it – congratulations Deb and Kenny Cash. But now that there aren’t any more UBT stops what’s next?

    How about this? Why not have a “Can YOU beat Team UBT?” There are still some UBT circuit events planned (Venetian and Barona) so why not have 3 Team UBT members at a table with 3 or 4 internet qualifiers done BEFORE the circuit event? No cash prizes, just bragging rights (ok and airfare and 2 night’s accommodation).

    I mean isn’t that the American Way? To battle against “The Best” for bragging rights? What does it accomplish? Well it gets the faces of Team UBT members out in the spotlight – something that for over ½ Team UBT members really NEEDS to be done – I mean nothing personal but Layne Flack, David Ulliott and Robert Williamson may be POKER names but their BJ exposure really [*****]. Then there’s Freddie Deeb, Johnny Chan and Jennifer Tilly. Once again great POKER but BJ? I would love to see more exposure for Jennifer (get you minds out of the gutter boys!)

    Show how about it? Why doesn’t UBT cut a deal with Bet21 and have a weekly Team UBT game to see if you can outlast the “Best of the Best?” Have the winners flown to the Circuit events or tour Stops and play in person.

    In fact I’d take it a step further and say to Russ Hamilton – have open try outs for 2008 Team UBT spots. Free UBT clothing, jackets, access to events, local TV interviews, etc. UBT is the best TBJ that you’ve NEVER heard of. Sponsor Team UBT match ups in various casinos around the country. In fact I bet if you made a deal with someone you could do a documentary about the life of a BJ player. Pay some college grad from the USC school of movies to follow Team UBT members (take your pick) for 6 months as they go to tournaments, practice and compete.

    When badminton and dart competition has prime coverage on ESPN3 I’m sure that there’s room for something like this. Don’t forget there is a big poker movie and the BJ movie coming out.

    Get in front of the wave, ride the crest, strike while the irons hot! Or be crushed by the grinding surf, swept away with the tide and wallow in the sea of other forgettable ventures. The choice is yours.

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