UBT- The Palms Event

Discussion in 'Ultimate Blackjack Tour' started by fgk42, Mar 12, 2007.

  1. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    With under six (6) weeks to go before hosting their first US based tournament stop at The Palms I have a few questions and was wondering if any of the members here had any answers or had heard of anything/rumors:

    1. The main event will cost 2,500 and includes a double elimination format (http://www.playubt.com/ubt_toursched_eventdetails.aspx?trs_id=10&pge_id=57&pge_pge_id=5) for round 1. If you advance from Round 1 without using the second chance can you save if for later rounds?

    2. How many people are they expecting to attend? This is important because the jackpot is dependant upon the number of entries and as we found out in St. Kitts there was a much smaller prize pool than in Aruba

    3. Will there be one or two final tables? Aruba had 2, St. Kitts had 1. I was under the impression it (St. Kitts) was based upon participation – will the same be true at The Palms?

    4. Will there be any wildcards for The Palms Event?

    5. The 540 “super satellite” this is advertised. Will those be single 7 person SNG tables or will there be a separate 540 tourney like in Aruba?

    6. Will there be advance registration – if so where and to whom do you contact?

    7. UB.com has satellite packages for their poker tourney’s – will Bet21.com be hosting any satellite packages like they did for St. Kitts?

    8. Is The Palms adding any money to the prize fund? Is there a minimum guarantee?

    9. What is the payout structure?

    I mean these may seem like trivial questions but I ask the same questions about any live tourney that I travel to. This is especially true this time because there is the 250,000 tourney being held in Tunica at the same time. Since the Tunica event has a 1,000 buy in for a 250,000 prize pool will the UBT event, which has a 2,500 buy in have a 500,000 prize pool or possibly more? I don’t know the answers and unfortunately playubt.com hasn’t posted the answers right now!
  2. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member


    Great post may you find a answer or two and I mean that 1 or 2 that would be a big step for them :laugh:

    BTW, the real players will be at Barona during those days!:laugh: :laugh:
  3. Joep

    Joep Active Member

  4. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    I forgot about that one....

    From the PlayUBT.com website it appears you are right with them competing against one another.

    The major differences between the two:

    1. Buy in for Barona is 250 versus 2500 for The Palms
    2. 100,000 prize pool for Barona – Prize pool for The Palms ?
    3. Barona is a single elimination versus double elimination for The Palms (but for how many rounds)
    4. 1st place for Barona is 40,000, Plus a seat in the tourney of Champions there in November – for The Palms the winner gets a seat in the tourney of Champions but prize pool?
    5. Barona will be dealing with wildcards – in fact a final wildcard only table – The Palms and wildcards?
    6. Registration for Barona – baseball cap and shirt – for The Palms ?

    The reason I’m asking the questions is with EBJ tourney at Barona and The Palms choices have to be made. With my play level the wildcards ALONE are prompting me to go there :joker:

    But seriously there is also the 250,000 open tourney at Tunica.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Mar 12, 2007
  5. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    hold on there

    I hope neither you nor anyone else interprets my questions as “stirring the pot” because this is NOT my intention.

    Unlike last September and October there seems to be a proliferation of BJ tournaments. As an experienced pro that you are with BJT you can identify which tournaments to attend. Those that are invites are easy to determine the positive EV.

    However, for people like myself, who are new to live TBJ, if helps to have all the information to make an informed decision as to which tournament(s) we should enter.

    My obvious choice would be to enter those tourneys where you and the other pros are NOT playing!

    But all joking aside I want to make an educated and informed decision about which tournaments to play.

    For example with the Barona event the winner gets an automatic seat into the UBT Tournament of Champions event in November, just like The Palms winner.

    That seat ALONE has a 10,000 value to it!

    With a 500 entry fee at Barona I can play there and have five (5) shots at winning that seat versus one (1) at The Palms. However I won’t have the privilege of playing against the “best of the best” at Barona.

    The biggest advantage of playing at The Palms, in my opinion, is to play against the top ranked BJ players with the winners advancing to a televised game. Given my past history of “live events” the TV camera “advantage” really isn’t high on my list of priorities.

    So I want to go where I feel I have the best opportunity and the more information I have, in advance, the better I feel.

    If I ask too many questions tell me, but pot stirring, me :joker:
  6. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    <5. Barona will be dealing with wildcards – in fact a final wildcard only table – The Palms and wildcards? >>

    Are you sure Barona will be wilcrading this game FGK?

    Hey Joe hows about answering some questions. Will Barona offer wildcards?
  7. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    just what I read


    Attached Files:

  8. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Thanks for the info, its a lot more than the Barona page gives concerning the wildcards. Sounds like 7 for the special side game at the very least. Maybe even more if the event doesnt fill up, considering last game had many wildcards besides the special side game of 7.....
  9. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    two final tables?

    I'm a little curious as to where they're getting two final tables for the Palms TV taping day.
    One is quite obvious, but what's the other one? Any clue, Joe? :confused:
  10. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Exactly LeftNut

    For example suppose they have 200 paid entries:

    200 x 2,500 = 500,000 prize fund BUT it's divided by two (2)

    So since NO ONE can make two (2) final tables with only 200 people the entry is 2,500 for a 250,000 tourney.

    Since two (2) seats are GIVEN AWAY to playubt.com winners there are only 12 spots for the final table(s) available.

    So the straight odds for a final table are 12:200 or 6%. Final tables payout of 250,000.

    Just for comparisons

    Canadian Masters Tourney is limited to 120 people, winner gets 125,000 and entry is 1250.

    Barona Event Tourney - winner gets 40,000 and entry is 550.

    So it is VERY IMPORTANT to see if The Palms is adding money to the prize fund, or maybe another one of the UBT sponsors will be kicking in something to the prize fund.

    Then again I ask our experienced BJT members this:

    For a prize pool of 250,000 is an entry fee of 2,500+200 reasonable? :confused:
  11. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member


    The entry to the next Barona is 275$. Also, it has been said 400 should be at the BIG ubt games like at the Palms, from what I remember.
  12. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    To many tournaments...

    Note: Corrections and or changes were made in blue!

    From looking at the event calendar it looks like most of the tournament players are going to be divided amount four tournaments between April 16th and April 21st.

    To try and answer FGK question, only you can decide which tournament or tournaments are worth it to you to play in. I listed the four events from April 16th - 21st in the order I would play them and why.

    April 16th - Casino du Luc Leamy - Open event
    $500 entry - prize pool = $63,000 - 1st = $50,000

    April 17th - 19th - Barona qualifying UBT Open event
    $250 + $25 entry - prize pool = $100,000 guaranteed - 1st - ? around $50,000 (I am only assuming)

    April 18th - 21st - Palms UBT Open event
    $2,700 entry - prize pool = ? - 1st - ?

    April 19th - 21st - Horseshoe Tunica - Open event
    $1,000 entry - prize pool $250,000 - 1st - $100,000

    From what I see the one day event on April 16th looks pretty good. Note that the payout is probally in Canadian dollars, but I'd still take it in a heart beat...LOL, and it will be guaranteed money.

    The Barona event I heard was really good last time, but with the Palms and Horseshoe taking away players I'm not sure how big of a turnout they will have. The $100,000 in prize money is guaranteed (from what I read on fgk's post from Barona).

    The Palms at $2,700 entry and prize base on entries looks like they are in the worst shape, maybe a really small turnout, but will be filmed for TV.

    The Horseshoe should do the best, $1,000 entry and they offer a $500 re-buy for a guaranteed 1st prize of $100,000.

    I'd rank these events in this order of me playing them:

    1st - Horseshoe - guaranteed money, $1,000 entry for possible $100,000, plus $500 re-buy if needed.

    2nd - Barona - should be good west coast turnout, $250 + $25 entry for $100,000 guaranteed + add in the 7 Wild Cards to the second final table for additional value.

    3rd - Casino du Luc Leamy - guaranteed money - $500 entry for possible $50,000 (probally Canandian instead of US dollars).

    4th - Palms - not sure how many players they will get, can't see anyone west of Colorado heading to Las Vegas over Tunica. $2,700 entry pretty high with no guarantee prize structure. Their hook is EGO, it will be filmed for TV.

    All information on these events posted above were found on the BJT.com event calendar.

    Hope this helps you out on which ones to play.
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2007
  13. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    First off the entry fee at Barona is not $500+$50 as reported here.The entry fee is $250+$25.

    100% of all entry fees collected on the UBT Tour are returned to the players.This prevents anyone from knowing the exact amount of the total prize pool until registration is closed on the morning of the event.

    The reason that 2 Final tables will come out of the Palms event like the Aruba Tour stop is that it allows 12 players as opposed to 6 to make it to a TV Final Table.More players playing on TV is good for all.Plus the production cost for 2 shows is almost the same as filming one show.In St Kitts the 50,000 free-roll was the scheduled 2nd show so the main event had 1 Final table.

    There will be wild-cards at Barona but with new wild-card rules that will differ from the January event.I know Max Rubin stops by here to read what is posted here so if and when he does he may just reveal what the new rules are.Its not my place to post rules that I'm not fully aware of.That should come from the powers that be at Barona. But rest assured if Max had a hand in the rules they will be "FAIR" for all concerned.

    Fred I was not suggesting that you were the "Pot Stirrer" I thought it was clear who the "Pot Stirrer " was.

    Please BS do not ask me any UBT/Bet21 questions because your snide questions and comment make me want to :vomit:
    Plus the majority of us know what your real agenda is when you start the "Stirring"

    If you were in the Army I bet you would never walk in front of any of "your" troops.

    Plants and avocado's are harmless so that's why you have lasted as long as you have in your job.Its pretty hard to piss off an avocado

    Last edited: Mar 13, 2007
  14. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member


    How can you run player standings for a tourney that has two final tables? Will this event be excluded from the All In standings? Sounds to me youre taking a simple thing and making it harder. Why not have a real final table and a 'free roll' off a drawing table like at Barona? That way the standings mean more and you still add value for the event.

    BTW, to me a wildcard is a draw to the event you are playing in. At Barona if there is a secondary table its a drawing, not a wildcard..?... So, to say there will be wildcards at Barona would say, to me, draws to the semi or finals of the main event. Then a drawing to a secondary game. This is great news for the Barona players!

    Joe, you would be surprised how dangerous an avocado fields can be. Between the mountain lions, rabid coyotes, pissed off illegal aliens, and Newton's Law its a dangerous field. I would say at lest as dangerous as a Brooklyn meter maid or a bailiff. :laugh:
  15. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Thanks for that update Joe. If I was wrong about the 500+50 I’m sorry but I was just posting what was on the calendar and the playubt.com site. Unfortunately when you call Barona they don’t have much more information either. It would be great to hear from Max Rubin regarding this - do I sense another radio guest? ;)

    Once again thanks Joe for clarifying that. I understand the prize pool for UBT comes from the number of players who enter – I think it’s a good idea. I didn’t understand the two (2) final tables before but NOW I do.

    In Aruba UB.com put 100 players into the main event. At St. Kitts I believe that the host casino was supposed to put players into the main event but they didn’t (please correct me if I’m wrong).

    I believe that Bet21.com added the 50,000 for the freeroll in St. Kitts. Do you know if The Palms will be adding any money to the prize pool?

    I also see on the playubt.com website that there is a double elimination being offered. It is my reading/understanding that this (“second chance”) is only good for the first round. Any ideas about that?

    Also will the UBT event at The Palms be offering any wild cards?

    Will there be any re-buys available for the main event?

    Also the 540 “super satellite” being held on April 18th do you know if this is a MTT – like they had in Aruba or will it be multiple 540 SNG with the winner getting a seat into the main event?
  16. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    This will be handled just like it was in Aruba. The points earned will be split in half. There will be two first-place winners, each of whom get point credit for winning a $1250 entry fee event.
  17. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    FG, The info you posted said "double elimination" which I thought means you already get two chances. If Im right you could consider your rebuy already in the 2700$ main event purchase price. Maybe someone could confirm this?
  18. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    2 Palms final tables

    Thanks, Joe. Deb and I were wondering where the other TV table was going to come from.
    So, you're saying that there will be 12 final table qualifiers from the main tournament field?
    If so, do you know how will it be determined who sits at which table?

    Since she's one of the UBT internet qualifiers, she's mighty curious! :p
  19. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    The 12 Finalist that will come from the main event are a random draw as to what table they will play on, as is the same for the 2 Internet qualifiers.

  20. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Last edited: Mar 17, 2007

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