UBT vs. Bet21?

Discussion in 'Ultimate Blackjack Tour' started by LeftNut, Dec 28, 2006.

  1. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    I'd be interested in some comparisons of the ploppy free tournaments at the two websites, from those who have tried both. I've played quite a lot of EBJ at the UBT site, but have noticed that Bet21 is mentioned here much more frequently. Is there a reason? Is it worth playing both?
  2. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    money games

    My guess is that the real money games bring more people to bet21. The play is exactly the same otherwise.


  3. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    UBT has a better playing screen IMO because of the colors they use. Bet21 is like a dark hole while UBT is bright. This doesnt really make a dif because the games are the same. You hear about Bet21 here so much because a few of the players here are affiliated with Bet21 via sponsorship.
  4. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    OK, thanks for the responses! I was just fishing around and wanted some knowledgeable feedback to determine if it was worth clogging my computer with another download.
  5. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    I wouldn't bother loading UB if you have Bet21.

    The only difference is color schemes

    Names/accounts/games all the same!

    Now compared to playUBT.com - forgetabout it!
  6. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    Not sure I have your question right..but are you wanting to compare free rolls at Bet 21 vs UBT free roll?

    Well first of all they both are loaded up with ploppy style play....between the two UBT is far worse because it has the additional painful requirement of winning a TEC point before you can play....I've written about this before but its worth repeating that this TEC point game is bad for the game in general.... no one learns to play a correct game ...the average player enters ...plops out 25,000 max bet and continues to do so until they win or bust out....

    UBT free roll also awards only one seat whereas Bet21's awarded 6 seats in a TV game....so you play thru fields of thousands and then are entered in game where you need to move thru another field of thousand or so...UBT has one prize...Bet 21 has 6 prizes but these are both more like lottery shots and its proven out because not one even semi skilled BJ player has won a free roll yet....

    It is free though so .....

    Personally I have pretty much stoped wasting time to even play them....

    Its rare that you get anything that resembles a real tournament game....its just a all in blast off just slightly tamer than the TEC point game...

    I pesonally feel that these free rolls have run the course and promotions needs to now return to the drawing board to tune up the promotion so that it showcases and teaches the game better. It is not unlike playing poker game where one or two use the stratgy of going all in every hand...

    If you are only playing UBT's free roll you should defintly play Bet21's....it is far less annoying in the you dont have to waste time playing for a TEC point...you do need to register and that only opens an hour b4 the game and so you must be logged on and ready to play but that is minor annoyance.

    I think Bet21 free roll is less ploppy like but the fact is there is usually wild play at both places....

    I will say that it is worth downloading UB (not to be confused with UBT) site as well but not because of the game ...which is exactly the same except for color scheme..but for the promotional differences that ocasionally arise...

    Actually accounts in Bet 21 and UB are the same...if you deposit money at Bet21 ...you will see that deposit in your UB account....they are the same....the difference is that sometimes UB offers different promos than Bet 21....just last week UB had a 25% deposit bonus that Bet 21 did not have....and even tho it has been a joke for us because we have been misinformed and frankly lied to about using these bonuses so far ...we have been promised that this will be corrected....

    So last week if you deposited 100 in UB.... your account also got 25 bonus dollars and in fact your account at Bet 21 shows this 25 dollar bonus too....if however you deposited the same 100 at Bet21 at the same exact time you did not get 25 bonus dollars....so it is worth having both loaded up....they dont take all that much space....

    Well Ive written a book again ...sorry.
  7. noman

    noman Top Member

    bet21 and UB

    There is one other difference. Bet 21 upgrades don't take. Without deleting and re-installing about a gabazillion times. Every time a "BET" site has an upgrade "for your enhanced" play it won't complete past the sign-in screen.

    UB and UBT self upgrade without a problem. The "BETS" may be a Wongy problem. Imagine that.
  8. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Rando and Noman -

    Rando is correct, I was looking for comparisons of the UBT v. Bet21 freerolls.

    I'd have to agree, the UBT site is infested with all-in ploppies galore. Especially those damn Sit-n-Go's for the TEC chips. However, the game settles down remarkably when you play one of the six daily "qualifier" tournaments, especially as you get deeper. The Main Events, as UBT calls them, are definitely tamer because there's only one of those a month and most folks, even ploppies, don't want to bust out on the first 3 hands.

    I may have to try the Bet21 version, though. Earning TEC's at the UBT game is just a pain. Those psycho Sit-n-Go's are likely turning off the very same people that the site is trying to attract, before they even get close to playing a more realistic game.

    As far as the number of seats UBT's site awards for the TV-seat "Main Event" - each qualifier awards six seats, as Bet21 apparently does. These are getting tougher, though, because those qualifiers used to attract 200 - 300 entries, but the site's popularity is picking up speed and it's now normal to see between 600 and 900 hopefuls at the starting gate. I agree, it sure would be nice to see some kind of prizes for everyone who makes the final table of the Main. Right now, it's winner-take-all and 2nd is worth squat. Talk about a top-loaded prize list!

    Quite frankly, I think it would be a disaster if one of the big-name TBJ pros won that freeroll TV seat. In my (still) amateurish opinion, it seems that the freerolls are intended to put a Joe or Jane Nobody on the TV table. If a big-name player wins that, word will spread and the whole thing will lose appeal to the very same ploppies that are the intended market.
  9. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    300, 600, 900, it's all the same...


    There isn't a lot of difference between playing in a tourney with 300-400 players and one with 900-1000 since you may not play any more rounds for the 1000 entry games than you do for the 400 entry games. The structure may well vary a little but you don't actually have to beat many more people.

    At playUBT the only reason to play is for the freerolls. Over at Bet21 there are plenty of other reasons to log on, winning actual, real spendable money is the main one! Also you will (probably) never see any of the big dogs over at UBT, so If you want to play with the best there is only one place to do it.

    I barely notice any difference between the interfaces of the sites and the colours don't have any impact on my play. Play in the freerols is very similar.


  10. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member


    I highly DOUBT that any "BIG NAME" would be on a UBT freeroll. If they are then more power to them. For example if Ken Smith wanted to sit through the torture of the UBT freeroll and win the tourney he deserves the seat.

    HOWEVER, if any Team UBT member were to do that - shame on them! :mad:

    In the long-run a person's decision WHERE to play as well as WHAT AMOUNT is related to their personal tastes.

    ME? I like playing against the pro's because it allows me the opportunity to evaluate my play level. I would play $50-$100 SNG all night against any and all of Team UBT, Ken Smith, Joe Pane, Blair Rodman, etc...

    I mean how else do you know if you're getting better or not? Why be a big fish in a puddle when you can swim in the shark infested UBT waters? I look at it as education.
  11. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    Big money

    I wish I could play Ken Smith in $50-$100 games all day long....

    Quick way to destroy my BR I think.



  12. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Hey it was a WISH not reality! :rolleyes:

    Besides Ken has losing streaks too! But he doesn't come out to play that much! :(

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