UBT Womens Showdown

Discussion in 'Ultimate Blackjack Tour' started by fgk42, Nov 19, 2006.

  1. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Well, the womens championship match was shown this weekend. I missed the first 30 minutes and only saw the final 3 ladies, Jennifer, Monica and Angie. I was shocked at the money totals on the table well over 300,000! And I thought the women were usually conservative!

    Anyway I was wondering about two things and would like to get other opinions:

    Hand 29:

    Angie has a pair of 10's and the dealer was showing a break card. I thought she should have split them - any thoughts?

    Hand 30: - 2 questions

    1. Angie bets 100,000 secret bet. She was down by 35,000 (I think). Was this the optimal bet to make? (Ok she won I know that but was there a better bet?)

    2. Monica last to act. Why didn't she double down? She seemed to play heads up until that point.
  2. instagator

    instagator New Member

    Women's Showdown

    The Women's Showdown was easy to watch and there was some interesting play. Congrats to Angie. Is the Showdown going to be a regular part of the UBT format in the future?
    I notice there wasn't much advertising outside of UBT, Bet21, and the Poker sites. Was that intentional or there just wasn't any interest from outside advertisers?
    Qualifying for UBT seems to excude a majority of the players due to the limited number of sites which are difficult to get to and expensive or closed.
    What happened to the good old days where you paid your dime at a monthly qualifier to earn a seat to play for a million bucks?
  3. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member


    Ok for those who didn't see the show:

    Hand 28

    BR2 - Monica 376,000
    BR1 - Angie 440,000

    BR1 bets first 50,000
    BR2 bets 1,000

    BR2 Q,6
    BR1 K,10

    Dealer shows 10 with a 6 under (showed to camera) pulled Ace

    Monica hits and busts loses 1,000

    Angie stays and wins 50,000

    I think I was confused because I thought the dealer had a 6 up

    Hand 29

    BR2 bets first 100,000
    BR1 bets 50,000

    BR2 gets 3/4 - stiff 7
    BR1 gets J/K - 20

    Dealer shows 4.

    Monica (BR2) doubles down 100,000 on the stiff 7. for a 200,000 bet

    Angie has J/K vs a dealer 4 what should she do?

    Angie stayed

    Dealer turns a 2 then draws a J then 8 for a bust.

    (Side note - Monica was chanting BIG, BIG, BIG with her arms raised and I thought she was talking about the implants with all that cleavage showing but it for a card :laugh: )

    Now Monica is BR1 - 575,000
    Angie BR2 - 544,000

    Hand 30

    Angie is on the button uses SB for 100,000
    Monica bets 85,000

    Angie gets J/10
    Monica gets 3/5

    Dealer shows 6

    Commentary said Angie shouldn't split but should stay on the 20

    Split 10/6 and 10/4 with a 100,000 and 100,000

    Monica said, "Do I DD or do I just take a hit?"

    She hits and gets a 2 for a 10. Then she hits again for 19

    Dealer flips a 10 for a 16 showing - next card........
  4. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member



    Not Sure

    Hey Ken,
    I am not sure if you can comment on my blogs unless you are a friend or at least a member of myspace. FYI. Would love to have comments though if you have them.

    I know I should have doubled on hand twenty nine, and hand thirty it was brought to my attention that perhaps I should have doubled for less on my 14. Hind sight is 20/20.

    It was a fun show though! I love doing tourneys and need the practice for sure LOL!
  6. AceDonovan

    AceDonovan Member


    Usually you need to be on someone's friend list to make comments.
  7. Scorcho

    Scorcho New Member

    Hand 29: I think this was an error, splitting was the correct option because at the very least you'd get the same result as your opponent and either gain bigger ground on them, or keep the lead. And there's also chances for a swing in which case BR2 is more or less dead.

    Hand 30: I think she didn't split because she was unsure of what Angie bet, it Angie bet the max then if she doubles she wins, but if Angie didn't bet the max and was trying to trick her then she has no chance at a fourth card.

    This was clearly the most powerful use of the secret bet thus far, and it's nice to see people properly using it, far too often we see people using it when they're last to act and it doesn't matter anyways.

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