
Discussion in 'Sidewalk Cafe' started by noman, Oct 30, 2005.

  1. noman

    noman Top Member


    I can't wait for the TV showing. Though I know it will be exciting, Lucy!

    But!, with no offense to anyone, especially Cerrrrrritos Dave.

    Here's my take. Give or take on the UTB initial run through.

    Number one, it will sell to the network and be bigger than anyone hoped!

    The preliminary heads up between the undisputed guru of any tournament BJ, Ken Smith and La Hambra dave, imply exciting tv. Both have hinted at it on these sites.

    Homever, or maybe not, (since encino dave spent 16 hour days preparing for the event), a commendable achievement in itself. Preperation and skill= luck.
    Encinada dave was entered in seven preliminariers Kenny kingdom was entered in six.

    As human an wonderful a guy.( man) as guru is, he himself, bemoaned the fact that his first 24 hands resulted in bust outs. But you know, that meant three preliminary rounds. And he got to play seven! So did Valley boy!

    So did the poker pros and the big busted beautiful women, ( I certainly, don't begrudge that,) But when you have six to seven chances to get to the finals, Shiite, ---Sunni and Kurd, you figure it out.

    Yeah there were probably great plays down the stretch. And with the flesh and theatrics and the connections,(boy were they top heavy, but necessary
    and great for the investors.)....I think they hit a non-steroid home run.This will be the greatest concept since yada yada yada for BJ tourneys. But guru didn't get to make his great plays in the first three rounds, to mystify Englewood, while Compton beat up on two hour a day practitioners.

    And hey Encino, I'll be spending 24 hours to get you next time! And send you down the Ventura to the desert, you and your so called grinders! Besides you the only worthwhile member is Erica! Jees, sorry, ya'll rest of you.

    So Norm and Kennye ,talk about all the poker pros who made it. Damn and again Shiiite---Sunni and Kurd, give me seven chances and just out of random I'll make one, even with West Hollywood yelling in my ear at every opportunity. Even though bannana man didn't.

    And hey, I know some top notch, (that's a local restaraunt, around here__ Greek) playas who didn't make it in seven tries.

    Sooooooooo, yeahzzzzzzz, great concept , great promotion. You investors reap the rewards. Wait till the masses find out about this! It's beyond the age of Aquarias.

    My only morale complaint: You'all set standards of behavior and language barriors,--dang, Max was enforcing 10 seconds at every opportunity, yet out of fear for losing the whole deal, you twelve cardinals, marching into a meeting room, caved in fear of losing the whole thing, because a Poker Pro, who should have practiced patience, discipline and self control went berserk.
    If the bomb was reason for dismissal, then that certain person's action was way above speech.

    But, ya know, in my non-status....status, with no credibility---Yet. No books.Yet. (and if I know, I'll be darned if I tell someone else how to beat me)
    I guess for the greater good, ya'll did best. And to Torrence Dave...I will see you again!

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