Ultimate Bet, Bet21 Bonus?????

Discussion in 'Ultimate Blackjack Tour' started by pergo56, Dec 23, 2006.

  1. pergo56

    pergo56 Member

    I don’t know about the other members of this forum, but I feel that Ultimate Bet and Bet21 has scammed the Blackjack players at sign-up, making the promises of Ultimate Points for every minute of play and a Bonus that never materialized and now the offering of a 25% Reload bonus which is insulting because it is totally useless to me as a blackjack player.

    I didn’t sign-up to play poker at either Ultimate Bet or Bet21. I signed up to play the Elimination Blackjack and expect to be given the same cash account benefits as a poker player. In my opinion Ultimate Bet and Bet21 has had more than enough time to make the corrections to their software to make this posable.

    JoeP mentioned in a earlier thread that he was told that the corrections would be made by January 1, 2007. Well guess what? I think Ultimate Bet and Bet21 are blowing smoke up the pros arses as well. Oh one more thing, Thanks Ken Einiger for the Book. Yeah Right! :rolleyes:

    Last edited: Dec 24, 2006
  2. Archie

    Archie New Member

    Still december 2006

    Pergo, I am as impatient as you are, but I trust Joep. The deadline for them to come through is January. What's a few more weeks??? I'm sure Joep will update us soon.
  3. Scorcho

    Scorcho New Member

    I had the same questions and problems when I first signed up, but the fact that there's still a place that you can play EBJ, hell any tournament blackjack at all, and get a game at nearly any time at any level far outweights the so far BS promises of bonuses and what-have. If they come great, if not at least I still have a place to make(?) money.
  4. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member


    Sure ignoring what is promised to players is a big problem but If I were one of you investing a-lot of money to play these games I would start demanding a kick back on the rake. It appears even proven solid players who are winning almost no money while paying folds of winnings to UB and Bet21 in fees. I would start asking about a comp system for free games and/or such. A good example is Golden Palace. They returned x amount for every game we played there. It really added up even tho our investment was very low playing 2-6$ games.
  5. noman

    noman Top Member

    UBT/BET21's Bonus:

    Look, Be advantage> Be realistic.

    UBT/Bet's pffered BONUS' for BJ. Didn't come, or get factored immediately, shortly or anytime soom. But, they are promised by reputable "people" and are coming. There's too much to risk not to.

    These same folks who advised others on bonus opportunities at the myriad of other sites weren't going to fall into the same trap they told others to outfox.

    The bonus return in Poker on the sites is marginal for a mediocre to average on line player in ring games. At a .05
    /.10 blind game with 10 players and a .10 bonus per qualifying hand, one would need that one big hand an hour just to stay even, while "ice whittling" into their bonus pile.

    HOWEVER: The number of FREE ROLL opportunities in BJ on these sites far offsets any preceived "scaming" From the outset of the online EBJ, I'd speculate more "Free" free rolls for substantial cash, more "Free" free rolls for "luxurious" land tourney entries and more EV's of nothing for sumpin have been offered than all the other past, present and few to come "other sites."

    If you've scored a 46" Plasma TV for $499 are you really going to argue with the cashier for that dollar in change to your fifth 100 dollar bill?(When the cashier has nothing but 20's in the till.)
  6. pergo56

    pergo56 Member

    Don’t get me wrong, I have enjoyed playing Elimination Blackjack at the at UB site and will continue to do so, even if the they had no bonus system. My point is if your not going to give, it don’t offer it at sign-up. pure and simple. Perhaps the use of the word “SCAMMING” may have been a bit harsh. It most certainly falls into the category of false advertizing.

  7. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    The bonus promise and book promise and reload bonus promise as well as the 25,000 dollar canceled tournament promise are all black eyes for these sites...

    Nothing could have been worse than a promise and then ignoring that promise ..even after having plenty of time to remedy the situation..and yet...I think they are trying ......

    In fact they are trying and hopefully the bonus will come thru...but more importantly!!!!!! And this should be noted by every memeber of this site.....


    I shout that because for several of the last nights a 5 dollar feeder has been offered for a prize of an entry into a 25,000 dollar tournament to be held in January.

    All but one that I saw so far has been canceled because less than 30 of you so called enthusasts has failed to show up and play! I know what I would think if I was running the game and offered this prize and these feeders for it.

    I think I now understand why casinos stop offering our game. There is no money in it....I cant blame them if that is the best showing there is for this game....

    What do you want or expect????

    There are thousands of members here and yet there arent enough to fill even a few high EV games and feeders....WTH...or stronger WTF?????

    Dont cry about not having any venues to play your game....you are not supporting the game!

    When you cant get 30 players to throw in 5 bucks for a shot at 25,000????WTF????

    The game should go away...the casinos should never offer you cheap basstards anything to do with your game!

    Its obvious you dont support it. They are trying....

    What are you doing?

    5 bucks....gimme a break....you all dont deserve a game...

    Merry Christmas!
  8. pergo56

    pergo56 Member


    Gee Rando chill out, relax and enjoy the holidays! Do you honestly believe that the reason the members here missed a couple of 5.00 tournaments is because we’re a bunch of “cheap basstards” This is a very busy time of year for a lot of people and I’m sure things will pick up.

    I think most problems falls squarely on the shoulders of the UB, not the members of this forum. If the UB really wants the Elimination Blackjack to succeed, they have to do a better job of promoting it. I don’t mean by the offering of Free-rolls or feeders to other Tournaments, but by letting people know Elimination Blackjack exists. A couple of commercials before and after the Saturday CBS UBT show is not what I would call Getting the message out. Look at UB’s home page The emphasis is on poker with Blackjack in much smaller text. So if there is a lack of players at their site it’s not the fault of the members of this forum.

    Last edited: Dec 26, 2006
  9. Phil Dunaway

    Phil Dunaway Member


    To the gentleman that was upset about no one showing up for $5 games.There are many states that on line gaming is in fact a crime & the punishment is extremely harsh,also,if a person wanted to defy the law & try to play,there isn't many avenues left to get your money to ubt or bet21.So at least for now,the on line gaming issue in the states is very difficult.
  10. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    Im not really upset pergo...

    But the fact remains that the fre rolls are packed...and beyond that the poker free rolls have thousands of people entering... so the holidays , busy story just wont cut it.

    As for the illegal comments....LOL...why isnt that stoping the tens of thousands of players playing online poker?

    Frankly ...I think it is partly about Cheap BSTDS...lol lots of folks in this game expect something for nothing ....they will play if there high EV but forget a regular tournament ....thats why casinos are stoping these events....Cheap BSTDS dont give the needed side action ( I see this myself) to make it worthwhile holding an event... I cant blame em for not holding these events....you are getting what you ask for when you fail to support the game by playing...

    I guess folks just like to read about tournament BJ..?????
  11. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Play To Play

    I don't play on-line so I can't comment on that area. As for B&M casinos, I've been saying that for years - PLAY TO PLAY - but it always falls on deaf ears. Casinos are canceling tournaments left and right. Lack of side action is why casinos are turning to invites only - and only the people with a history of play get the invites. Unless your name is noman, of course.
  12. AceDonovan

    AceDonovan Member

    Probably the biggest problem is right there.

    There's really no reason for new players to get their feet wet with 5 and 10 dollar entry fees when they have a freeroll starting every 5 seconds.

    The freerolls were a good idea to get started with, but they should probably cut them down to one a day or so. Right now, I think there are players that would play in a 5 dollar game, but since they can play for free for a prize, almost every time they log in, then why would they?

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