Up Coming Blackjack Tourns in AC

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by Tammy_CFO, Mar 9, 2005.

  1. Tammy_CFO

    Tammy_CFO New Member

    Can Anyone please inform me of any up coming blackjack tournaments in Atlantic City. Even any weekly or mini tournaments would be appreciated. ;)
  2. Upcoming AC Blackjack Tournaments

    I believe that almost all blackjack tournaments in AC are of the invitational variety with no entry fees or buyins. I only know of two upcoming ones:

    1) Sands has a $25k prize fund tournament on March 26th. You play a one shoe round, competing against the field with no maximum bets. The top six moneywinners make it to the final round, but I believe that there is also some prize money for something like the top 20 money winners.

    2) AC Hilton has a "Last Man Standing BJ Tournament" on April 28th. The format is kind of bizarre. There is no betting, no double down option, no pair splitting, no insurance, no surrender. You just make hit/stand decisions. In a sense you are competing against both your table and the field to see who can last the longest. You are eliminated if you lose a hand, unless everyone else at your table also loses that hand. A push is as good as a win from a survival standpoint. If you bust, you are eliminated even if the dealer beats everyone else on that round. The last time they did this type of tournament, the last man surviving at each table received $50, and the person who survived the most rounds in the whole tournament received $5k. When a table gets down to one player, that player continues to play until he loses a hand. The only good comment I have to make about this type of tournament is that it doesn't take much of your time.

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