Update From The Palms UBT Main Event

Discussion in 'Ultimate Blackjack Tour' started by Joep, Apr 20, 2007.

  1. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    The Main Event which started today drew 62 players creating a prize pool of 155,000

    Key Players that advanced to Round 2

    Kenny Einiger
    John Ressman
    Norm Sheridan
    Kenn Smith
    Chuck Gorson
    Skip Samad
    David Page
    Freddy Deeb
    Devil Fish
    Krazy Kanuck (Jim Worth)
    Robert Williamson
    Ace Donovan
    Blair Rodman
    Joe Pane

    Key players who lost but are now playing their second chance round

    Adriana Jade
    Kris Judkins
    Robert Blechman
    Hollywood Dave
    Anthony Curtis
    Jennifer Tilly
    Phil Laak
    Monica Reeves
    Previn M
    Michael Castellano
    Phil Hellmuth
    Annie Duke
    Sonny F (Stubbs)
    Antonio Esfandiari
    Surrender Y.

    Once the second chance round is completed we will go right into Round 2 at about 3 PM. I will try to get that Round 2 update as soon as possible.

    Last edited: Apr 21, 2007
  2. GHermanski

    GHermanski Banned User

    What happened to the other 338 people?
  3. pokernut

    pokernut New Member

    There are always some cancelations, this is only an 85% rate.
  4. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Yahooo. Go Joe - Make it to the final table boss - maybe THEN we can agree on the bet for Bet21.com ok? :cool:

    PS What happened to the BARONA updates? :confused:
  5. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member


    Joe had mentioned to me a few months back UBT was expecting 400 players at the land events in USA. I said the entry price was too high. Looks like a good % of the players here are team UBT. I guess its good news for those playing, 2 final tables with over 30K 1st place prize money and an approximate probability of final table .20.
  6. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    GH the 400 prediction was for BARONA - THIS is the PALMS update.

    Remember BARONA was 250 entry fee

    PALMS was 2500 entry fee

    They were expected 100 people and got 62. Therefore factoring in the fact that 12 people will make it to one of two final tables there is a 19.4% chance that just by showing up you get on TV!

    Think about THOSE odds. In fact if you WIN on the the two final tables you'll get a cool 31,000!
  7. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member


    Barona should have and maybe did float the game to their customers. Why in the heck would the overlay the game! But, Joe has mentioned the UBT was to have about 400 like Herm is saying.

  8. duro

    duro New Member


    who won the barona tourny ?
  9. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member


    I hope David Hollywood and Dreamer get on a table. Let the Marine teach the kid a lesson.:D
  10. GHermanski

    GHermanski Banned User

    Oops. That was my mistake. Although as it was pointed out that Joe used the 400 people number to refer to other tournaments as well.

    How many of the 62 people were there because they wanted to be and not because someone else paid their fee? I know you have problems answering questions, Joe but at least 12 of those people are on "Team UBT" whatever that means. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to have someone else pay my way into tournaments, but any tournament that's drawing fewer than 100 people and only 50 of them actually risked their own money to be part of it, I would think twice about coming here and making it seem like a success.

    Congratulations on making it to the second round, Joe. How many people did you have to defeat to do that? Is this your best finish in a televised tournament?
  11. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    There are so many questions being asked of me on this thread I'm not sure I will have enough time to address them all right now.But trust me when i have the time i will answer all the questions asked of me.

    The reason there were no immediate updates about round 2 and the semis is that they both occurred with under 30 minutes between round 2 and the semis. I was fortunate enough to be playing in both round 2 and i advanced to the semis also,so that was the reason for the lack of updates.The semis have just ended and here are the 2 Final Tables that will be filmed for CBS TV

    First Tournament starts shooting at 9 AM

    Here are the players

    Tommy Percell
    Robert Blechman
    Annie Duke
    Monte Weiner
    Hollywood Dave
    Joe Pane

    Prize Pool

    1st Place 37,300 and it includes a 10,000 seat in the TOC at Barona

    2nd Place 14,400

    3rd place 9,000

    4th Place 6,000

    5th Place 3,800

    6th place 3,089

    7th Place 2,799

    2 nd Final table scheduled to shoot at 2 PM

    Here are the players

    David Marsh

    John Ressman

    Freddy Deeb

    Jane Doe

    Christian Leinhos

    Roger "Skip" Samad

    The 2 Internet winners will fill the last seats on the Final Table to bring it to 7 players.

    One Question that I will address right now is that no player was entered into the tournament without his or her 2,700 being added to the prize pool.That seems to be a question that has been asked and answered around here more than once.

    But I guess the person asking must have gotten to much SUN on his 3 day vacation from here. :joker:

    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 28, 2007
  12. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Nice going Joe

    Dang, I almost got my Samad vs David. I think they should move some players around. Joe Skip and David same table!
  13. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Thanks Barney

    I also, along with many of the TV staff were pulling for Skip, Dave and I to be on the same Final Table. It would have been good TV. But I'm sure Dave and I will kick up the pace a notch. But it was a blind draw for seat selection.

    There will be an audience for both shows.If anyone is interested in attending the taping of one or both of these shows they will begin taking audience members at 8 AM and 1 PM on Saturday.

    The Palms is located on Flamingo just west of the Strip

  14. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Congratulations to all

    Good luck to all the BJT.com members:

    Hollywood Dave (2nd final table at the Palms in as many tournaments)
    Skip Samad (made season 1 TV finals)
    John Ressman (I believe this is Johns 3rd UBT final table this season)
    Joep (I believe this is Joep's 3rd UBT finals and first UBT TV finals to win his way on)
    Robert Blechman (going for two wins in a roll at the Palms)

    and to the two poker players (both very nice people) Annie Duke and Freddy Deebs.

    As much fun as a Hollywood Dave/Skip match up would have been, I am looking to the Hollywood Dave/Joep match-up. This is the TV re-match from round 1 of the WSOB II. That was a very entertaining match with some very good betting and play. Hopefully this match will be no different.

    Again good luck tomorrow to all the finalist.
  15. thrasht

    thrasht New Member

    Congrats Skip, Joe and HD

    Way to go guys. It's always a good thing when blackjacktournaments.com members kick butt. Go win your table Skip and hopefully Joe and HD can pull out a first and second on theirs.

    I'm assuming no blackjacktournaments.com members made the final table at Barona since nothing was posted here. It would still be great to get an update. Again excellent job Skip, Joe and HD.

    Thanks, thrasht
  16. GHermanski

    GHermanski Banned User

    Congratulations to all of you who finished in the top 20% of the class. You must be very proud of yourselves. Hopefully you'll manage to stay out of 7th place and earn only $99 for your three days worth of work. But if you gave the Palms some side action, maybe they kicked in a free buffet. Of course, not all of those people paid the $2700 so it's more profitable for them. It's good to have someone pay your fee for you despite the fact that certain people here refuse to acknowledge that.
  17. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    My Turn ?

    Rick the producers and Max Rubin along with many of the TV people are actually looking forward to this rematch. I'm sure Hollywood and I will not disappoint them. Especially if the cards cooperate and keep us around to the end. Maybe this time the dealer will snap off Dave with a 21 with a 3 showing while I own the LOW :laugh: After all it would be only right for that to happen.

  18. marichal

    marichal Member

    rather shocked to see "only" 62 players at the palms. rather lead to believe, by the posts on this site, that this event was to attract a larger crowd, instead of mostly the same old "big" name players. first heard that the palms were out of rooms, (i know the wa. state guys had to stay at the luxor), and the dates of the tourney seemed to change as well, leading myself and others to think that this would be a populated tourney. hell, the iron horse casinos of wa. state, were to send 10 players alone. so i guess that there were no other qualifiers around the country to turn this into the "big" event as one thought

    i realize the entry fee was 10 times higher than barona. yet this tourney was held on the weekend, and in vegas. yes barona had its' high rollers playing, that made up some of the population of the almost 400 players (i guess the palms does not have any high rollers). but, come on, this "big" event was in vegas.

    good luck to the bjt players on the final table. sorry to see that the wa. state gang did not advance. want to send out kudos to max at barona for putting on a professional run tourney at barona. the man, knows how to run one.

    still, something smells fishy about the palms. just wondering what it could be???????
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2007
  19. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member


    There are 2700 reasons plus room and food....:joker:
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2007
  20. dreamer

    dreamer New Member

    Wishing and Hoping... BUT...

    It's early in the AM here in Vegas, and I haven't slept all night! I suck at drawing table assignments, and I guess that my "Ultimate Blackjack Tour" REMATCH with the "Little Bad Boy of Blackjack" will have to wait for another day...

    The time will come, and hopefully sooner than later, that this "Dreamer", the real "Bad Man of Blackjack" from Las Vegas, will give the "Little One" the spanking of his life!!

    I was seriously wishing and hoping that this "Ultimate Blackjack Intimidator", yours truely, was going to be able to teach a lesson or two to the Little One, but it's not meant to be just yet...

    For now, I've got my hands full with competing against disputedly the "Best and Hottest" Tournament Blackjack Player on the planet, John Ressman. If I can take him down :celebrate :celebrate :celebrate later today, then possibly the "Little Bad Boy of Blackjack" and "The Bad Man of Blackjack" will have their day in the UBT Tournament of Champions later in the year. In my humble opinion, I have to get past John Ressman later today for me to have another shot at Davey, and he needs to get past Joe Pain today, which I seriously doubt he will do, in order for us to be able to do "Battle" later in the year in Barona.

    Regardless of what happens later today, I'm going to savor the moment, give the Producers an entertaining show, and have some fun...

    It's almost "Show Time" and the "Bad Man of Blackjack" the "Ultimate Blackjack Intimidator", the "Dreamer" is back...

    May even have to resurrect the "Clown"...

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