Urgent!! Reachy, London, Andy, other British Friends - I Need Help!!!

Discussion in 'Sidewalk Cafe' started by RKuczek, Nov 15, 2006.

  1. RKuczek

    RKuczek Member

    First - the big confession - I am a tea freak -

    besides drinking single estate teas - such as Margaret's Hope, etc. - which I get from reputable tea importers - such as Upton's and Special Teas - my standard, favorite, everyday, many times a day tea for many years has been Robert Jacksons of Piccadilly - even when they stopped exporting their tea to the USA - there were a few 'outlaw' tea shops and importers which still managed to find a supply of it - but now that the evil Twinings has bought out Jacksons and they have closed down the last Jacksons tea shop - they have stopped making their wonderful tea - :mad: - I guess that is one way for Twinings to get rid of a vastly superior competitor :flame:

    I have just looked into my tea cupboard - and it is almost empty of Jacksons tea :eek:

    I have tried a few other brands - including Ahmads, Bewleys, Brodies, Taylors, Typhoo, Harrods, and PG Tips - but they all suck -

    Twinings sells tea all over the USA of course - but - did you know that they make a 'special' line of teas just for the USA??? - I think they consist of their warehouse floor sweepings - they suck -

    So - can any of you recommend a decent brand of tea???? American teas are horrid - which is why Twinings can get away with selling floor sweepings as tea over here - and I don't know all the British brands - of course -

    do any of you know any brand of tea/tea merchant which produces teas comparable in quality to Jacksons???

    If you can recommend some choices - I can track down a source on the internet - but I would like to avoid having to sample dozens of different teas to find the best - if possible

    so - any recommendations??
  2. London Colin

    London Colin Top Member

    Sorry I can't be of help

    This may come as a shock but, despite being English, I don't really like tea! I do like the idea of 'outlaw' tea shops though; it conjurs up all sorts of images.

    Good luck in your quest.
  3. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member

  4. RKuczek

    RKuczek Member

    Should I reveal

    that I also played Rugby???? I may be more 'Brit' than you two!!!

    Thanks for the suggestions Andy - I'll check them out
  5. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member

  6. Hollywood

    Hollywood New Member


    i am in London until next week, staying on the Southwest side... any of you English crazies who wanna share a pint, PM me!!

  7. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    Love to...

    ...but can't. Where are staying exactly and what are doing here? Playing any blackjack? Book signings? Damn, I wish I could make it down, too busy this time of year, and beside what would my wife say...?

    "Hey Honey, just going to London to meet some crazy blackjack guy who I saw on the TV..... He said he'd buy me a pint..... Yeah that's right, the one who wears make-up and dies his hair funny colours.... Yes he wears leg-warmers on his arms...... No he's not gay....."


  8. RKuczek

    RKuczek Member

    Andy 956

    sounds like an interesting job:joker:

    but the Queen drinks Twinings:eek:

    I couldn't do that:laugh:

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