Vegas Casinos for Blackjack

Discussion in 'Blackjack Tournament Strategy' started by Iceman05, Nov 9, 2005.

  1. Iceman05

    Iceman05 New Member


    I am going to be in Vegas(first visit) at the end of this month.

    Could anyone please tell me, which casinos are better for blackjack and which ones should be completely avoided.

    Your input to my query will be a great help.


  2. Sidekick

    Sidekick New Member


    For your first time, give the MGM a try followed by Wynn
  3. noman

    noman Top Member

    ICEMAN05--BJ Play in Vegas

    Short of any other responses:

    Play a good solid game at the Union Plaza (downtown), one of only the few remaining places that let Norm play. Golden Nugget double deck could work.

    Try Gold Coast double deck.(It's next door to Rio)

    25--50--100 double deck at Norm's Starbust. For the rest of us the Stardust.
    Before they imploded.

    Rio 25-50 double deck, comparable.

    Hurry and get to the Frontier, their six deck $5 game with Muhhamed(and bet for him) is an outstanding surprise. early shift. before noon.

    I don't know bout the megas except Ceasar's, but there are so many pits and labryniths I can't recall where to go there.

    For all the rest of us, don't play 6-5. don't bet for the pairs and don't feel sorry for the beggers and street panderers. they were all super dooper black jack players, before they hit the pits.
  4. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Stay away from....

    The Rio Bikini pit! Biggest joke in town, Pays even money on blackjack...LOL, just so you can be dealt to by girls in bikini's. They have some other stupid rules as well, but after hearing that I just walked away.
  5. noman

    noman Top Member

    Vegas BJ

    TX. I never mentioned the bikini pit. did I misinterpert your post or you mine?
  6. norm21

    norm21 New Member

    Who is that guy?

    Who is this Norm that plays at the StarBUST? Please do not confuse him with Norm21!!!!!!!
  7. rookie789

    rookie789 Active Member

    Who is Norm?


    You have to ask Noman who Norm is but you would be honored to be confused with Norm although limited at the casino's you were welcome to play at in Las Vegas.

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