Vegas run: Feb 12-15

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by Sandy Eggo, Feb 4, 2009.

  1. Sandy Eggo

    Sandy Eggo Member

    Ok gang, Hubby's 50th is on Feb 13th. He wants to shoot some cheap craps. So El Cortez is in his future.

    Me? I want to do some marathon tournament playing!! He might join in as well, as he has been doing a lot better now that he's also playing Hold'em and learning to pay attention to the chip stacks as well as his own.

    Using the calendar, I've been cross-checking (and cleaning it up) and have come up with the following:

    Thurs 12: Rampart 10:00am; Reg $25/Rentry $25; Final 2:00pm ($2400 pool)

    Thurs 12: Longhorn Reg 12noon; $10 entry; Final table ??:00pm (75% of entry to winner)

    Thurs 12: WildWildWest 4:00pm; Reg Free; Final 8:00pm ($500 pool)

    Thurs 12: Arizona Charlies-Boulder 5:00pm Reg; $25 Buy-in/$2 add-on; final table 8:30pm (unk pool)

    Fri 13: Longhorn Reg 12noon; $10 entry; Final table ??:00pm (75% of entry to winner)

    Fri 13: Cannery Row 5pm; $25 reg; $750/$150 first or final table; 7:00pm final table

    Sat 14: Longhorn Reg 12noon; $15 entry; Final table ??:00pm (75% of entry to winner)

    Sun 15 (Parumph) Saddle West Reg 11am; Reg $20; Final table unk; (pool unk)

    So gang, am I missing anything that I should be paying attention to that is worth a little more than these?
  2. askdick

    askdick Member

    The Tournament Tour

    You got it down pretty good but I would add my comments...

    Rampart is not guaranteed but a nice tournament. Arizona Charlies is nice but you need a players card. You will not be able to play Rampart and Longhorn on Thurday but you can do Rampart and Charlies.

    Longhorn during the week day is 10.00, Saturday noon is 15. It has been selling out so get there no later than 11:30. Longhorn is available every day but I hope the smoke does not kill you. They have GREAT food at very reasonable prices.

    Aliente is 1000.00 for 1st on Fridays BUT it is selling out quickly. You need a Station Casino card to play. It is 1000, with 5 place at 200 where Cannery is 750, with 150 for 5 places. They each have 2 sessions 7 tables with 6 players. Cannery has less players maybe sometimes 4 playes for the 2nd ssession. Both 1 advances but 2nd gets a ticket for a 50% chance for a wild card back in. Only 3 round tourneys.

    Sorry you are going to miss Sahara. Longhorn on Wednesday and Sunday nites as they have a 25.00 buy in so they are worth more for 1st.
  3. Sandy Eggo

    Sandy Eggo Member

    I apprecate this, as while I know how to get around Vegas after working hockey tourneys for a few years...a few of these casinos are, well, new to me.

    I tend to get the darned cards anyway...hoping to get the mailers/emails for advance reminders (can you say forgetful?)

    That's why I listed all of them for opinions. One thought was (until I mapped them) if I got knocked out of A, to dash to B. :joker:

    Saw the buy-in difference for the Saturday. Given how bad Paradise's smoke is, I hope that has been conditioning me. But I'll triple up on allergy meds as well. :D As for just the general breathability...Vicks under my nose may help.

    Already have. Will find them in the house somewhere.

    I've yet to WildCard into a seat. Same for Hubby. Sounds like if we both were to make final table, more money is available at Aliante than Cannery, but seat-odds are better at Cannery....Hmmmmm

    Yes, we had fun in the Sahara one we were in at Christmas. If I could justify popping up by myself for the Wednesday, I'd do it for the gamble and catch both of those...but he's only put in for the Thur/Fri off. I think he wants to drive up as well (Hybrid Civic) to keep costs down.
  4. Sandy Eggo

    Sandy Eggo Member

    Looks like a s-l-i-m chance we may make the Sahara one tomorrow as hubby says we can leave as early as 9am. :D

    My goal is to get the rest of my errands done today, get back to the house and finish laundry/packing. Then get the animals all taken care of so that we can roll out as soon as we are awake in the AM.

    I still need to book Whiskey Pete's for the SIn City Kitties' :cat: special as that's what he wants for tomorrow craps/slumming...I know, I know...we get to drive an hour back out on Thursday for the show...but I'll enjoy it as well, ;):cat:

    Then it's figure out where to go after the Rampart on Thursday AM...if I don't make it or re-buy, then Longhorn...if I do, then WWW or AZ Charlie's depending on his desire for craps...and yes, we charted the cheap craps against these tourneys. LOL
  5. Sandy Eggo

    Sandy Eggo Member

    Slim became no-chance at 6am when I was still up cleaning chinchilla cages.

    Hopefully we get to Primm at a decent hour, and get some sleep so I can make Rampart tomorrow morning. :confused:
  6. Sandy Eggo

    Sandy Eggo Member

    OK, the results of the Vegas Run....

    Rampart: 4th place

    AC-Boulder(Thurs): didn't break

    Cannery (Fri): Semis -- 3rd on that table, oh so close

    AC-Boulder(Sat): 3rd place, Daughter/Mom took top two

    Saddle West: got there too late for UTH tourney. BJ is now alternate weeks-Sunday and on Monday nights

    I also got the rules for Nevada Nugget in Parumph. When I finish unpacking and copying the rules, I will make sure the calendar is up to date with these tourneys.

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