Video Poker Guru Bob Dancer

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by Lil Sissy, Apr 7, 2009.

  1. Lil Sissy

    Lil Sissy Banned User

    Joe Pane just posted this over at LVA, I thought some members might want to tune in on Thursday night at 7PM Eastern 4PM Pacific Time.

    For all video poker players and blackjack players who have crossed over to the video poker side for additional ways to gain an advantage on casinos you will be pleased to know that this Thursday April 7 I will have Video Poker expert Bob Dancer on my weekly radio show.The show can be heard all across the internet at www. Holdem at 4 PM Pacific Time. I broadcast live out of Binion's Poker room and will be giving away some gifts that Bob will bring to the studio.So if you are in town stop by if not listen in for some interesting video poker information that Bob will provide. You never know you may win one of the gifts we will be giving away.

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