Wait for the bonus?

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by Scorcho, Dec 13, 2006.

  1. Scorcho

    Scorcho New Member

    I was going to make a first time deposit at Bet21 but I saw that players get a 100% bonus if they're depositing to play poker, they also said that a similar offer would be open to blackjack players in the future. Should I wait on this bonus or should I just go ahead and start playing now?
  2. Angel

    Angel New Member


    Attached Files:

  3. Scorcho

    Scorcho New Member

  4. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    That all depends on your age and life expectancy. If you have enough years left, go ahead and wait. :sleep:

    Good one Angel. You get my nomination for best reply of the month. :laugh:

    Scorcho: You set yourself up for Angel's response. Don't take it personal, just having some fun. :D
  5. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    Perhaps you have missed the old posts about this bonus issue.

    These sites UB/Bet21 have been difficult and evasive about promised bonus money.

    Its seems they opened their mouths before they put their brain in gear as they apparently had no software to track bonus play for EBJ available.

    And further it would appear that this is the toughest software upgrade ever to be developed as we are all still waiting for bonus money to be paid or even a mechanism to be put in place to account for our raked play in the EBJ section.

    they get a mark of F - in the bonus money area....

    In fact they have remained fairly silent and they ignore most inquirys on this subject.

    Our own Joe Pane who apparently has inside contacts with these sites made a post a while back and he assured us all that these issues would soon be resolved...I think he mentioned that all would be settled by year end...

    its a sore point really because they made a promise and failed to keep that promise and adding fuel to what could have been a quite small fire ...they clamed up! No one felt the need to explain anything....

    I would have been happy to hear...Opppsss we screwed up a bit...the software cant track bonus money yet but bonus money will be paid and everything will be corrected by XXXX date.

    Insted we got nada! Still havent officially heard anything from these sites....only Joes words.

    Thats why you are seeing the canned laughter...lol

    Right now it seems that these sites are trying out EBJ. But its definatly getting the second class citizen treatment as far as CS, promotions, etc....

    Cant say as I blame them though....because Im not privy to the numbers.
    They have huge poker numbers as there is often 18,000 plus players on the site....

    How many are playing EBJ?? Dont know....I do know that if I was trying to sell it I would increase the promotions to attract players to the game...the free rolls while ok were just not a great method to showcase this game...in fact I found the free rolls mostly a effort in frustration and if anything they put players off. Its like playing the lottery....and about as much fun.

    Better promotions would be an increased amount of guarentee games with some specials that will make the pokers players look up from the numbed dream state you must put yourself into to make it thru that mostly long and often dull game.

    EBJ is exciting...almost every hand is key...poker players will like the change from the sit and wait game they normally play...but theres no money or incentive it yet!

    Maybe they dont want to rob Poker to pay EBJ...;-) that would short sighted though...this game will attract more players than poker...the fairer sex is taking to this game like ducks to water and where they wont sit at a poker table in mass...they will play this game and they will "cut your throat" with a smile and laugh while doing it.

    The bonus??? Dont hold your breath.... Normally that would be enough to eliminate a site as a reasonable place to play. The times have changed though and they can be less considerate as they are one of the few games left in town.

    Play now....make your deposit, hope that they will eventially make good their promises and have some fun. The bonus money may never come but the game is still fun and this is the only place you can currently play.

    Hopefully increased competition will force these guys to realize that they need to work a little to earn those rakes.
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2006
  6. Scorcho

    Scorcho New Member

    Yes, I did miss the posts, I've been less frequently checking here because of school, thanks for the info, I'll probably get on there soon.
  7. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Hey Scorcho,

    Stay in school! :laugh:
  8. Scorcho

    Scorcho New Member

    That some sort of knock on my skill? :mad:
  9. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Just joking


    fgk42 likes to joke a lot on this forum - and I do mean a lot. His posts are often serious but joking, well he loves that. I think him and Reachy run a contest between themselves but we are not shown the results.

    Anyway, fgk42's comment was in jest and not to be taken any other way. What he meant was to get your education because that's what's most important. While in school and afterwords, you can take up Blackjack tournaments as a hobby but making a living at it requires near perfect professional play which few possess.

    We joke a lot here. It's part of what we do between serious talk. So sit back, enjoy, and learn. Don't let this keep you from posting. ;)
  10. Scorcho

    Scorcho New Member

    Haha, I know, I was joking too, I know these guys can be clowns, and if they really wanna test my skill I'd be happy to let them test it anytime :)
  11. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member



    Once again he says it better than me. I gotta work on these communication skills! Scorcho I don't think we've ever played so my comments was "tongue in cheek"

    I wish I could have Angel's apitutude for humor - mine seems to be lacking lately!

    I gotta tell you this though, after reading some of James G.'s works I wish I remembered more of Calculus 1, 2, 3 & 4! Also wish I had remembered some of the computer programming skills to keep up with Ken, MicoReachy and London. :laugh:

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