We don't want no stinken ante's...

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by TXtourplayer, Feb 7, 2007.

  1. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Problem with most Indian casino's? ANTE'S!!!!!!!!

    But what can you do? Nothing, WRONG!!!!!

    Eric Woods in Tulsa is coming through again, for the May tournaments Eric is going to give players "Bonus ANTE promo chips". That right about $200 - $250 in ante chips so it will eliminate those pesty antes. As far as I know, this is the first time I ever heard of anything like this, I think it is GREAT move on Eric's part.

    I have be bragging about Eric since last year and about the Tulsa Cherokee casino, I think know you can see why. Eric is really trying to gain the players business. It is very nice knowing that a tournament director and casino is willing to go out of their way for the players.

    Thumbs up Eric and Tulsa Cherokee casino!!!!!!!!
  2. Drbass

    Drbass Member

    More thanks to Eric

    I agree 100% with TX - that Eric is one of the most creative and concerned BJ tournament hosts/directors in the business. He is willing to try some new formats, listens to feedback, and strives to accomodate BJ tournament players of all levels, types and skills. My thanks and appreciation!

    Also, congrats to Leah for winning last night's accumulation tournament. Way to go!
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2007
  3. marichal

    marichal Member

    great job by leah last nite to win the accumlation tourney. she really hung in there on the final rd., winning only 4 out of the first 18 hands. played it like a pro that she is.

    i agree with tx. and dr. bass. eric and his staff are one of the best. tulsa should be put on ones' list to play
  4. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Way to go

    Leah! :D
  5. leilahay

    leilahay Member


    thanks all for your good wishes. it was a lot of fun.
  6. ptaylorcpa

    ptaylorcpa Member

    Great job

    I hope someone will post some more details on how this was accomplished in an accumulation format. The only thing I can figure is she got a lot of pushes, she bet small to start out and then won by pushing it all out when the cards turned, or everyone else busted out, or maybe some combination of all the above.

    Generally in an accumulation format you go in big from the start, so not winning hands will bust you out pretty quick.

    Nice win Leah!


    PS: How big have the prize pools been so far? I think they were supposed to pay out 110% of entry fees.
  7. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Congratulations Leihahay

    She played GREAT last night. In round one I was at the table next to her and got to see her take the early first round "HIGH SCORE".

    The second round she play layed back and coasted into 2nd over all to make it into the top 18.

    *NOTE: the tournament ended up "NOT" being an accumulation event, but was a "HYBRID" format, and with a different twist.

    Back to the story, in the hybrid format the top 18 over all scores made the 3 table semifinals, where we played 3 tables of 6 players and theh top two advanced from each table to the finals.

    The kicker in this event was: in the semifinals and finals players didn't start with equal amounts of chips, instead they carried over their chips from the previous rounds (more like poker).

    In the semifinals I was 2nd on Leihahay's table, $565 behind (starting out anyway). Leihahay played smart going low and making everyone chase her. I started out small also, but after losing the first 11 hands and dropping to 4th place I had to start firing myself.

    I came back strong, hitting a max $500 DD (6/5 got the 10 vs. dealers 10 (she had 20), followed by a $500 20 (win), by a $500 BJ, to win $2,250 in three hands to get back into 2nd place (now only $1,400 behind Leihahay with about 5 hands to play).

    Now it was down to only 4 players, John leyland (BR3), Jan - (Swede21) (BR4), Leihahay (BR1), and myself (BR2).

    John came out firing and I tried to keep the lead on him, but back to back hands he first pushed/swung me, and then full swung me to take over a two max lead into the last hand. We both cut the gap on Leihahay going into the last hand, but her last hand BJ closed the deal for the win on both of us, while John cut my by $100 to take 2nd place.

    While Leihahay took the $3,500 first place, John came in third (not sure of the prize money). Nicely done Leihahay.

    Satellite note:

    I played my 2nd satellite last night afterwards. It was a $50 5 player event ($181 for 1st and $50 for 2nd, rest was house fee).

    Once again it came down to Razor Rob and myself, he had a slight lead with 4 hands to go. Rob betting first went small ($20) while I came out with a $340 bet. I hit a BJ, nice, WRONG! The hits a BJ also (third time just last night the dealer did that to me). Next hand Rob bets $210, so I only bet $20. This time Rob hits a BJ while I catch a 20...LOL.

    Last hand only three of us left, I need a Push/swing or better, Rob surrenders leaving me with 4/4 vs dealers King. I just hit and catch a Queen for 18, dealer flips another picture to give Rob the win and me another 2nd. O'well at least I am getting my money back...LOL.

    Rob has won 3 statllites so far out of 3-4 events. I've kissed my sister twice in my two satellites (2 - 2nd's), and Joep won the first event last night. I don't believe they offered any others.

    Tonight the REAL BJ tournaments began, hopefully I can get over try hump the rest of the week/weekend.

    It has been very nice getting to meet new BJT'er - SweetWilliam, Marichal, Leihahay, and Mociferous for the first time.

    Today several other players are due in and even more tomorrow, so the tournaments will start getting even harder starting today.

    I'll update again tomorrow.
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2007
  8. thrasht

    thrasht New Member

    Congrats Leah

    Nicely Done Leha. Storm and I will see you and everyone else in a few hours. We're sitting in a bar in Phoenix waiting for our connection. I just talked with AceDonovan in person a few minutes ago while killing time in this watering hole. Storm and I are on the same flight with him. Are you coming out to pick us up BigTex? Again nicely done Leha.
  9. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    I'll come get Stormy anyway....

    Hell I guess I'll pick you up since I'll be out there for Stormy (I like her....LOL).

    I'll see all you guys in a few hours, What airline? Southwest isn't it?
  10. Lou 714

    Lou 714 New Member

    Results are posted

    Actually Joep has final results and prize pool information on these tournaments over at www.LasVegasAdvisor.com and www.Worldblackjackchampion.com forums.
  11. swede21

    swede21 New Member

    wtg Leah

    Nice job Ellen! We're proud of you.

    Do it again tonight!

    Jan & Tom

    SOOZZIEC New Member

    Great Job Leha (Ellen).....Its was great seeing ya....May your gyspy travels be prosperous! :)

    Congrat's again,:joker:

    Lou & Sooz

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