We gotta work together...

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by TXtourplayer, Feb 18, 2007.

  1. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    It is fine to have difference of opinions, but remember we are all in this together. Now if we get on to a casino or have a complaint about a ruling in a tournament is one thing, but we don't need to be getting on to one other.

    Without all of us working together we are not going to every have any tournaments, but what ever is thrown are way.

    Now Joep and I use to go back in front in fun, but somewhere down the road that stopped, however in Tulsa we played at several tables together without any problems. I still think Joep is a fun guy to hang with and a very good tournament player, now when I see posts slamming other players it bothers me.

    My view point is I am no better than anyone else out there in tournament play, nor is anyone else out there better than me. I try and give every player I play against the respect they deserve and I hope I get the same from them.

    That doesn't mean I agree with every play or bet they make, but that is what makes us all different and the final results will show who played it the right way (to win) when the tournament is all said and done.
  2. dreamer

    dreamer New Member

    Impending Second Retirement of JoeP...

    Read Cardtalker's thoughts over at Anthony Curtis's website listed in the Forum under "Discussion of the UBT"...

    Make it a "Great Day" all.

    Dreamer celebrate

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