Discussion in 'Ultimate Blackjack Tour' started by fgk42, Jan 12, 2007.

  1. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    It seemed like people used to critique the WSOB games, week by week.

    I haven't seen that here with UBT! Why?

    There were several "questionable" calls in this match - starting with Jen Tilly's opening 40,000 bet!

    One that I don't understand and since he's posted lately maybe he can give some insight to WHY he did this:

    Hand 18 Seat 2 on the button

    seat 1 HD 117,500 bet 23,000
    seat 2 Erica 110,500 bet 6,000
    seat 3 Skip 86,000 bet 26,000 doubles to 52,000


    seat 1 15
    seat 2 17
    seat 3 10


    Skip doubles down INTO the 10!

    Now on Hand 17 HD "talked" Skip into a surrender when Skip tried to take the lead. Skip was your bet on hand 18 an angry bet?

    Why dd at that time. It was early and while I know he had to catch up there was plenty of time.

    In addition to this there was the elimination hand 16 with Freddy Deeb!

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