What a civil board...

Discussion in 'Sidewalk Cafe' started by masteff, Jun 22, 2007.

  1. masteff

    masteff New Member

    I admit I'm more of a lurker on this board as tournament play is essentially a Sunday afternoon diversion for me. I pop in here every week or three for a quick scan of the latest news and move on to other places and forums.

    But I really have to say, even given an occasional ruffled feather or two, this is such a nice and civil board. I get on another work-related forum daily and find myself clenching my teeth far too often. In fact this evening I was stewing (even spent 10 minutes to prove myself right) and suddenly thought to myself "man, I need to go to the black jack tournament board and just mellow out". Even though I already knew the 710 thing, it was nice to come in here and relax.

    So thanks for the jokes and the friendly, non-judgemental atmosphere. It's nice to read threads where people are trying to arrive together at good answers and not to prove why "I'm right and you're wrong". I needed that. To reaffirm the whole world isn't lost in one big rat race.
  2. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Gotta agree with that one. There's been an absolute donnybrook going on all week on the vpFREE (video poker) forums, with two of the "gurus" firing shells at each other with amazing regularity. Their respective disciples rushed in to defend their heroes, and before long it resembled a schoolyard brawl. It has been quite depressing, and far too reminiscent of the recent Rick v. HD/Joep battle here.

    In a pissing contest, usually everybody ends up getting wet.

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