What a day

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by Barney Stone, Oct 3, 2006.

  1. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Some think I am a paid employee of a site which just isnt true. Fact is I only had two places to play using my puter. I took every chance I could. Yesterday, maybe my last day to play BJT in this online arena, started painfully. In my first three tries, round one at one site buy and rebuy at another, I went 5-17-2 as far as win-loss-push. Then at 7pm I tuned in for what felt like walking into an incinerator. Went 0-3-1 to start. It didnt get much better, lucky I wasnt the only one. Turned it around made final table holding enough chips for a shot at a win, I tasted the fruit of victory. Nice because this might be my last chance in this online arena. When I came here a few months ago I came as a guy who wanted to expand his horizons in a game I love, Blackjack. The reason I became interested was a search and finding this board. I said to myslef, man you are a good card player and this fits your analytical mind. I didnt even know about Global and the soon bj21 etc. When Reachy talked about Global I thought that is a disaster because internet gambling really is dangerous. When bj21 came on many here shunned it because of the house charge. I argued hell global is a casino and the monkey will take that 10% plus some. After making a final table in a free roll I was hooked on global. And as I predicted about the monkey it grabbed me and made me lose $30 one day in the casino. But even tho I didnt like the blackjack program there my play was getting better and better. I could almost taste the cash in the 7777 game. And thats it, here I am back to square one. I am a guy looking for live legal games. One year into my study and playing BJT I know I will continue. Playing online has helped me and I appreciate the chance and I appreciate many friends I made out there in the cyber playground. I plan on being one of the best in the world in this game I have grown to love. This internet thing wont stop me.


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