What are your main dislikes in tournaments?

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by TXtourplayer, Sep 25, 2009.


What format/rules do you HATE most in tournaments?

Poll closed Dec 24, 2009.
  1. Only one player advancing per table?

  2. Twenty hands or fewer dealt per round?

  3. No surrender offered?

  4. No insurance offered?

  5. Cards dealt up for double downs?

  6. Cards dealt down for double downs?

  7. Dealers mis-deals that force a new hand to be dealt?

  8. Dealers calling out your bet when in the circle?

  9. Blackjacks paying 2 to 1?

  10. No maximum bet?

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    I'm making a poll to see what formats and rules players hate the most in tournament play.

    You will be allowed to pick multiple answers.
    FBJeffy likes this.
  2. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    one advance with no rebuys.

    fewer than 21 hands
  3. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Good one Barney

    I left no rebuys off the poll, but very good call Barney. That is a biggie.
  4. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    If you have any other format or rule dis-likes, please post them.

    Besides what I listed on the poll and Barney's reply about no re-buys are there any other dis-likes about tournament formats and rules anyone has?

    If so please post them on this thread. I've received some calls and private messages in reply to my poll, but I want all these issues posted on the public forum for all to see so we can discuss the pro's amd con's of each issue.
  5. London Colin

    London Colin Top Member

    I've come across a few rules in the UK and online which US players won't generally have to suffer, because they stem from using the same, restrictive BJ rules in tournaments as in the venue's 'normal' game.

    • D9,10,11 only (Thankfully only seen that in one, online venue. But it spoils what could otherwise be a good game.)
    • No doubling for less. This has two variants:
      1. Can't do it ever, meaning that if you have bet more than half your BR you can't double at all.
      2. Can't double for a specified amount, but can go all-in if you have bet more than half your BR.
    • No doubling on a BJ, or on a S21 following a split. (Infuriating when it locks you out of any chance of victory.)
    • Can't split unalike tens. E.g., can split JJ, but not JQ.
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2009
  6. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Top three tournament dis-likes.

    So far the top three dis-likes on the poll are:

    #1 Only one player advancing.

    #2 No maximun bet.

    #3 No surrender.

    Those numbers are based on only 19 players that have taken the poll. You can't tell me only 19 players have checkout this thread. Come on, players you have things you like and dis-like about tournaments, please take the poll and or reply with your own if not listed so I will know what issues need to change to make a successful tournament.

    Here are some other dis-likes that were brought to my attention:

    * Not offering re-buys, posted by Barney Stone.

    * Down card DD on bustable hands.

    * Mulligans, power chips or any gimmicks that allows extra cards to change your original first two cards.

    * Selling extra chips at the tables before starting of any rounds.

    * Tournaments that spread out over more then two days of actual play.

    * Not having WRITTEN RULES!

    * This is actually an issue proir to the tournaments, but trying to get information about the event to see if you want to go play in it.

    * Not allowed to DD on a blackjack just posted by London Colin.
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2009
  7. Fredguy

    Fredguy New Member

    Tournament dislikes...

    Here's the thing that can really piss you off....

    Flying 2500 miles across the country...making airline and hotel reservations for a 3 day trip, then being eliminated the morning of the first day.

    This is a problem with the elimination format, even with rebuys, and two advance. One can still get crappy cards and bomb out early.

    Several months ago, I proposed a format that would allow all players to play until the last day. I called it the golf tournament format. No one even commented on this post.
  8. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

  9. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Never saw it, sorry Fred

    I'm sorry Fred I missed your post before, now that Ken gave it it's own thread I'll check it out and give you my feedback, again I'm sorry I missed it before.

    To address your first issue about first day elimination. You gave me a great idea to add on to my Airline format, should you get eliminated on Saturday I think we should hold mini or satellite tournaments on Sunday for all those players that don't advance. This would address your issue of no play on Sunday.
  10. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member

    Another Poll Needed

    Tx you ought to put together another poll similar to this one, but asking us what formats we like, instead of dislike.

    For example, I like having one secret bet. The secret bet eliminates final hand position as a huge luck factor in your chances. It also adds game theory strategy elements, which favors good players.
  11. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Personally I'm not a big "Secret Bet" fan, I list that under gimmicks, but this thread isn't about what I like or dis-like, it is about what the majority of the players like and dis-like.

    I don't see a poll for formats and rules we like, but no reason why players can't reply back to this thread with which ones they like. Just too many formats and rules to cover them all in a poll.
  12. F.W. Bishop

    F.W. Bishop New Member

    Chip Counts

    I few of the tournaments i have been in have actually done chip counts for all players at designated hands. This is an advantage to players who don't play that much. I dont agree with it. To me it's part of the strategy.

    My thoughts


  13. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Double count no big deal

    I tried the double count on one of the cruise tournaments before. We counted with 5 hands left and then before the last hand. It was okay took a little bit more time, nothing major.

    The double count serves two proposes, helps the players by knowing everybodies excact chip count with one hand left, however I have seen trouble when the chips were miscounted by the floor staff and it effected the out come.

    The second propose is to eliminate the chance of any players palming chips. By counting before the final hand will eliminate a player any chance of sneaking any chips into their final chip tally.

    Personally I'll play either way, single or double counts, however I do prefer that the tournament has table cards with the written totals posted on the tables for all the players to able to see.
  14. noman

    noman Top Member

    Biggest complaint

    I can live with a lot of "bad" rules. But poorly trained dealers, not following the rules, or tournament staff not following the rules is my biggest complaint. Been in too many where a dealer's arbitrary action has affected out come.
  15. I have seen more of that in local weeklies than anywhere else. It got to be a pretty common issue in some weekly craps tournaments I used to play pretty regularly. Of course, it is much easier to do on a craps table but still possible on a blackjack table.
  16. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Washington is the worst...

    Rebel I agree most cheating problems are found in the mini tournaments. For those that play or have ever played tournaments in Washington can back me up on this. Local players (not the traveling tournament players), up in Washington are the worst I've EVER SEEN as far as palming chips, switching bets and almost any other type of cheating to could think of.

    The biggest problem is weak, very weak dealers and floor personel that just don't seem to care. While playing at one of the weekly events I saw one player (woman) cheat at least three times in a 20 hand round. I said something to the pit boss and he just said "Really? Oh well we can't do anything unless we see them doing it!" Duh...maybe watching the tables would be a good start and what no cameras?

    Another issue that adds to the cheating is at a lot of the smaller casinos in Washington will host the blackjack tournaments on whatever
    tables are avalible and when your trying to watch 7 players playing a blackjack tournament on a poker table it is harder other to control (Hint).

    I enjoyed the trip up to Washington saw several friends and meet several new ones but I don't see me going back up there for any tournaments.

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