What can be posted here?

Discussion in 'Sidewalk Cafe' started by TheDealer, Jul 24, 2006.

  1. TheDealer

    TheDealer New Member

    I am developing a game at my website and was wondering if I asked for users to test it and visit it if this would be considered spam?

    I have left the link out of this message until I get the response. Don't want to violate any rules.

  2. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Go ahead and post. Thanks for asking.
  3. TheDealer

    TheDealer New Member

    Link To Game

    Thanks Ken,

    Here is the link to the game.


    It is part of my main BJ site, but I am only asking that you play the game and tell me of any problems you see with the game.

    In the future, it will be connected to a DB for stats and contests. Right now, I am just getting the game logic to work.

    Thanks for any and all help!

  4. bahoozle

    bahoozle Member


    The biggest problem I see is the colors. That green with the red box is frying my retinas! Oh, and that I lost or pushed 8 of 10 hands.:eek:
  5. tgun

    tgun Member

    bj test

    I got booted after about 10 hands.

  6. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Is it for a training tool?

    I played 22 hands, 9 win's, 9 losses, 3 pushes, 1 BJ.
    Three of my wins were DD.

    For free no one can or should complain to much, but here are a few questions and comments I have.

    Colors could be changed and I wouldn't complain.

    A few times the players only had one card show up, (but the total was there).

    Do you have a surrender option?

    What about split? I didn't notice one. If so can you DD after a split?

    How many decks do you use? Can you change the number of decks?

    Can the players change the house and player options?

    Can you play multiple hands?
  7. TheDealer

    TheDealer New Member

    Game Testing

    Thanks so far for those who have critiqued my game. I will be taking your suggestions seriously and will implement them soon.

    As far as the purpose of the site, I am not sure yet. I am debating between just a place where players can go and practice. Since I am using a shoe, counting can also be practiced.

    The other option, but one that would not rival GPC is to have a weekly tournament where the top winner gets something... Not sure what the final decision will be though..

    SUggestions also welcome
  8. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    My two penneth...

    Haven't seen the rest of your site but there are some very good online trainers out there that you would be competing with. Ken has one on blackjackinfo.com and there is hitorstand.com plus numerous other very tidy looking flash games. To be honest your game doesn't match up in aesthetic or playability. I'm sure this is just an early version and you will refine it. If you want to set it up as a trainer it needs to be alot more flexible allowing you to set your own rules, decks, etc. You'll also need to have a BS test function.

    As for counting, well I'm learning at present and am on the look out for trainers, but again if I'm to learn I need to know accuracy, so you will need to add figures for RC and a TC conversion as well as the ability to use different counts.

    Keep up the good work and if you impliment some of the above I'd be very keen to use it.


  9. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member

    Splitting Aces

    You should change it to not allow hitting after you split aces. No one allows you to take hits after you split aces, though sometimes you can resplit aces.

    You should set it up to allow players to select rule changes such as H17, surrender, DD on 10 or 11 only, 9,10, or 11 only, DAS, no DAS, # of decks, penetration.

    It didn't always give the split option.

    You've got the right idea, dealer. Keep up the good work. :D
  10. TheDealer

    TheDealer New Member

    Split Option

    OK, this may be a novice question, but my experience has shown that unless the faces match, you can't split. Two Jacks can be split, but a Jack and King Cannot be?

    Is this not the case? I think it depends on the casino, yes?
  11. ptaylorcpa

    ptaylorcpa Member

    Splitting faces

    Typically any two cards of the same value can be split, which means face cards or a 10 and face card can be split. Doing it at a casino table usually gets you lots of derogatory comments....


    On a side note, I have seen on some gamemaster machines where they have blackjack as a choice of games to play that only matching cards can be split (JJ, QQ, KK, etc.) I think it is programmable by the casino when they buy the machine, because most of them have all kinds of varying rules about DD, splits, etc.
  12. TheDealer

    TheDealer New Member


    Well, then, I will have to fix my code!

    I have split 10 value cards rarely, unless the count would say to. Then it is dangerous.

  13. swog

    swog Elite Member Staff Member

    Splitting tens

    A ten is a ten is a ten, except at The Pechanga Casino.
  14. maxwell

    maxwell Member



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