What do you want?

Discussion in 'Ultimate Blackjack Tour' started by fgk42, Jan 2, 2007.


One on One playing

Poll closed Feb 1, 2007.
  1. Yes, I like one on one matches

  2. NO, I don't like one on one matches

  3. Yes, I would play one on one matches

  4. No, I wouldn't play one on one matches

  5. Yes, Bet21.com should offer one-one matches

  6. No, Bet21.com should keep it like it is

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    I was just curious about something.

    How many players miss the one-one duels that Global had?

    I know that BJ21.com has this format - they just need players!

    So what do you think. If you had to chose, what formats would you like to see online? And why?
  2. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    I like 1 on 1s but not nearly like a multi table events which are my favs. I thought the 1 Global mano mano tourney I played was fantastic. But I vote no to bet21 mano mano. I dont think using a secret bet proves anything mano mano. It just makes you need to get lucky in figuring the opponents bet. Keep it pure, target and attack specific targets.
  3. Reachy

    Reachy New Member


    I prefer multiplayer games to the mano a mano games so I'm not fussed. I don't think bet21 would ever run a 2 player game since the format would lose it's identity. Impossible to run an elimination-style game with only 2 players. Unless it's only 8 hands long...


  4. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    In the pure sense, Reach, I think mano mano is EBJ. The opponent is eliminated and game over.
  5. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Would you believe...

    I actually would like to see less tournaments offered online so that we may get bigger turnouts for the ones that are offered.

    I read posts every week from players complaining about tournaments being canceled due to to few of players signing up, yet these sites schedule tournaments overlapping each other and dividing players between them.

    My suggestion would be to schedule tournaments no earlier than 30 minutes after the last one finishes. Competition is great between sites, but when tournament scheduling causes tournaments on the same site to be cancelled I think they should step back and examine the problem and correct it.

    Also I am concerned with too many online events draining players' bankrolls for future land based tournaments. If players are winning that is great, but just remember when 30 players are required to play, for every 6 finalist who make money, at least 24 players are losing money.

    Perfect example about my concern was Ken from last week. Now not only did Ken win back to back $50 tournaments (which by the way Congratulations), but did anyone catch the whole story?

    He won $875 twice (the 10pm and 12am tournaments), yet he stated after winning a total of $1,750 that he only ended up almost $1,000 up for the day! Now just think if he wouldn't have not won? He would have been down over over $750 for just one day!

    Now that isn't a lot of money for several players on this site, but I can tell you that I can't afford to go around losing that kind of money a day, week, or even a month on a regular basis.

    My concern is players losing their bankrolls online since it is so easy to play 24/7.

    Just my opinion, what do y'all think?
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2007
  6. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    I should point out that I am playing mainly the $55, $109 and $215 sit and go tournaments, which obviously makes a bad day quite expensive.
  7. noman

    noman Top Member

    What daya think: What daya know.

    I'd be an example of one of those 24 players in TX's thoughts on on line tourneys and his example of Ken. For various reasons, including early days of Global and some kind inclusions into the realm of Elimination BJ, I believed I had an edge. Also thought, think, I had edge in on line poker. How easy to garner the "stake" on line for the "super" land events.

    Well, in addition to more knowledgeable computer operators, site glitches, connection problems and gremlins, I have to admit and realize, I've got a personal better record live, in bj or poker than on line.

    The convenience factor of on line and "pots of gold" seemingly make it more attractive. But regardless of whether a B&M is invite by play, by entry, by open.....in the long run, all things considered, LIVE IS BETTER.

    Much is made of giving the side action to continue the invites, but, after surviving a year as a persona non grata, out of the blue I'm getting more than I ever did. And it's funny cause I never give side action bj when I'm in a bj tourney, cause I don't want to use all my Karma up in the side action.

    My video poker play is minimal and I disdain many of the other casino offerings, except the poker tourneys and they don't give you credit for those.

    By the same token, I'm not invited to the Mega resorts 100,000 events, but with a set budget for "entertainment" so far this year 2007, I've received invites to more events than I have in the last four years.

    And one additional side note. I'm not going to go to an event just cause I got invited. Call it what you will, analyze your opportunity any way you want, if it ain't worth the trouble, I ain't goin.Show me the money! And show me da rules. And please don't change them in mid tourney.
  8. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    I'd have to agree with you that LIVE is BETTER! :yikes:

    What are we talking about here? :joker:

    Attached Files:

  9. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Yes & No

    Excellent point TX! Ok, lets cancel the 10:30 freeroll at Bet21.com! :D

    Yeah! That happens in real life too doesn’t it?

    Not many people can TX. I know I can’t but then again we’re not The King are we?

    I’m divided on this on TX. You do bring forth valid points about the timing. Personally I’d like to see consistent bi-monthly or monthly big tourney’s like the $25,000 in January. The freerolls are just a waste of time and time and more time – that’s my opinion.

    It would be nice to have one nice tourney a night – oh wait they do at Bet21.com! $20 ($1000 nightly guarantee) and two (2) $50 ($2500 nightly guarantee). THIS is BJT heaven! Not once a week but NIGHTLY!

    As far as players BR’s – well that is a decision that each and every PERSON has to make for themselves. As someone who has to fly to play in a live BJT I have costs: airfare, car rental, hotel, entry fees, meals, etc…. Therefore I am limited in the number of tourney’s that are cost effective for me to try. Sure I can defray most of the costs with side action but that’s not the point.

    At home I can play with NO overhead. I’ve had final tables in two (2) of the $5,000 events and that is cost effective for me.

    As far as being concerned about players BR’s now you’re beginning to sound like the misguided representative who voted for the online ban. Their argument sounded a lot like yours. Or wait maybe it was the B & M casinos that played the save people from themselves card? It’s a double edged sword.

    Let the sites offer as many tourney’s as they want. Supply and demand. When it no longer is profitable for the site they stop it. That’s why I was so adamant about the lack of participation in the $5+.5 satellite for a seat into the $25,000 event. It has great EV but was under promoted and under utilized.
  10. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Please elaborate

    So if you don't play online (darm gremlins) and you don't go to all the invites, how do you decide? Just curious.
  11. noman

    noman Top Member

    FK 41 and a half: For your ears only!

    Reply to previous post:

    EDGE: Cause. (1) dang nab it! (with no back up records, I don't keep written records((and yeah, every "pro: book I've read says to do that)) I'm an excellent BJ player. I've played a long long time in many places far far away and in many a dimension, form and various lifetimes. Learned the game shortly after Acey-ducey.

    (2) I never hid it. I'm as about up front as you'll get, if you can decipher the gobbeldy-gook. Yeah, I beta-tested and pre Beta'd. And posted that previously with some honest criticism.

    READ: Much more value is given to READ than it deserves. When you're playing experts, it's either not there, or a feignt or a misguessed "which hand is it in." Against less experienced players, it usually turns out to be different than you thought. Percentages.. outs.. and practicing putting people on a hand is more valuable.

    WHY (live): More options for "changing up." To something else in the house, out of house(of any kind). also percentages: Prize pool per entry and number of competing players to get top prize. Rounds to the money, or prize.
    Different view. Different air. Different conversationalist, rather than arguing with that old guy in the mirror.

    PLAY: I still play on line. But I am lessening it. I enjoy playing live for employee connections and information, the folks you meet from all over. But, I pick my spots, by entry, payout and available "stake." But you have a "chance" of making more in one tournament than in months of grinding play. Yeah, the books! But, I'll try to keep this brief. Ha ha.

    Live BJ play used to be good. But there are hardly "any" games anymore. So a good tourney is more attractive, if one really wants to play BJ.

    AND this was a "What do ya think," thread Soooooo. There ya go. And dat's da truth. Blszplfdnkblssss.
  12. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    But while one may be an excellent BJ player being an excellent TBJ player is something else - or so I've been told! ;)

    Once again in BJT, wether TBJT or EBJ there isn't anything to read - except secret bets and you and the TBJT camp said you don't like them so......

    Can't argue with you there. Except when I get tired at home I break open the old Playstation or X-box, or take the dog for a walk - I miss more hands because of him!

    Playing live for employee connections? What??? :confused:
    Pick and choose is what the experts do - Tiger Woods doesn't play in all golf events because he's proven himself. The young ones on tour play in them all for the experience and chance to gain on the leader.

    Maybe because when they had all the good games no one did any side action :rolleyes: I mean lets face it BJT are a losing proposition compared to the take in a regular BJ table. So why hold the BJ tourneys if people only come to play in those and NOT have any side play?

    Personally, with my spread and action EBJ is a bargin because I SNG may keep me busy for up to 30 minutes and I spread a lot of chips over that period of time.

    Oh, back to the thread - do you like mano-mano BJ?
  13. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    This is a great example of what I was trying to point out in my earlier post.

    Now it seems to me that the two guaranteed tournaments are taking away players from the two satellite events, maybe that is the reason the satellite events keep getting cancelled so often.

    8:00 pm Bet21 offers a $20 + $2/ $1,000 guarantee tournament.

    8:30 pm They offers a $5 + $.50 satellite event to win a seat in the $25,000 tournament.

    10:00 pm They offer a $50 + $5/ $2,500 guarantee tournament.

    10:30 pm They offer another $5 + $.50 satellite event to win a seat in the $25,000 tournament.

    They also offer Sit & Go events during those times as well. Maybe if they made a few adjustments in their scheduling the players could enjoy playing in more of the events instead of a either or situation.

    Personally I would love two nightly $5 + $.50 satellites during the week around 6:00pm & 10:00pm, with the $20 + $2/ $1,000 at 8:00pm and the $50 + $5/ $2,500 at 12:00.

    Now the $50 + $5/ $2,500 could go back to twice a night after the $25,000 event, but why offer the $5 satellites if no one ever gets to play them? Something has to give.

    Once again, this is just my opinion.
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2007
  14. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    It's a great opinion and I don't disagree with you.

    I would change it to

    8:00 $20 - 1000 guarentee

    9:00 $5 - satellite

    10:00 $50 2500 guarentee

    11:00 $5 satellite

    Right now they have 9 & 11 very small tourney's that could/should be pulled and replaced with the satellites. Or the people playing in the 9 & 11 should re-thing and play the 8:30 & 10:30 satellites.

    Problem is the 8:30 satellite conflicts when you're in the 8:00 still competing
    The 10:30 satellite goes head up against a freeroll - God knows anything free attracts EVERYONE!

    I said in an earlier post/thread that the EV for the freeroll isn't even there compared to the $5 satellite. I just don't think people get it!
  15. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    How about this?

    Start the tournaments as follows:

    6:30 pm $5 + $.50 satellite

    7:45 pm $20 + $2 $1,000 guarantee

    9:00 pm $5 + $.50 satellite

    10:30 pm $50 + $5 $2,500 guarantee

    (and you could still hold another at midnight still)

    12:00 am $50 + $5 $2,500 guarantee

    With an hour and fifteen minutes between starts any players who lose in the first two rounds of any of the earlier tournament can have time to sign up and play in the next event.

    If they are winning in the semi's or finals they probably wouldn't worry about the next event anyway.
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2007
  16. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member


    What do you mean by that? Do you mean the time you have to invest in freerolls being part of your EV calculations? Is the EV in a freeroll bad or good compared to the $5 satellite? What don't people get? :confused:
  17. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    The prize for the Bet21.com freeroll is a trip for 2 to vegas. Second place is an iPod or something silly like that.

    Look at the number of people you have to beat to make it to the invite event on Jan 15 - and THAT event already has over 850 people in IT!

    Now for the $25,000 prize the $5 satellite get you a 1/30 chance to win the $200 entry. Do it a second time and its free tourney dollars!

    Not to mention the $5 satelitte is 90 minutes compared to 150 minutes. I just don't think the Bet21 prize is worth the aggrevation of their freeroll

    The PlayUBT freeroll with a seat to the final table? Different story - THAT prize is worth much more!
  18. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Yup, I'd have to agree with that. :)
  19. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    That's the point Reachy.

    Imagine playing 1-1 with Ken Smith for 8 hands. Or Legend Champion Kenny E and coming down to using the secret bet.

    I think 1-1 would immensly improve people's play - at least it would for me.

    Also since the games wouldn't last long (8 hands - or less) the house rake would increase.
  20. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    I get you point...

    ...but I don't see bet21 going for it for the reasons already stated. EBJ is a different game from TTBJ but by running 8 hand 1on1s it'd be exactly the same as any other 1on1 TTBJ game. If you want to play Ken 1on1 get him over to blackjack21 and play him there.



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