What if?

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by TXtourplayer, Sep 27, 2006.

  1. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Here is a suggestion. With all the new online BJ tournaments going on now, what if they all scheduled their events on different days of the week so that we wouldn't have to miss any of them?

    Seems like the ones with the smallest number of players would do this just to try and build up their events.

    I know I would go back playing blackjack21.com on another night than Mondays. The free roll for Global-Players $7,777.77 tournament in to the 2nd round is worth more to me than what they are awarding in prizes.

    Now if they played on Tuesday night I would be back over there in a heartbeat, and I assume several other players would be as well.

    Everybody that would play blackjack21.com on Tuesdays just reply to this post and lets see if we can build up another tournament night.

    Mondays - Global-Player free roll

    Tuesday - blackjack21.com

    Wed. - Global-Player - weekly

    Thurs. - blackjack21.com

    UBT/Bet21/UB - 24/7
  2. noman

    noman Top Member

    What if cows could fly?

    Don't know TX. U got competing sites goin for about 40 to 60 playas, in spite of numbers some will spout.

    The big numbers for the free rolls on Bet21 and UBT are from the poker folks giving it a try. Within last two weeks, the regular poker playas whet their whistle with a try and have gone back to what they know and like best. A few keep tryin, specially after the tv show. It's easier right now to get a game at a bet 21 or ubt, but no one really wants to play for more than 30 and that's right in line with Global. I hope they hang on. Cause they're good and respectful and offer a good game.

    Long and short of it, even in the beginning no one who played global wanted to go for too much. Or didn't like vig.

    And I'll repeat. The huge tournouts for the St. Kit's freerolls are just that. Huge tournouts for the free rolls. Most scheduled 5, 10, 20 tourneys sometimes don't get the min 30 people.

    So on we go. We die hard derelicts, beating up on each other. Fun ain't it.
  3. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    You maybe right...

    Noman you bring up a very good point. How much can we drink before the well goes dry?
  4. pokernut

    pokernut New Member

    You can play on 2 or more sites at one time, I do it in poker alll the time. Besides how can you find the time with runnibg arond the world playing live, being on TV and meeting casino executives getting contracts signed for your tour, it is only 3 months til your tour starts?
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2006
  5. noman

    noman Top Member


    Once again. u are correct sir.

    Homever, I really challenge y0u to play on two UBT sites at a time. O r even the same one with two different games. Screens in and out(oh, unless you have a bank of computers. Ok then alright. As I said. Once again u are correct.

    TX: Little late. But check your operating system against bet21 requirements. Adjust cookies, security, cache.....and for a teensie, weensie, bit of criticism, I alternate between UBT and bet 21, still under same account(thanks all for the alternative advice) but think it's too late now) AND one second there are three free rolls an hour and a half apart, the next two of them are gone. Either site. There are schedule tourneys at certain times, that all of a sudden arn't there when you go to play. Now, I know, I got plenty of spots on my glasses and my mind ain't as sharp as I once thought it was, but I ain't seein "shadow people" wraiths. banshees, or little people(read trolls) when I'm scheduling my play. So....... WAS up?
  6. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Real or Play?

    Noman make sure that your checking on the play game schedule and not under the real games, that might be your problem.

    I did that when I first started playing.

    Pokernut, it's really easy to play of online around trying to get the TBT started. But one question who told you the TBT was starting in 3 months? I said we wouldn't start until 2007, but I have yet to post an exact starting date.
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2006
  7. noman

    noman Top Member

    W..a..i..lll. thanks TX

    But, what the hell is the play game. I'm always in for da money.
  8. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Not Gambling Man

    Your Gambling Noman...LOL
  9. pokernut

    pokernut New Member

    Tex, just assumed it would be starting in January since you answered my question "How many events will it be" with:

    "13 in all, 12 - monthly and the Championship event each year" If you are starting in 2007 and are having 12 monthly tourneys and there are 12 months to the year 2007.
  10. noman

    noman Top Member

    Dag nab it.

    I still done get it.
  11. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    I'd sure like to start in January

    I am planning on 12 months + the championship (back to back with the last monthly event). But it isn't up to me when I can start it up. I can't start the tour until I get all the locations set up and contracts signed.

    It doesn't have to start in January (it would sure be nice if it did) remember the LVH Million dollar tournament first started in April and went year round.

    But honestly I am busting to get it going, but I gotta wait until everything is in place. I don't want any problems by starting to soon and not being completely ready.

    Before I announce the starting date and schedule I will run the format, rules, and ranking system by all the players for final approval.

    Like I said the TBT is just that (Tournament Blackjack Tour) it is designed the way the tournament players want it.

    Yes, the first year it will cost a little more (in fees), but if we can show the casinos that we are willing to come play if they offer an OPEN event and not just host VIP tournaments, than maybe we won't have to pay any fees for the following years. But if we do, at least you'll have an OPEN event ever month.

    With the TBT and UBT, I think BJ players be able to find multiple OPEN tournaments each month. And both will be offering online satellite events.

    But before you ask, NO FREE ROLLS for TBT...LOL, sorry were a lot smaller. Now thats I said that the online sites may not offer one every now and then as a promotion.

    I will also have a few surprises that I think the players will like, (I said SURPRISES so don't ask what they are).
  12. pokernut

    pokernut New Member

    You mean no Team TBT, since I generally play Poker I was hoping for a spot.
  13. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member


    No team TBT...LOL, I'm keeping the TBT as an individual sport.

    Without TV coverage their is no need for a team to help promote the TBT.
  14. maxwell

    maxwell Member


    Ok Tex This All Sounds Good
    You Been Given A Lot Of Sh T Lately So Keep Up The Good Work And Get Her Done-i Am With You On This Keep Plugging Away:d
  15. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    No problems

    I post my opinions, ideas, and suggestion, to get the players feed back (their opinions, ideas, and suggestions).

    I don't expect everyone to agree with me, nor do I expect to agree with everyone else (all the time).

    I post so that "ALL" of us can try and agree on the Format's, Rules, and Ranking systems, it isn't just my way.

    I can't think of a more fair way to start off and conduct a tournament blackjack tour then for all the blackjack players to vote or be polled on what they want, after all without the players there will be no tour!

    The TBT will be a work in progress, with each and every tournament I hope to work and make it better than the last, but I can't do it alone. It will take all the tournament players to help build it into the best tour it can be.
  16. maxwell

    maxwell Member


    Do We Need 12 Casinos Or I Think We Could Have 6 On A Tour-lets Face It If A Tourny Is Open To The Public The Casinos Will Have A Good Turn Out In All Areas Of The Casino(everybody In Tourny Is Tracked)
    Room, Food ,tables ,etc
    Once A Month Tourny Is Just What The Doctor Ordered For Me-a Decent 20k Plus Tourny:d

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