What is going on?

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by cherub44, Oct 5, 2006.

  1. cherub44

    cherub44 New Member

    I typically try to stay out of debates on this or any website, as arguing online isn't my cup of tea. However, I am getting quite distressed by everything that has been posted lately.

    Now that we are all finally getting what we've been wanting for so long (i.e. the surge of BJ opportunities), all we are doing is fighting. Every single day I read post after post about this or that argument. A few times it's gotten out of hand, and posts have been removed.

    I am a firm believer that everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I just don't get why on this site we can't "agree to disagree". It seems like most of the registered members have taken sides in this, and it's turning into a war. I have to admit that my opinions fall more in line with one side vs. the other, but I'm not interesting in joining the fight, and at the moment if you post an opinion you are effectively enlisting yourself.

    I remember the good ol' days of harmless back and forth banter. These days I wonder if some people haven't gone insane when I read posts. Turn it down a notch. It's been said in a few posts by different members, and I think it's a fine idea.

    Now more than ever we should be celebrating our good fortune with eachother that BJ is finally taking off.
  2. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Well said Cherub44

    I have along with Hollywood asked for it to stop/mend fences/turn it down a notch along with other suggestions as to look at the overall picture but it seem to fall on deaf ears. They continue to stir the pot and at times report inaccurate stuff about player ranking systems and number of players per table advancing in Aruba.Even go as far as saying that Team UBT should not be in the player ranking system that I remind you is open to all.Well its suppose to be but some think other wise

    Anthony Curtis, Kenny Smith, Hollywood and myself took the time to try to report every thing that was going on in Aruba and at times even reporting the actual hands and what do we get from a small group of renegades nothing but addition grief.It was very frustrating for all of us staying up to 3am to send our reports in,trying to keep the members up to date on the happenings in Aruba.Then to wake up to fires that needed to be put out because of false reporting.It just wasn't fair to all of us that were there.

    When Saturday came I finally was able to sleep and did for 16 straight hours. It would have been longer but I was pulled out of bed to go Jet Skiing. It was a lot of pressure playing every day and for so much on the line.

    I tip my hat to all my fellow brothers and sisters that were there for the Aruba trip it will always be a fond memory in my tournament career

    I even have all the hands from both Final Tables that I will be turning over to Ken Smith so he can share them with the whole community that visits here.

    Recording the hands in 90 degree heat and having it for the TV production crew to avoid any mis pays or disputes was another pressure cooker but i was glad to be a part of it as it was a WEEK TO REMEMBER


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