What is TBT ?

Discussion in 'Blackjack Tournament Strategy' started by zweeky, Nov 29, 2006.

  1. zweeky

    zweeky Member


    I've just read the "What's going on..." post in the announcement forum and I could not find what TBT is.

    Thanks in advance.
  2. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

  3. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Quick breakdown of the TBT

    This is actually posted on another thread, but I fiquired it would be easier to just copy and paste it on this thread for you.

    The reason I am trying to start up the TBT is to offer tournament BJ players an open venue with a affordable entry fee and more strategy is required and less of the luck factor.

    Below are some of the TBJPA format and worldwide rules I am trying to get started. Maybe you'll see way I think the TBT will be the best BJ tour around (once we get started, hopefully you'll agree).

    1. Minimum 2 players advance from every table (it may add an extra round, but I believe it is worth it). In most every tournament your going to have a player that catches all the cards, with two advancing you can still use strategy vs. having to chase just BR1.

    2. No more than 6 players at any table.

    3. 3 to 2 BJ

    4. Ace's only split once

    5. 3 splits only

    6. DD any first two cards, and after splits

    7. Deal and bets rotate after every hand

    8. All DD card dealt up (eliminates any mis-deals)

    9. $500 starting bankroll, $5 min. bet, $200 max. bet per hand. Eliminates those last hands all in BJ comebacks.

    10. Surrender offered

    11. 36 hands played per round (in most locations anyway). The more hands played are always an advantage for a seasoned player over luck.

    12. No early elimination hands, you get to play until the end (unless you bust out early). To many times players start out slow, but rally to come back to win or at least advance to the next round.

    13. Players count cards will be posted on the table for all to see. With five hands remaining, all players still remaining on each table will have their chips counted and posted on the card and posted on the table (old New Frontier tournament style).

    14. Chips must stay on the table in plan view and stacked by color (value), but no limit to how many chips maybe stacked. Chip count is part of the game and should be included in any tournament.

    15. Prize pool paid out to the top 18 players for the monthly events and top 36 for the championship event. I believe more players should cash in these events (similar to poker) the more players who cash out means they can afford to play in more of our events.

    16. The TBT will try it's best to schedule it's tournaments along with other tournaments so when traveling, players will have the opportunity to play in more than the one event.

    17. Whenever a host property allows the TBT will host satellites tournaments for chances to win a cheaper entry into the main event.

    18. With the TBJPA ranking system it will work on the percentage how you advance in the events you play in. Only 3 events will be required to qualify any player for one of the top three ends of the year prizes. I believe this will be the fairest way to judge who the top players are. An accumulation of points is more who can play in the most tournaments not who is the better players.

    Now there were some questions about some of the fees involved with the TBT. Let me explain why they are there.

    The $30 casino fee is "Good Faith" money to the casino so that they will allow us a chance to show them that we do have players who are willing to come play in BJ tournaments if given the chance. If they open these tournaments for all and allow us the use of they casino for these events, I think that is more that fair to cover their expenses. Plus this fee is just for the first year; if we show them we have the following to come play in these events there won't be a fee the 2nd season of TBT. Hell if we have a good showing they may even add the fee back into the prize pool (I am not guaranteeing anything, but it would just be good business).

    Now for the TBJPA $40 fee, first off this is a business, my business and a fee must be charged to cover expenses. Now I will not EVER be playing in a TBT event, it just doesn't look good playing in any tournament that you are involved in, (no win situation).

    Also remember two things:

    1) The $40 fee is only changed for the months you play in a TBT tournament.

    2) For each $40 fee you pay in you'll get a $50 discount off the championship entry fee. So for each fee you pay in, you'll be making $10 at the end of the season.

    I can't think of a fairer way to handle the necessary fees needed to operate the TBJPA and get the casinos to host the TBT events. If anyone has any other helpful suggestion, please let me know. I am always open for suggestions on improving and making the TBJPA and TBT better.

    Ken is correct, I am not posting any starting dates until I have the casinos signed and schedules set (for most of teh dates anyway). Besides trying to get casinos to work with us I am trying to schedule the event with other tournament in teh same city so players can attend more than just our events. As soon as I get it set up I'll post the schedule.
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2006

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