What should I bet?

Discussion in 'Blackjack Tournament Strategy' started by darklord, Apr 5, 2006.

  1. darklord

    darklord New Member

    four players remaining and 2 advance. max: 500 min:10

    On the last hand I have the lead of over 500 over all three players. So what I did was that I bet $45, so if all three players win their max bet, I will still advance with a very small lead of $10. The only way I lose is that if they get a blackjack or double down and win. Was it a good bet, or should I corrolate their bets? What happend was that I didn't advance because one player gets a blackjack with a max bet out and one splits his twenty with a max bet and win.
  2. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    From your description, I'll assume you lead BR2 by $555.

    I know that if only one player advances, the correct play is to cover their double downs. That is, bet something between $450 and $500.

    Now, with two advancing, it's not quite as clear cut, but I believe the larger bet is still preferable to the smaller bet. Having two out of three opponents win a blackjack or double is still a significant risk. You should also play your hand in a way that correlates with their outcome. For example, with the large bet out, if they double ahead of you and are stiff, you should not hit a busting hand.

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