What would be a good sponsership...

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by freddiesun, Jun 7, 2008.

  1. freddiesun

    freddiesun New Member

    amount, for t-shirt or hat advertisement at the finals, if any of us get there? Are any casinos or sites (including this) willing to pay for televised advertisement?

    my question is for the split.
  2. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Don't count on it

    Good luck with wearing anything like that in the Split at Winstar. I wore a shirt with the logo of a good friend's small one-location bowling pro shop on it, and was told (politely but in no uncertain terms) that I needed another shirt pronto.

    I am curious to see anyone's answers to Freddiesun's question for other events, though.
  3. The Landlord

    The Landlord New Member


    They even covered up the polo player on one of the guys shirts at my final table!
  4. BABJ

    BABJ Member

    I played a televised poker tournament a couple of years back...Mansion pokerdome.Absolutely no advertising was allowed on apparel.
  5. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member


    Why would they have that no logo policy? What could be their objection to a player wearing a polo logo, much less wearing a sponsor's cap or even a Green Bay Packers logo?
  6. tgun

    tgun Member

    no sponsering!

    Hey Landlord, does that mean you had to peel the label off of you beer bottle?

  7. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    It has everything to do with the TV cameras and being in the spotlight.
    They don't want anyone getting free TV advertising exposure.
    Obviously there is value in logo wear on TV or the big poker stars wouldn't be plastered up like billboards.

  8. The Landlord

    The Landlord New Member

    beer logo


    As a matter of fact, they would of made me peel the label from my beer, however, it was in a can!! lol.

    One of the producers brought me a clear plastic cup, poured my beer in it, and told me to let them know when I was ready for another one.
  9. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member

    Logos and Sponsorship

    Freddiesun makes an interesting point about television and indirect sponsorship regarding logos on t-shirts and hats etc.

    Have a look at the massive row between the BBC television company and the snooker players on the British circuit. The BBC is not allowed to advertise in anyway as it is funded by a government license fee. The link below will explain.


    The BBC have now secured the rights to broadcast formula 1 car racing next year at a cost of multi- millions in pounds. Can anyone really see those cars tearing around the tracks all over the world painted in white and not sporting the Ferrari or McLaren logos and all the other sponsorship deals? I don’t think so as it is complete nonsense and really does make you think what the snooker players are up against.

    Back to Blackjack Tournaments and not being able wearing a logo for television purposes. I am on holiday this week and went into town to by a decent shirt. All I can say that every single shirt that I looked at had a print or stitched in logo from some kind of Fashion Company. How you are supposed to appear dressed in a nice shirt for a television Blackjack Tournament without sporting some kind of trademark is complete beyond me?

    As I speak I am wearing Calvin Klien underpants with a full on logo so let’s not go there.

    Andy ;)
  10. London Colin

    London Colin Top Member

    On televised poker or even sports event, you sometimes see players with tape covering logos that were presumably deemed unacceptable at the last minute. In some cases I think it's allowed so long as you're not promoting a competitor of one of the sponsors.

    Restrictions like this can even reach out into the crowds at major sporting events. If Coke sponsors the event you may find stewards snatching cans of Pepsi from spectators' hands, and vice versa! :eek: Those paying a small fortune to be official sponsors are wary of 'ambush marketing', where a rival steals their thunder by just sending lots of people along wearing their logo on their shirts, etc.

    Here's link concerning the 2002 cricket world cup -
    Or how about the 2006 FIFA World Cup -
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2008

    BJMAILMAN Member


    After looking at the pictures from the Winstar tournaments. I see a lot of logos on hats and shirts, even Rick advertising his TBJPA. Is the ban only for the final table ? Aren't they filming the earlier tables also ?
  12. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Final table and the weekend

    BJmailman, the "NO LOGO" is not just for the final table, but also for the 6 finalist during the weekend activities. They are not worried about the earlier rounds (players having logos) only the final where the cameras will be holding on the players longer.

    The TBJPA isn't advertising, I just have several players that believe in our format and rules, but most of all they just like our logo wear.
  13. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member


    Freddiesun, the last tournament I played in being filmed where the production company allowed any type of logos to be filmed (without some form of payment) was the LV Hilton Million Dollar Tournament.

    At the LVH event there actually was a internet sponsor paying $3,000 each to several players to wear their logo shirts and caps at the final event. As it ended up the casino stopped the players from wearing the logo wear because one of the other players complained that it wasn't fair for other players to collect sponsorship.

    Funny part of the story was the player complaning was trying to get sponsorship and had no problem with sponsorship until they turned them down.

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