What would you do?

Discussion in 'Blackjack Tournament Strategy' started by TXtourplayer, Jul 29, 2004.

  1. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    This question is from the Hollywood (Shreveport, LA) weekly $20 mini tournament.

    Rules are:
    $10 minimum to $5,000 maximum bets.
    Bets rotate.
    Hands always start dealing at first base.


    Your player # 3, you have the lead, fifth to bet and second to play. It is the last hand in the semifinals and only one advances to the finals. What would you have bet for your original bet for position # 3 and how would you of played it out?

    Remember very few of the players have any tournament experience, only players # 1 and #3 had played before.

    Bets in order they were made
    Seat & Bankroll…………..Bet……………..left behind

    I was told player #3 assumed #4 would bet all in since he had not played before and that is why he didn’t go all in.

    Here are the hands and order they were played: Only #1 results will only be shown for hand #1 so you can deside what you would do in player #3 position.


    #1…K-5 hits 6 for 21

    Dealers up card:..4

    Continue after you made your play.
    Out come of final hand:


    Dealers up card:..4 turned a 3, hit a 2 and 10 for 19.

    Player #3 thought was that for him to win the hand the dealer had to bust, but with player #7 behind him and with a bigger bet that would over take him, then he had to DD on his hand (hard 13) for any chance of winning.

    What do you think? How would you have played it?
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2004
  2. toonces

    toonces Member

    Best bet, IMO is 1000. I would not count on a newbie going all in when everyone else made reasonably big bets. Newbies very often bet the minimum here. Call it the "Bob Barker $1 bid" theory.

    As for the play, I agree with the double down. I can't see any other likely scenario where #3 wins the table.
  3. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member


    I agree toonces, I think he should have bet "All In" on his original bet and just gone for high and taken all the players out of the equation with a win. With an all in bet he could have stay on his 13 and hoped for a dealers bust.

    I liked his DD play, he had to try that, just like #1 had to hit his hard 15 (I don't understand him not DD thought) he left himself open for #3 & #7 to still beat him.

    It is a funny tournament down there, I have seen the leaders just throw the lead away on stupid plays like DD on 6-3 VS. dealers 10 (with big bets) or my favorite was everybody all in on the last hand and the dealer BLACKJACKS, they're was a five hand, six player playoff...lol.
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2004

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